Treatment of internal hemorrhoids ointment Vishnevsky, heparin, Relief, which is better, how to use?

One of the unpleasant and delicate diseases a person can face is internal hemorrhoids. Determine such a presence is not difficult. The patient shows bleeding and mucous discharge.

The appearance of blood is associated with the rupture of hemorrhoids at the time of bowel movement. Solid feces permanently engage the walls of the intestine, which prevents self-healing.

In the event that the cavernous nodes are located near the anus, they fall out. In the first stages, the nodes can be returned to the site on their own, but in the future it becomes difficult.

To prevent the appearance of an ailment, it is recommended to use ointment from internal hemorrhoids.

Ointments for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids

Patients should be aware that a positive effect will be achieved only if the remedy is selected correctly. Each type of medicine for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids has its purpose and is assigned in a particular case. Most often, proctologists use the following ointments for treatment:

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  • Ointment Relief from internal hemorrhoids is one of the most effective, possessing a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. Ointment Relief is made on the basis of shark fat. After application, the probability of bleeding is reduced;
  • Heparin ointment with internal hemorrhoids, allows to cope with the inflammatory and bacterial process. The substance is capable of resolving hematomas. The advantage of a heparin preparation is that it can be given to pregnant women;
  • Ointment Vishnevsky with internal hemorrhoids is prescribed for inflammation. The product can be used in pregnancy and lactation;
  • Bezornil, consists of natural components. The remedy restores damaged tissues, copes with bacteria and microbes;
  • The Fleming agent. It is best used for pregnant women, the elderly and children. Bezornil anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and kills bacteria;
  • Levomekol is the best ointment from internal hemorrhoids. Most often, the drug will be prescribed to women after childbirth. Despite this, it can be prescribed to any patient. Due to its components, it is absolutely harmless;
  • Proctosin resists burning and pain. Appointed in severe cases;
  • Many patients do not know which ointments from internal hemorrhoids are best. To such funds can be attributed Aurobin. Unlike other drugs, its composition includes vitamins, due to which the process of recovery will be faster;
  • Sulfur Ointment. The advantage is that the drug can be purchased at any pharmacy at a low cost. It is enough to carry out the treatment within 10 days and soon the pain and discomfort will be gone;
  • Troxevasin. Assigned in the case if mucus appeared from the anus.

Advantages and disadvantages of

preparations Unlike tablets, the treatment of internal hemorrhoids with ointment is much easier. It is also good to treat children and pregnant women with such means. Unlike tablets and syrups, the drug acts only on the damaged areas of the intestine.

The drawbacks are that the instructions do not specify in detail how to apply them to the anus. In most cases, the product is applied in large doses, after which it flows out of the underwear. Of course, this is unpleasant, but there will be no harm from an overdose.

In order to avoid such problems, it is necessary to carefully apply the substance over the hemorrhoids. When treating internal hemorrhoids, the remedy can be delivered to the rectum with a tampon.

It is best to consult with specialists before buying the drug. They will help you choose the right medicines. In most cases, doctors recommend treating internal hemorrhoids with Relief.

How to use ointment for internal hemorrhoids?

At first glance, it may seem that this is done, not so simple, but in fact everything is not so. There are 2 ways of applying the drug. In the first case, the drug is applied to the hemorrhoids. This is done if the cones are near the anal opening, but periodically drop out. For treatment, just apply the substance on the surface of the anus. It should be remembered that the drug is applied only after evacuation of the intestine.

In the second case, the cavernous formations are located far from the entrance to the anal opening. With such a development of the disease, it is best to use a soft tissue swab. The substance is applied to a tampon, and then gently inserted into the rectum.

If done correctly, the patient may experience only a slight discomfort. An ointment like Relief should be used for 2 weeks.

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