Immunomodulator Likopid: instructions for use, price, reviews of immunologists, analogues of the drug, photo

Against the backdrop of low immunity, the body is often exposed to various infectious and viral pathologies. In the complex treatment of such diseases and all sorts of secondary immunodeficiency conditions, immunomodulators are usually prescribed.

The drug of this group of the newest generation is Likopid, which has a fairly wide range of applications.

Composition, Form, Packing

The active component of Lycopida is GMDP( glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide).Auxiliary components of the drug are: sucrose and methylcellulose, potato starch, calcium stearate and lactose.

Picture( picture) of drugs Likopid 1 mg

Likopid tablets are white in color and have a characteristic flat-cylindrical shape. Although Lycopid 1 mg and Lycopid 10 mg have one active substance, but only in different amounts, these are still several different drugs that differ in the rules and features of use.

For example, a drug in a dosage of 1 mg is used not only for preventive purposes, but also in pediatrics for the treatment of children, whereas tablets with a dosage of 10 mg are administered exclusively to the adult population.

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The tablets are packed in 10-pack each. The pack contains 1 or 2 such cellular packs, i.e. 10 or 20 tablets.


Likopid refers to preparations of domestic Russian production and manufactured by ZAO Peptec.

Indications for use

Likopid is used in patients of any age, but there are some features.

Adult patients are prescribed 10 mg and 1 mg tablets in such cases as:

  • Infectious pulmonary lesion of chronic form;
  • Human papillomavirus;
  • Herpesvirus infection;
  • Hepatitis of a viral origin, type C and B;
  • Soft-tissue and skin pathologies of a purulent-inflammatory nature, including purulent-septic processes after operations;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Psoriasis.

Children Lykopid is prescribed only in a dosage of 1 mg in the presence of pathologies such as:

  • Hepatitis of a viral nature type B or C;Purulent-inflammatory soft-tissue and skin lesions of acute or chronic course;
  • Herpes virus infections with any location;
  • Chronic infection of the respiratory tract in remission or acute stages.


Likopid contraindicated:

  • In the presence of fever or hyperthermia above 38 ° C, as well as in diseases accompanied by these manifestations;
  • With individual hypersensitivity to the drug and its constituents;
  • With exacerbated thyroiditis of autoimmune origin;
  • To lactating and pregnant patients.

Pharmacological action

Likopid is an effective immunomodulator of the latest generation.

When it penetrates into the blood, then processes are started that are identical to immunoregulation, which is normally activated after the entry of bacterial or viral agents into the body.

GMDP binds to immune receptors, triggering a number of specific reactions, such as active production of substances such as:

  • Key cytokines;
  • Gamma interferons;
  • Colony-stimulating factors.

Glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide is non-alien for our body, which almost daily meets this substance, resisting microbial attacks.

In the pharmaceutical market, the number of drugs that can boast such naturalness is small enough.

In addition, the drug has passed many tests, its mechanism of action is thoroughly studied, therefore it is safe and quite predictable. Therefore, the drug is recommended to strengthen children's immunity and treatment of a fragile organism.

Tests of Lycopida showed its absolute nontoxicity, absence of embryotoxic, teratogenic effects and chromosomal mutations. This is why Likopid is freely used in pediatrics, with a dosage of 1 mg was created specifically for the treatment of children of childhood.

Instructions for use Likopida: dosage

The drug in any dosage should be taken sublingually or inside half an hour before meals on an empty stomach. The pill must be swallowed whole without damaging its integrity.

The drug should be taken every day at the same time.

If it so happened that you did not have time to take the pill in time, after being late for less than 12 hours, you can drink the missed dose.

If, after the appointment, more than 12 hours have passed, then the next tablet should be taken at the appointed time, and the missed dose is no longer taken. In addition, you do not need to take a double dosage because of a pass.

1 mg

Admission rules for children and adults are somewhat different.

This immunomodulator is prescribed for breast ailments with prolonged infections, including pneumonia, bronchitis, enterocolitis, postoperative sepsis and other complications in a dosage of 1/2 tablet twice a day. Duration of admission is 1-1.5 weeks.

For children older than the drug Likopid in a dosage of 1 mg should be taken:

  • For herpetic infection - 1 pill three times a day, the course - 10 days.
  • For infectious diseases of the respiratory tract of chronic course - a tablet sublingually once a day - 10 days, all you need to go through 3 courses with a 20-day break.
  • When purulent inflammatory processes on the skin and in the soft tissue structures - once a day sublingually for one pill, the course is 10 days.

Adult patients drug at a dosage of 1 mg is shown as follows:

  • Herpesviral lesions of any location - three times a day for 2 pills, duration of therapy - 10 days;
  • Lesions of soft tissues and skin structures of purulent-inflammatory nature - twice-three times a day for 2 tablets, course - 10 days;
  • Infectious lesions of respiratory structures of chronic course - 2 tablets daily for a 10-day course;
  • For prophylactic purposes, 1 mg of Lycopida tablets are taken three times a day by a single pill with a 10-day course.

10 mg

Immunomodulator Likopid in a dosage of 10 mg is prescribed only to adult patients. And elderly people should take it at half the tablets, if there are no adverse reactions, then you can go to the full dosage.

  • With STIs like chronic trichomoniasis or HPV - 1 tablet once a day with a 10-day course.
  • For psoriasis - one or two pills daily for a 10-day course, then five doses at intervals of 1 day. In severe psoriaticheskoy form( including arthritis) shows the reception of one pill twice a day, the course of therapy - 20 days.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis - daily by tablet, course - 10 days.
  • Herpesvirus infection - once a day on the pill, the course - 6 days. If the treatment is aimed at eliminating the ophthalmoherpes, then take the pill twice a day for a 3-day course, then 3 days rest, then repeat the course.
  • Skin and soft tissue lesions of purulent-inflammatory nature - daily on a tablet 10-day course.

Side effects of

Frequent adverse reactions to the use of the drug doctors believe the occurrence of joint and muscle pain, short-term subfebrile condition, etc. Most often, similar reactions are observed at higher dosages of the drug 20 mg or more.

Much less common adverse reactions manifest hyperthermia over 38 ° C.To eliminate febrile temperature, you can take an antipyretic medication, which will not reduce the effectiveness of Lycopida. In isolated cases( less than 0.01%) patients are concerned about diarrhea.


No overdose has been reported during drug trials. But if you theoretically proceed from the pharmacological action of Lycopida, then if the dosage is disturbed, subfebrile hyperthermia may occur( max 37.9 ° C).

The treatment has a symptomatic orientation and sorbent intake. No antidotes were found.

Special instructions

  • With special care Lycopid is prescribed for elderly patients, and the reception is controlled by a physician.
  • The drug does not affect the reaction rate in any way, therefore it can be taken by patients managing complex mechanisms and a car.
  • Lycopid contains lactose and sucrose, these factors should be considered when prescribing to patients with lactose intolerance and diabetes.
  • At the beginning of therapy with a drug with a dosage of 10 mg, the aggravation of latent-flowing and chronic pathologies is likely, which is caused by the pharmacology of the drug.

Drug Interaction

  • Likopid is able to increase the effectiveness of antimicrobial drugs, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins and penicillins of semisynthetic origin.
  • With respect to antifungal and antiviral drugs, Lycopida shows a synergy, i.e., acts together and enhances the effect.
  • When combined with sorbents or antacids, the bioavailability of Lycopida is significantly reduced.
  • Preparations of the group of glucocorticosteroids have a detrimental effect on the effectiveness of the immunomodulator.

Alcohol compatibility

The instructions do not contain information about the combination with alcohol. However, healthy patients are not prescribed a drug, and in the presence of immunodeficiency, alcohol consumption is contraindicated.

Of course, one-time consumption of a small portion of alcohol can not do much harm, but if a patient consumes hot drinks throughout the course of treatment, the immunomodulating effect of the drug is completely neutralized.

Reviews of immunologists

Most of the specialists in the immunological field are extremely positive about the use of the drug in the treatment of various pathologies.

Elena Sarko, physician-immunologist:

Likopid effectively raises the immune status, especially in weak children, who are prone to frequent pneumonia, bronchitis and other complications that arise in the form of complications after common colds and acute respiratory viral infections. But taking it yourself is absolutely unacceptable, only for medical purposes and strictly in the indicated dosages.

Victor Afanasyev, dermatovenereologist:

In the complex treatment of HPV, Likopid shows very good results associated with a faster recovery and no relapse in the future. Therefore, I often appoint him with similar problems. In addition, the price is relatively affordable, unlike other immunomodulators, which is very encouraging for patients.

How much is the drug in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

The average price of Likopid in St. Petersburg and Moscow pharmacies depends on the dosage and is as follows:

  • Tablets Lycopid 1 mg 10 pcs. - 217-296 rubles;
  • Likopid 10 tablets of 10 mg - 1508-2112 rubles.


To preparations of similar action it is possible to carry:

  • Granocyte;
  • Immunomax;
  • Estifan;
  • Genfaxon;
  • Anaferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Immunor;
  • Immunal;
  • Interferon;
  • Citovir-3;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Roferon-A;
  • Echinacea;
  • Cycloferon and others

Cheap analogs

The cheapest or equivalent in cost are: Anaferon, Viferon, Immunal, some forms of Interferon, Echinacea, Cycloferon, etc.

What is better, Lycopid or Polyoxidonium?

The opinions of doctors as to which of the drugs are better are ambiguous.

If to judge by price indicators, Likopid( 1 mg) is cheaper Polyoxidonium approximately twice.

Synonyms of medication

The only synonym for the drug is Glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Lycopid 1 mg is dispensed over-the-counter, and Lycopid 10 mg requires a prescription.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Likopid can be stored for up to 5 years, but only when observing a temperature regime that does not exceed 25 ° C.For safety reasons, it is better to remove the drug from the shelves that are available to children in dark and remote places.

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