Atenolol: reviews, instructions for use, contraindications, side effects, price

Atenolol is classified as a beta-blocker for selective action. Its use is very wide, since the remedy is necessary for the treatment of not only hypertension, but also other cardiac diseases. The preparation has a great importance in the prevention of myocardial infarction. Often, doctors appoint him as part of complex therapy for problems with the thyroid gland, panic attacks, uncontrollable emotional arousal.

Currently, the drug is obsolete, as it provokes quite a lot of side effects. His appointment is mandatory only the doctor. This article is devoted to the consideration of indications and contraindications, instructions for the use of tablets Atenolol, its price, analogues and reviews of doctors and patients about it.

Features of the drug Atenolol

Treatment with this medication is carried out under close monitoring by the doctor. In most cases, control of blood sugar, blood pressure and heart rate is required. When monitoring the condition, special attention is paid to the symptoms that signal the onset of the development of heart failure.

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When interacting with some drugs anesthesia and antiarrhythmic block is most likely the appearance of cardiodepressive effects. The risk of arrhythmia, heart failure, hypotension and other similar problems increases at times.

Dosages are carefully selected for patients whose work requires concentration of attention( including transport drivers). It is strictly forbidden to combine therapy with Atenolol with the intake of alcoholic beverages. When performing an operation, it is absolutely necessary to cancel it or replace it with another suitable means.

You can not abruptly stop treatment, you need a gradual dose reduction for 14 days. Some categories of patients( for example, with IHD) are under close supervision.

Composition of

25 mg, 50 mg or 100 mg of atenolol in 1 tablet.

Dosage forms

The drug Atenolol is available in tablet form from 14 to 100 pieces in one package. The average price of the drug is relatively small and is usually 30-50 rubles.


for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease are advised our readers drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

Pharmacological action

Hypotensive, preventing arrhythmia, antianginal. The mechanism of action of Atenolol is discussed below.


The first day after use, there is a general reactive increase in vascular resistance, as the fraction of cardiac output decreases. Over the next few days, the effect gradually decreases.

  • The antianginal effect is manifested as a result of a decrease in the need for myocardium in oxygen. This is due to lowering heart rate, lowering the sensitivity of the myocardium, as well as reducing the contractility. In patients with chronic heart failure, the agent is capable of provoking the opposite effect, increasing the need for oxygen in the myocardium.
  • The activity of the renin-angiotensin system decreases, and cardiac output decreases, which leads to an antihypertensive effect. Shock and minute volumes become less, like blood pressure. The hypotensive effect of taking the drug remains for another 24 hours after admission.
  • Due to the antiarrhythmic effect, the drug suppresses the development of sinus tachycardia, eliminates arrhythmogenic foci in the conduction system of the heart muscle. Chronotropic negative effect occurs within an hour and has a duration of 24 hours. Peak exposure is noted after 2-4 hours from the beginning of admission.

Pharmacokinetics of

Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract quickly, but not completely, only by 50-60%.The drug has low solubility in fats and the same low bioavailability( 40-50%).Achieving the maximum level of funds in the blood occurs in 2-4 hours. Atenolol is able to penetrate into breast milk, as well as through the placenta.

In the liver is practically not metabolized, 85-100% of the drug is excreted through the kidneys in unchanged form. The elimination half-life is 9 hours.



  • heart rhythm disorder of different genesis,
  • hyperthyroidism,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • ischemic heart disease,
  • agitation,
  • neurocirculatory dystonia,
  • tremor is senile and essential,
  • mitral valve prolapse,
  • angina.


Atenolol is used to prevent diseases such as:

  1. atrial tachyarrhythmia,
  2. myocardial infarction,
  3. migraine,
  4. atrial paroxysmal tachycardia and sinus tachycardia,
  5. atrial flutter,
  6. extrasystole,
  7. ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia.

Atenolol is preferably not used during pregnancy, as it can adversely affect the fetus. In particular, the child manifests such problems as bradycardia, hypoglycemia, growth retardation.

Administration of the drug is possible, but only under medical supervision and with a serious need, when the beneficial effect is expressed more side effects. Because of poor knowledge, the drug is not prescribed in childhood, because the consequences of its influence on the undeveloped organism are unknown.

Instruction for use

It is taken before meals, it is impossible to chew the tablet. The appointment of the medicine is done by a doctor who chooses the appropriate dosage. Angina pectoris .50 mg / day is the initial dose. If the therapeutic effect is small, the dosage is doubled. A special correction is required if the patient is elderly or has diseases that worsen the excretory function of the kidneys. If there is kidney failure, therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, selecting an individual dose.

  • Arterial hypertension .One-time take 50 mg at the beginning of treatment. Therapeutic course continues for 2 weeks, after which it is necessary to make an analysis of the effectiveness of the remedy. If necessary, increase the dose to 100 mg, but sometimes leave unchanged. Taking more than this amount of mg is not recommended, since the risk of side effects is significantly increased, and the therapeutic effect remains the same.
  • With rhythm disturbances and Ids , it is required to drink a tablet of 50 mg per day.
  • For elderly people, therapy is started with 25 mg / day. When controlling heart rate and arterial pressure, adjust the dose and increase it if necessary.


    • severe bradycardia( heart beats less than 40 per minute),
    • hypersensitivity,
    • arterial hypotension,
    • lactation,
    • cardiogenic shock,
    • reception of MAO inhibitors,
    • cardiomegaly,
    • angina of princemetal,
    • AV blockade,
    • heart failure in acuteor decompensated form.

    Side effects of

    When taking Atenolol, the following side effects are possible:

    • Digestive system: changes in taste, nausea, stomach pain, stool problems, vomiting.
    • Sensory organs: decreased secretion of tear fluid, conjunctivitis, vision problems, tenderness of the eyes and dryness.
    • Nervous system: deterioration of concentration and reaction rate, convulsions, sleep problems, paresthesia in the extremities, myasthenia gravis, hallucinations, brief memory loss time, anxiety, weakness, headache, confusion, asthenia.
    • Respiratory system: difficulty breathing( this symptom occurs usually at high doses of the drug), nasal congestion. Bronchospasm and laryngospasm occur in predisposed patients.
    • Endocrine system: hypoglycemia( with insulin administration) and hyperglycemia in the presence of insulin-independent diabetes. Hypothyroidism.
    • Allergic reactions: rash, hives, itching sensation.
    • Cardiovascular system: orthostatic hypertension, chronic heart failure, bradycardia, AV block( sometimes very serious, which can provoke cardiac arrest).There may be a weak contractility of the myocardium, a violation of its conductivity, a strong palpitation, angiospasm, arrhythmia, chest pain, vasculitis.
    • Laboratory indicators: leukopenia, hyperbilirubinemia, agranulocytosis, thrombocytopenia, increased activity of "liver" enzymes.
    • On the skin of , rashes similar to psoriasis may appear, and if it has existed earlier, its symptoms become worse. Alopecia( reversible), hyperemia appears, sweating increases.
    • Other side effects of include withdrawal syndrome, arthralgia, back pain and lowering of libido.

    The severity and incidence of side effects is directly related to the dose.


    Symptomatic of overdose is severe. It may begin atrioventricular block, collapse, bronchospasm, shock, bradycardia, hypotension, hypoglycemia, respiratory failure.

    • To prevent dangerous consequences, immediate measures are taken: rinsing and taking absorbents, and then prescribing symptomatic therapy. This may require drugs orciprenaline, diuretics, atropine, glucagon, cardiac glycosides and vasopressor drugs.
    • In severe cases, the pacemaker is being installed, dialysis.
    • In the development of hypoglycemia, in addition to the measures being taken, intravenous glucose administration is prescribed.

    Special instructions

    With special care, prescribe the use of Atenolol in groups of patients suffering from a number of diseases such as:

    1. psoriasis;
    2. obstructive pulmonary disease, including chronic;
    3. hepatic impairment;
    4. diabetes mellitus;
    5. chronic heart failure;
    6. myasthenia gravis;
    7. hypoglycaemia;
    8. peripheral vascular disease( obliterans);
    9. depression;
    10. pregnancy.

    Special care is required for elderly patients, as well as for people who have a history of allergic reactions.


    There are a lot of reviews about the drug, and not all of them are good. However, dissatisfaction with Atenolol usually comes down to the fact that the patient has side effects, which means only that the drug is not suitable for a person due to individual characteristics.

    In favorable responses, not only the availability of the remedy, but also the fact that the drug for many years does not lose its properties, helping to cope with the disease. The most important rule is the strict adherence to the recommendations of doctors. In this case, the appearance of side effects is unlikely.


    • Athenolene,
    • Athenobene,
    • Tenormin,
    • Betacard,
    • Athenol,
    • Ormidol,
    • Velorin 100,
    • Athenosan,
    • Prinorm,
    • Vero Atenolol,
    • Cinar.
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