When the procedure is prescribed for MRI of the brain and vessels of the neck and interpretation of the diagnostic results

1 What can reveal the

survey This type of examination can reveal the following lesions:

  1. The onset and development of atherosclerotic phenomena on the vessels of the brain.
  2. Presence of traumas on the skull and brain and their effect on the functioning of the brain.
  3. Signs of a stroke or acute infarction.
  4. Symptomatology of infectious processes, inflamed patches on the internal structure of the brain.
  5. Neoplasms of benign and malignant nature( tumors).
  6. Aneurysms on the vessels of the brain.
  7. Various anomalies not only on the brain itself, but also on the "Turkish saddle," the pituitary gland.
  8. Malformation of vessels on brain structures.
  9. Signs of vasculitis and encephalomyelitis.
  10. Multiple sclerosis.

Although the cost of this technique is quite high, it is used because of information and accuracy. The process of carrying out the examination on the brain takes no more than 20 minutes, except for the time it takes to connect the scanner and exit it to the operating mode( 15 minutes).

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2 When doctors recommend magnetic resonance imaging

This diagnostic method is used if the patient has the following problems during the preliminary examination:

  1. Constantly develop chronic headaches.
  2. Complaints of dizziness of unknown origin.
  3. Often there are syncope, the occurrence of which increases with time.
  4. Convulsions.
  5. Loss of sensitivity.
  6. Motor functions are impaired.
  7. Severe visual impairment.
  8. Difficulties with speech functions.
  9. Violation in mental activity or memory impairment.
  10. Different types of mental damage and loss of ability to concentrate.

When diagnosing strokes, the MRI of the brain clearly shows areas affected by the disease. This method makes it possible to distinguish between ischemic and hemorrhagic types of lesions of cerebral vessels. The findings allow doctors to predict the development of the disease and determine the possibilities of treating the patient. With ischemic lesions, MRI provides an accurate estimate of the size of atherosclerotic neoplasms. All this allows you to conduct the necessary preparation for conservative or surgical intervention to rid the person of the disease.

3 Study of the neck vessels

This method of diagnosing the arteries of the cervical region allows you to obtain data on their structure, condition in the present period, to detect various pathologies. The MRI will show the following:

  1. Various tumors.
  2. Presence of vascular aneurysm.
  3. Stratification of the walls on the carotid artery.
  4. Presence of signs of thrombophlebitis.
  5. Location of vessels and venous canals, their developmental anomaly.
  6. Curvature of the structure of the carotid artery, sites of fusion of veins, the presence of vasculitis. Penetration of the tumor, developed in soft tissue structures, into the vessels.
  7. The compression of the blood arteries with the tissues of the scars in the postoperative period.

All of the above diseases can cause blood circulation disorders in the brain, which will negatively affect the health of the patient. MRI of the neck vessels makes it possible to make an accurate diagnosis.

4 Factors indicating the need for the analysis

This examination doctors recommend to pass the patient if there are the following factors:

  1. Sudden changes in blood pressure in the arteries.
  2. Frequent attacks of pain in the head.
  3. Darkening in the eyes. Memory dysfunction, insomnia.
  4. Injuries in the neck.
  5. The patient often faints or has a pre-occlusive condition.
  6. Doubling in the eyes, speech disturbance or difficulty swallowing.

The duration of the procedure is from 20 to 25 minutes. It does not require any preliminary preparation, since the contrast does not apply. Conclusion by MRI is usually given to the patient in 2-3 hours.

Compared with ultrasound or other methods of examination of veins and arteries, MRI has the following advantages:

  1. No radiation exposure to the patient's body, since a magnetic field is used. This allows you to examine a person repeatedly, even for 1 day.
  2. Diseases can be diagnosed in people who do not tolerate iodine-based contrast agents.
  3. The diagnostic result is obvious, since the 3D format is used.


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The result of MRI on the vessels of the neck depends on the speed of blood circulation. You can control both slow and fast flows. At the same time, the structure of the blood flow in the veins and various vessels is revealed, the thickness of their walls is determined, which allows obtaining such information as the diameter of the vessel, its location, wall stratification, narrowing of the lumen or its complete closure.

5 Contraindications and procedure of

This type of examination is not performed if the patient has a body weight above 135 kg. MRI is not done if a person has middle ear implants and pacemakers. If it is possible to temporarily disable the heart stimulant or there are no ferromagnetic elements in it, the MRI can be performed.

Relative contraindications:

  1. The patient has stents inside the vessels.
  2. Endoprostheses from various ferromagnetic alloys or their fragments in the arteries.
  3. Implants made of metal.
  4. Insulin pump.
  5. Nervous Stimulants.
  6. Clips for the restoration of blood circulation( with the exception of arteries on the brain).
  7. Somatic ailments in the decompression stage.
  8. 1-12 weeks of gestation.
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During the procedure, a person should lie still, otherwise you will have to do everything again. Under favorable conditions, the duration of the diagnosis does not exceed 20 minutes.

If the doctors found something and wanted to clarify the diagnosis, the procedure can last 50-60 minutes.

After this, a conclusion is drawn up, which is transmitted to the patient after about 2 hours. Then the patient goes to the attending physician, who on the basis of the obtained data will develop a strategy for the treatment of the detected disease.

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