Characteristic features of posttraumatic encephalopathy of the brain and the code of the disease according to the ICD 10

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1 Etiology and pathogenesis of the disease

It is believed that a condition such as post-traumatic encephalopathy develops due to severe damage to brain cells, cerebral circulation and oxygen starvation. Post-traumatic encephalopathy is an extremely serious and serious consequence of head trauma. Typically, this complication begins to occur within 1 year after the injury. Thus, the main reason for the appearance of such a defect is a severe trauma that accompanies obvious defects of the cranial bones against which background fungal fistulas and other gross organic structural disorders of the tissues are formed. In many ways, the severity of the manifestation of posttraumatic encephalopathy depends on the location of the lesion focus, the age of the victim and the presence of a history of human vascular disease. In addition, more often post-traumatic encephalopathy develops in people who abuse alcohol. Post-traumatic encephalopathy often develops in people caught in a car accident, as well as in those who have experienced a fall from a great height.

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Due to traumatic damage, atrophic processes in the brain tissues are triggered, which causes the brain to gradually decrease in size. Dying of the brain tissue and its reduction in size leads to the fact that the vacated place is replaced by cerebrospinal fluid, that is, cerebrospinal fluid, among other things, due to these processes, squeezing of healthy cells is observed, which leads subsequently to unfavorable processes. As the human condition worsens and encephalopathy develops, localized foci of softening and cleavage of the brain tissues appear. In places where hematomas appear against the background of traumatic injury, large hollow regions filled with liquid may appear.

2 Symptoms and possible complications of

Symptomatic manifestations of posttraumatic encephalopathy are similar to many other diseases occurring with organic lesions of brain structures. This disease can occur with the manifestations of the following syndromes:

  • cephalic;
  • vestibulo-coordinating;
  • cognitive;
  • psychotic.

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Thus, in people who have experienced post-traumatic encephalopathy, there is often a decrease in cognitive abilities, memory, impaired coordination, paralysis and paresis, psychological and mental disorders, headaches, dizziness, decreased ability to work, impaired concentration, convulsive seizures, vestibular disorders, including gait changes, etc.

Often in patients with a rapid deterioration of the brain tissue, epilepsy develops with characteristicfor this disease symptoms. Some people, against the background of a disease such as post-traumatic encephalopathy, develop serious mental abnormalities, including memory dips, loss of orientation in space, speech loss, behavioral disorders, insomnia, etc.

3 degrees of severity of post-traumatic encephalopathy are distinguished:

  1. In the presence of a disease of the 1st degree of this disease, as a rule, no obvious symptoms are observed, but during an MRI, lesions of brain tissues and their structural changes can be detected.
  2. With 2 degrees of severity of post-traumatic encephalopathy, symptomatic manifestations are rather weakly expressed, and can be manifested episodically or secretly. It is at this time that neuropsychiatric disorders appear that are noticeable to others, including insomnia, irritability, memory impairment, emotionality, disability, etc.
  3. At 3 degrees of severity of encephalopathy, symptoms are very pronounced, and the patient has signs of dementia, severe nervous system disorders, ataxia, and signs of Parkinson's disease.


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3 Diagnosis and treatment actions

To confirm the diagnosis, it is very important for the doctor to study the patient's medical history in order to identify cases of moderate and severe craniocerebral trauma. Instrumental methods that allow to reveal the development of posttraumatic encephalopathy include magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography. After diagnosing a doctor, it is very important to correctly assess the degree of damage to the brain tissue and the possibility of aggravation of the patient's condition. The prognosis of the course of the disease depends on the correctness and timeliness of the treatment.

Posttraumatic encephalopathy( ICD-10 - T90.5 and G93.8) is treated with a whole set of drugs.

First of all, depending on the patient's condition, neuroprotectors are appointed, which contribute to the normalization of the state of brain tissue and prevent the deterioration of the process of their destruction. Important is the use of drugs designed to improve the blood supply and nutrition of cells with oxygen.

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In addition, medicinal products necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes can be used. For the restoration of cognitive abilities, not only medicinal preparations, but also folk remedies and physiotherapeutic procedures are often used.

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