Causes and treatment of headache and crunch in the cervical region

1 Etiology of the disease

A common cause of crunch and pain is osteochondrosis. The neck is a special part of the human body. The cervical region is characterized by a small size, but it contains a mass of blood vessels and nerves. Therefore, any problems related to the neck, should be examined by a doctor.

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As mentioned above, the cause of all troubles is osteochondrosis. It is characterized by the presence of pain, localized in the nape. When you turn the head appears a characteristic crunch. A similar clinical picture may be associated with the syndrome of the vertebral artery. This phenomenon is due to overstrain of the cervical region. At the initial stage, the pain syndrome in the neck appears after a long time in an uncomfortable position. Gradually, the pain syndrome occurs when the head turns and slopes. It is caused by improper position, by the open window or by the constant stay near the air conditioner. However, an unpleasant clinical picture can be caused by a number of diseases. Local hypothermia can affect this process. The pain is localized to the left or right of the neck, its intensity depends on the severity of the attacks.

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The main reasons for which there is pain in the head:

  • osteochondrosis, affecting the cervical region;
  • presence of injuries;Benign or malignant neoplasms;
  • muscle spasm;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • infectious lesions;
  • meningitis;
  • a long stay in an uncomfortable position.

If the neck and head hurts, the reasons for this condition can be:

  • cervical spondylosis;
  • consolidation of muscles in the neck due to incorrect posture;
  • stressful situations;
  • mental overexertion;
  • heavy mental or physical labor;
  • cervical migraine.

To determine the true cause, because of which the head hurts, it is possible by means of correct diagnosis.

2 Diagnostic measures

The reasons for the crunch when turning the head can be many. Each of them must be analyzed by a specialist without fail. The earlier the treatment is started, the faster the problem will recede.

A crunch when turning the head may be due to the hypermobility of the vertebral discs. This causes a person discomfort. However, the crunch does not affect the development of serious diseases in any way. Dissociation is more often recorded in people who engage in sports. After doing some exercises, an unpleasant symptom can disappear, eventually it appears again.

Another cause of the crunch is the excessive amount of calcium in the body. With the constant use of this element, it is able in large quantities to be deposited in tendons and ligaments. As a result of this process, the spine begins to experience increased loads.

Symptom may appear due to a violation of posture. When the back and neck muscles work, indirect elements begin to perform functions that are not characteristic of them. As a result, osteophytes or bone formations may appear.

Unco-vertebral arthrosis is another common cause of the crunch. The disease is caused by improper lifting of gravity during intense physical activity.

Children have a headache and crunches their neck because of abnormal development of connective tissue.

Actually, there are a lot of reasons for developing discomfort in the cervical department. List all of them is impossible, because sometimes crunch is an indirect symptom of another disease.

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