Whether there are distinctions between diseases of a sinusitis and a genyantritis

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1 What is sinusitis

Sinusitis is a disease characterized by an active inflammatory process in the nasal sinuses. Scientifically, they are called sinuses, hence the name of the ailment.

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Normally in a healthy person, the nasal sinuses are filled with freely circulating air, and the cavity itself is lined with a special kind of tissue that performs the function of protecting the body. When bacteria or virus get into these tissues, they begin to produce mucus, which attracts harmful microorganisms. As a result, mucus is excreted from the body through the nasal passages, and with it pests.

Sometimes the body for various reasons can not cope with the immune function and the algorithm of working in the nasal sinuses is disrupted: there is an overabundance of mucus discharge, as a result, a person feels puffiness, there are abundant mucous discharge. In addition, blockage of the nasal sinuses may occur, as liquid accumulates inside, which is an excellent medium for the development of bacteria. Such blockage can occur due to any kind of common cold, including allergic, the appearance of small growths in the cavity( polyps) or in the case of curvature of the nasal septum, which prevents free circulation of fluid and air.

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There are 4 types of nasal sinuses in a person:

  1. Frontal sinuses are located above the eyes. With this type of inflammation is characterized by paroxysmal headache, it is possible the appearance of rubbing in the eyes.
  2. Lattices are located behind the bridge of the nose. With this type of sinusitis, the character of the headache is constant, in contrast to the inflammation of the frontal sinus. There may be purulent discharge from the nasal area.
  3. Wedge-shaped - the cavities of these sinuses are located under the brain. This kind of sinusitis is extremely rare and characterized by throbbing pain in the parietal and occipital parts of the head.
  4. Maxillary - localized inside the cheekbones. These nasal sinuses are called still gaymorovymi, hence the name of the disease caused by their inflammation - sinusitis. The pain is usually localized in the area of ​​the cheekbones, with a swelling of the cheeks, as well as tenderness in the palpation of this zone.

Thus, sinusitis can be localized in different kinds of nasal sinuses, and from where the focus of inflammation is located, the diagnosis will depend. That is, sinusitis is a particular case of sinusitis. Regardless of the species, the disease can be acute or chronic. All kinds of sinusitis, including sinusitis, usually occur in bilateral order, that is, under the focus of inflammation are both symmetrically located nasal sinuses. In this case, unlike sinusitis, which can occur in any kind of sinuses and in the course of complications will spread to other cavities, sinusitis can appear only in the maxillary and does not pass to the remaining sinuses.

In addition to the duration, there are other criteria for classifying sinusitis: the causes that caused the disease, and the severity of its course.

Calling sinusitis can various causes:

  • viral or bacterial infection;
  • allergic reaction;
  • features of the physiological structure or the resulting injury.

Another point worth mentioning here is the difference between sinusitis and other sinusitis. Due to the proximity to the oral cavity, sinusitis can be odontogenic, that is, the cause of its occurrence will hide in the infection through the oral cavity.


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Treatment of sinusitis is usually built according to their severity, severity of manifestation and localization.

2 Characteristic of sinusitis

Sinusitis is an inflammatory, strictly localized in the maxillary sinuses process.

It can flow in one of the sinuses, and in both at once, hence the separation into one-sided and two-sided. In this case, a disease that occurs only in one of the sinuses, in the absence of timely treatment can "throw" and the other maxillary sinus.

In addition to the characteristic causes of other types of sinusitis, sinusitis can be caused by infectious and bacterial processes in the oral cavity, including problems with the gums and teeth.

Among the symptoms that allow you to differentiate sinusitis from other diseases that make up the general concept of sinusitis, you can distinguish the following:

  1. Soreness in palpation of the nose and cheek area. In addition, painful sensations are observed in the cheek area when the head is lowered. Pulsating headaches and toothaches are often observed. And when the latter arise, the patients themselves make an incorrect diagnosis, suggesting that the cause of the ailment in the problem with the teeth. As a result, while a visit to the dentist is expected, which is often postponed due to fear and employment, the pain is reduced with the help of an anesthetic. As a result, the condition is only complicated with time, since the true disease does not receive the required treatment.
  2. Severe nasal congestion. Difficulty breathing as a result of accumulation of mucous masses. There may be both one and two sides, depending on the location of the inflammation focus. Allocations are usually very dense. The color can be different: from light yellow to greenish. At the same time, because of the abundant secretions that accumulate over the back wall of the larynx during sleep, a reflex cough and a swelling in the throat may appear.
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In the acute course of the disease, it is also possible to raise the temperature, the state of general weakness against the background of a decrease in the body's immune forces.

3 The difference between the pathologies of

The main difference between these two diseases is that one of them is common to the other. Sinusitis is a common name for diseases associated with inflammation in the nasal sinus. Genyantritis is a particular case of sinusitis, when inflammation occurs directly in the maxillary sinus.

In this case, sinusitis can not only localize in different sinuses, but also cover a few. If sinusitis covers all 4 types of nasal sinuses, then this kind of course of the disease is called pansinusitis. Genyantritis is localized only in the corresponding zones. However, if he is not treated properly, during the complication, the inflammation can move on to other nasal sinuses, but in this case new diseases that arise as secondary to the sinusitis will be added to the diagnosis.

As mentioned above, in addition to the typical sinusitis causes, sinusitis can be caused by odontogenic infections. This in the case of inflammation of other zones, that is, the occurrence of other subspecies of sinusitis, is excluded, since physiologically only the maxillary( maxillary) sinuses are directly connected with the oral cavity, from which the infection can leak.

In addition, a predisposition to inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, that is, to sinusitis, can be in children suffering from vasomotor rhinitis or having problems with adenoids. The fact is that in inflammation the latter, increasing in size, as well as the curved nasal septum, hinder the natural process of excretion of the mucous fluid. As a result, it accumulates in the maxillary sinuses, causing inflammation.

4 Diagnostic measures and diagnosis of

Consequences of both these diseases can be very unpleasant, and in some cases dangerous for human life, up to a lethal outcome.

It is possible to accurately diagnose and differentiate these diseases with the help of special studies: ultrasound of the maxillary sinuses, computer tomogram or X-ray. These studies allow us to determine not only the location of the sites of inflammation, but also the degree of their severity. Additional tests are prescribed in the case of a viral or bacterial nature of the disease.

After an accurate diagnosis, a complex treatment is prescribed, usually including antibiotics, topical preparations stimulating the outflow of mucous accumulations, restorative and immunostimulating drugs. In severe cases, hospitalization and surgical intervention may be necessary.

Therefore, having found out the symptoms peculiar to sinusitis in general or sinusitis in particular, it is necessary to consult with a doctor in order to start treatment in time, thus eliminating the likelihood of complication of the disease.

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