Vasodilator drugs for headache

1 Therapeutic action of the medicine

The violation of blood circulation in the brain, namely spasm and narrowing of the vessels in many cases are the cause of the headache. In such cases, take vasodilator drugs for headaches. These funds, reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the vessels, in connection with which their lumen increases.

The tone of the smooth muscles, the walls of the vessels support the impulses that constantly flow to the vessels along the adrenergic fibers. Vasodilator drugs can act differently:

  • , neurotropic agents relieve vasoconstrictor impulses. In turn, they are divided into preparations of central, peripheral and reflex action.
  • myotropic vasodilators act directly on muscle fibers.

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2 Miotropic preparations

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Consider preparations that belong to the group of vasodilators:

  • Cinnarizine( Stugeron)

Provides vasodilator and spasmolytic effect, mainly affects the vessels of the brain. The course of treatment is not less than thirty days. Take as directed by a doctor.

  • Drotaverin( No-shpa)

An antispasmodic, which is quite safe and is taken to relieve the headache. Reduces the tone of smooth muscles. It dilates the blood vessels, and improves blood circulation.

  • Eufillin

Effectively improves blood circulation and oxygen supply. Lowers the tone of smooth muscles. Until now, there is no consensus on the effect of eufillina on the bloodstream of the brain. Euphyllin has a venotonic effect, and also lowers intracranial pressure.

  • Midokalm

It has a wide range of therapeutic qualities. Refers to muscle relaxants of central action. It improves peripheral circulation, while it does not have a sedative effect and does not affect the coordination of movements. Midsummer.

  • Vinpocetine( Cavinton)

Removes cerebral vasospasm, and thereby improves blood flow. This enhances brain nutrition. Apply it for the treatment of neurological disorders and in disorders of cerebral circulation. The course of treatment is from one to three months.

  • Dibazol

Has vasodilator and spasmolytic effect. It acts briefly, relaxes smooth muscles of blood vessels.

  • Papaverin

Has hypotensive, vasodilating effect. Relaxes smooth muscles of internal organs and vessels.

  • Theobromine

Provides spasmolytic and vasodilating action, and excites the nervous system.

  • Nikospan

Combination of drotaverin and nicotinic acid. Improves collateral blood flow and microcirculation, has a vasodilating effect.

  • Complamine

It combines the pharmacological properties of nicotinic acid and xanthines. The active substance is xanthinal nicotinate. Has a vasodilating property, improves coronary blood flow and cerebral circulation. The drug has a wide spectrum of action and it is prescribed in cases of cerebral circulatory insufficiency, atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke and thrombosis.

The dose of drugs and the course of treatment should be prescribed by the doctor after examination and diagnosis. Self-medication can be dangerous to health. With uncontrolled use of drugs, the headache may worsen.

The most safe drugs that can be taken with a headache without prescribing a doctor are No-shpa and Papaverin.

3 Neurotrophic drugs

The most commonly used headache is the neurotropic vasodilator fenpiverinia bromide . It is a part of combined painkillers. Basically, it is combined with metamizole sodium( analgin) and pituitary. To such preparations concern:


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Read more & gt; & gt; & gt;

  • spasmalgon;
  • is a spasm;
  • baralgetas;
  • maxigan;
  • trigan;
  • took.

If the headache continues for a long time, attacks increase, or it is accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, unconsciousness, convulsions, darkening in the eyes, you must always visit a doctor.

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