Symptoms and treatment of cysts in adults and children

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1 Medical indications

The causes of the appearance of cyst in infants are associated with congenital disorders of the development of the central nervous system and trauma after childbirth. In infants, the signs of this pathology appear against the background of insufficient cerebral circulation, which leads to necrosis of the nervous tissue. For additional reasons for the development of cysts in the brain in the child include meningitis and encephalitis.

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The above causes lead to degeneration and compression of the tissue of the GM, its necrosis, the formation of a cavity with fluid, a delay in growth and development of children. For each type of GM cyst, the symptoms and treatment are characteristic. Specialists distinguish arachnoid, subependimal and vascular cysts.

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The arachnoid cyst in children represents a cavity of various shapes and parameters that can form in any department of the GM.The causes of its appearance include inflammation, trauma or hemorrhage. In such a cyst of the brain symptoms are rapid. This leads to severe consequences.

The sub-ependymal cyst belongs to the dangerous forms of the pathology under consideration. When it is diagnosed, the child is under constant observation. MRI is used to examine children with this diagnosis. With the help of resonant tomography the doctor reveals an increase in the parameters of the cyst. It develops against the background of insufficient cerebral circulation in the area of ​​the ventricles. The consequences of such a clinic are presented in the form of severe tissue necrosis and ischemia. After herpes, a congenital cyst develops. If the pathology in question is detected during pregnancy, then the prognosis for the baby is favorable. Otherwise, severe consequences may occur.

2 Dynamics of the

clinic The doctor can detect:

  • colloidal cyst - is formed in the womb and remains for life. Such formation can block the outflow of the cerebrospinal fluid. It flows without symptoms. For diagnosis, MRI is indicated;
  • pineal cyst - in the absence of treatment, hydrocephalus, encephalitis is diagnosed. A child or an adult may lose sight;
  • dermoid cyst - is formed in utero and can not be resorbed. Such education brings great discomfort. The bubble rapidly increases in size, squeezing the structure of the GM.The dermoid cyst is treated by the surgical method.

Cyst of the brain in children and adults is not an oncological disease. Its dimensions are monitored by doctors using CT or MRI.If, during a second examination, the doctor revealed a growth of the cavity, then the cause of the disease is not eliminated. Factors provoking an increase in the arachnoidal cavity:

  • growth of fluid pressure inside the cyst;
  • concomitant inflammation of the membranes of the brain;
  • concussion in children with a previously identified cyst.

Reasons for the appearance of a new or growth of an existing cyst:

  • a new focus of the micro-stroke
  • the presence of an infectious or autoimmune process that destroys the substance of GM.

3 Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms and treatment depend on the location of the problem site in the GM.If the formation is found in the occiput, then the visual center is damaged. Children have different vision problems:

  • is double-vision;
  • reduced acuity;
  • "fog" before the eyes.

If the cyst of the brain is detected in the tissues of the cerebellum, then the children are disturbed by gait and coordination of movements, disturbed by migraine and dizziness. When forming a cyst near the pituitary gland, problems arise in the endocrine system.

To the additional symptoms of the disease in question, experts consider paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, hearing problems, convulsions. With an increase in the size of the cyst, intracranial pressure rises due to the constant size of the skull box and the increase in the amount of tissue. Consequences of VD:

  • a feeling of pulsation and bursting in the head;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • drowsiness;
  • in newborn infants does not overgrow the fontanel.

4 Diagnosis methods

Cyst of the brain in newborns is diagnosed by neurosonography. Indications for this study:


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  • severe pregnancy;
  • difficult delivery;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • little weight of a born baby.

In the latter case, ultrasound is necessary for intensive care. With the help of MRI and CT, the doctor determines the exact location of the problem cavity. Ultrasound helps doctors identify cysts in children up to a year because the fontanel is not closed.

If a specialist has identified a vascular plexus cyst, then treatment will not be required. Such an education disappears on its own. The cyst does not affect the development of children and the performance of the GM.The doctor must establish the exact cause that triggered the infectious process. After 2-5 months, a repeated ultrasound is shown.

With the sub-ependymal cyst, the GM tissues are independently returned to normal, only a timely examination is necessary. For this, an MRI or CT scan is indicated. If, in subsequent examinations, the physician detected an increase in the cyst, then the consequences may be as follows:

  • changing the location and squeezing the tissue;
  • convulsive seizures;
  • hemorrhagic stroke.
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5 Therapeutic therapy

To get rid of the arachnoid cavity radical treatment of the brain is shown. The child should be examined by a neuropathologist. Previously, he chooses the method of surgical intervention:

  1. Endoscopy.
  2. Micronuysurgery.
  3. Bypass.

Surgical treatment of children's cysts involves the use of radical and palliative methods. Radical methods include trepanation of the skull and subsequent complete removal of the problem cavity. The operation can be accompanied by traumatic conditions.

From palliative methods, the following is often used:

  • endoscopy - the contents are removed by an endoscope. Preliminary the doctor makes punctures. This technique is considered to be the most safe and less traumatic;
  • bypass - liquid is removed by the bypass system. To the minuses of such an operation, experts attribute the possibility of infection due to a prolonged stay of the system in the GM, partial removal of the formation, removal of only the liquid.

The above methods are more commonly used for adults than for children. Prevention of the pathology under consideration is necessarily taking into account all causes and factors contributing to its development. It is impossible to establish the exact cause of cysts in pregnant women. This is due to the lack of the possibility of sampling material for genetic research. There are no specific preventive measures, only cysts of the brain are treated.

Future moms should beware of any inflammatory process and intoxication. Kids need to be surrounded with care and love. When developing the above symptoms, it is recommended to consult a neurologist. Parents should not ignore the child's complaints about malaise and pain in different parts of the body. In case of relapse, an extensive consultation of various specialists will be required.

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