Herbs from polyps, treatment with a red brush and a golden mustache

Getting rid of benign tumors that form on the walls of the intestine can only be surgically done. But some traditional medicine helps to stop the progression of the disease. Therefore, it is not uncommon for doctors to actively include in the complex treatment some herbs from polyps. Studies have shown that curative decoctions and herbal infusions can be very useful also in the process of rehabilitation in the postoperative period.

The treatment of polyps with a golden mustache is actively used. In Altai, local residents call this herb homemade ginseng, and actively use it to treat various pathologies of the stomach and intestines. It is believed that drugs prepared on its basis, well heal wounds, relieve painful sensations, eliminate sporadic phenomena.

Scientists of the USA and Canada, having studied the composition of grass, came to the conclusion that it contains antioxidants and other active substances that inhibit the development of cancerous tumors. It is noticed that the treatment of polyps with a golden mustache brings very good results. And all due to the fact that the plant contains flavonoids and steroids that have estrogenic activity, antibacterial, antisclerotic and antitumor actions.

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Tinctures and decoctions of golden mustache from polyps

Various parts of the plant are used for the preparation of medicinal products. It is important to know which one is suitable for the treatment of each particular disease. For the treatment of polyps, alcoholic tinctures and decoctions of grass are most often used. They are prepared as follows.

To treat polyps with a golden mustache, tinctures prepared from the whole plant are often used. It is washed, cut into small parts, immersed in a container with a lid, then add a bottle of vodka.

The contents of the pot are covered with a lid, the dishes are removed to a dark place, its contents are infused for 15 days. The pot must be shaken periodically. At the end of the period, the tincture is filtered and drained into a dark bottle. You can store the medicine in the refrigerator.

For the preparation of herbal decoction, only the green parts of the golden mustache are suitable. They are cut, immersed in a dish of enamel, then from the tap pour a little water and put a saucepan with the contents on the stove. We need to heat it all up, wait for the water to boil and immediately turn off the gas. Cool, stand for 10 hours, filter, pour into a jar and store in the refrigerator. Drink the decoction better: 50 grams before meals three times a day.

Another very effective method of treating polyps with a golden mustache is also very effective. The grass is crushed and poured with vodka. Both ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the mixture is clogged and exposed in a dark place to insist for a period of weeks. Infusion is taken before each main meal for four weeks. Then a ten-day break and treatment resume again.

Red brush for polyps

A red brush is actively used to treat polyps. Decoctions and tinctures from this herb are actively used just in the recovery period after the operation to remove benign neoplasms. And all because the plant contains all the components necessary for the restoration of the body.

There is a lot of chromium in the roots of the grass, which regulates the level of sugar present in the blood, copper, involved in the production of hemoglobin, zinc, which influences the formation of the hormonal background. Cobalt, manganese, nickel, silver and molybdenum, tannins, phenols, organic acids, glycosides - all these substances take off inflammation well and activate regenerating properties. Anthocyanins produce a special therapeutic effect, destroying bacteria, fungi and viruses. The red brush for polyps is used for treatment because the herb effectively stops the development of benign and malignant formations, at the same time gives the person the ability to withstand painful conditions, to stimulate internal forces to fight the disease.

Preparing the medication for oral administration is not difficult. The root of the plant is crushed and poured with boiling water( 500 mm).Then he languishes for fifteen minutes on very slow fire, insists and takes half a glass twice a day, exactly by the hour. Take the medicine every day for a month and a half.

Other herbal remedies for polyps

As a rule, almost all herbs from polyps are very poisonous, therefore using them for preparation of infusions and broths, it is important to strictly observe the available dosage.

What Do Physicians Recommend to Cook? We list the most effective tools:

  • Prepare a collection of dry chaga, herbs and St. John's wort. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts, mixed and poured hot water. Infusion stands tall, filtered and taken 25 mm before meals for half an hour before the start of the meal. The course is accepted within two weeks.

Very effective herbs from polyps, but they can only be used after the appointment of a doctor, since many of them have contraindications.

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