Inflammation of polyps

Among gastrointestinal pathologies very often, especially in people who have crossed the 40-year mark, a tumor-like tumor such as the polyp has become diagnosed.

There is no consensus on why they might arise, but most experts are inclined to believe that the main reason for their appearance is inflammation that occurs on the walls of the digestive tract.

This statistical opinion has led to the emergence of statistical data, from which it follows that almost a third of patients with this benign pathology in the intestine or stomach had inflammatory diseases such as dysentery, ulcers, typhoid fever, enteritis in the anamnesis.

Polyps, developed against the background of these inflammations, after the drug treatment for these diseases, completely disappeared. It was this information that served as confirmation that most of the polyps of the digestive organs are inflammatory.

The most common theory that explains the occurrence and development of polyps of digestive organs is that, during the development of the embryo, an excess of embryonic material accumulates in certain organs.

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It is contained in the tissues of the digestive organs without any changes until the body does not suffer from severe inflammation. It is considered to be the impetus to the development of this tumor-like benign pathology.

Inflammation of polyps or swelling?

Polyps formed on the mucosa of the digestive organ are not referred to neoplastic formations, but to pseudotumors. According to the histological structure, these abnormal outgrowths of the mucosa arising from inflammation can be of several types:

  • Simple. Pronounced bulging out of the edematous mucosa, which has a typical respiratory epithelium. In the stroma( there are very few vessels and glands, but a large number of neutrophilic leukocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils,
  • are glandular and vascular, their names are due to the fact that the bases are represented by vessels and glands
  • The epidermoid polyp is lined with cornified squamous epithelium;
  • A cell transition is a kind of modification of a simple

All polyps that have arisen as a result of some inflammation are not true tumors, since they are allergic or infectious

If a patient with a polyp is diagnosed with any inflammation and a purulent infection and there is no allergic anamnesis, it is the infectious nature of this inflammatorypathology

Oncomorphologists of neoplasms having this character of occurrence are also very interested, even though they are not true tumors. The point here is that polyps that have arisen as a result of inflammation can either mask the presence of malignant formation, which is usually located deep in the mucosa, or, which with them happens rarely enough, to malign themselves.

Therefore, in any polyp, which is diagnosed in the patient as a result of any inflammation, the biomaterial necessary for histological examination for the malignancy of the tumor should be taken from the deepest layers of the mucosa. This is necessary in order not to miss the reincarnation of this benign pathology, resulting from infection, into a cancerous tumor.

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