Nutrition for chronic( hr) pancreatitis, the correct recipes of the curative menu, what to drink when treating?

After a chronic exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, a very important factor on which the next relapse of the disease depends, is the human nutrition. It is from the right diet, from which everything that excludes the amount of enzymatic secretions by the pancreas and includes all the necessary substances for normal functioning of minerals and vitamins is excluded, will be determined the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of life of people with pancreatitis of people.

Nutrition in the chronic form of this ailment during the exacerbation should be taken in divided batches every 2-3 hours. This will minimize the load on the pancreas. Often people who think what food to enter during the period of exacerbation and the beginning of the period of remission are recommended to adhere to the diet № 5П.

Adhering to this diet in the period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, you will be able to get all the essential nutrients in your daily nutrient and calorie intake. Nutrition during exacerbation should exclude digestible carbohydrates, such as sweets, jam, sugar and honey, trying to ensure that the daily norm of carbohydrates is up to 350 g. Try to reduce the number of proteins consumed to 140g, and fats to 80g. From food, all products that are able to mechanically irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, as well as all products that increase littering, are completely excluded.

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Foods should be eaten after pre-rubbing and then cooked in the oven or steamed. Drink should be abundant, not less than 2 liters of fluid per day. Do not consume more than 10 grams of

. For food with chronic pancreatitis during an exacerbation, foods such as cranberries, uncooked uncooked fruits and vegetables, legumes, rutabaga, radishes, lettuce, spinach, sorrel, cabbage, chocolate, cocoa, coffee,strong tea, mushrooms, spices, marinades, pickles, carp, catfish, sturgeon, sturgeon, caviar, sausages, canned food, smoked products, refractory fats, fried foods, duck, goose, lamb, pork, mushroom broths, fish broths, broths, alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, ice cream, Cold drinks, cold dishes, brown bread, muffin. All recipes should be at room temperature, since hot or cold food is not allowed for exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

All of the above does not mean that the recipes of meals that feed the patient should be fresh and tasteless. There are many dishes and foods, the reasonable alternation of which, when exacerbating chronic pancreatitis, will immediately achieve three goals: obtaining all the substances necessary for the body, a curative-sparing regimen for a sick organ and obtaining a tasty and healthy food.

The patient should replenish the stock of the recipes of the first courses he is guided and necessarily introduce them into the diet of his daily diet. Soups in the period of exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis are consumed only in a warm form and only on cereals and vegetable basis, with millet and cabbage completely eliminated from food for the entire period of exacerbation. The first dishes can be filled with a small amount of sour cream or butter, no more than 5g.

The second dishes can be varied with meat and fish recipes from low-fat varieties. So, you can cook such varieties of fish as carp, pike, pike perch, perch and cod in chopped or boiled form. From meat to daily meals you can include rabbit, turkey, chicken, veal and beef. All this can be prepared according to different recipes, serving rolls, soufflé, mashed potatoes, beef stroganoffs, meat balls, knals and cutlets on the table.

Exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis does not require you to consume these foods in dry food, you can fertilize dishes created by homemade recipes with sauces based on vegetable and milk decoctions. However, it is forbidden to fry the flour for sauces in oil.

In order to exacerbate chronic pancreatitis quickly passed and for a long time did not remind of itself, it is necessary to adhere to a diet in the diet, and to make the diet tasty and varied - to replenish the knowledge of culinary recipes.

Nutrition in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis

The main principle of nutrition is fractionality. And so you need to monitor not only what you need to eat, but also when you need to eat. Since the pancreas can not cope with a large amount of food, it is still necessary to limit the diet. Here's what to consider when planning the menu:

  • There are very small portions at least 6 times a day.
  • Breakfast is simply obliged to be present in the daily menu, otherwise all previous medication can go wrong.
  • Food, be it soups or second courses, can not be both hot and cold. Gentle mode - the so-called temperature of food 30 - 35 degrees physician.

It is equally important to correlate all the components of the daily diet, that is, the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should change significantly. Here's how this ratio looks for patients with chronic pancreatitis:

  • carbohydrates should be reduced to 220 - 280 g;
  • fats and do restrict to 50 g;
  • proteins - 70 - 80 g. It is important that the presence of animal proteins was significantly reduced.

Caloric content of the whole menu is about 1700 - 1900 Kcal. But this is in the first half of the diet. Further, the calorific value rises to 2,500 - 2,700 kcal, and at the same time the entire balance increases. That is, protein can be about 140, carbohydrates can be brought up to 400 grams, and fats up to 70.

Therapeutic diet menu for chronic pancreatitis

It is important to take into account the fact that all food should not irritate the stomach in any way. And therefore, whenever possible, everything that is planned to eat, should be boiled and best wiped.

  • Breakfast can consist of an omelette, cereals, milk and a small slice of white bread with butter( cream).
  • At lunch, the patient can afford a cream soup cooked on chicken broth, boiled chicken or lean beef( beef), preferably wiped to the state of a souffle, a fish that is the same boiled or steamed. As a side dish - pasta, vermicelli, noodles or mashed potatoes. In the dessert you can include baked fruit, but without the addition of sugar.
  • For dinner, boiled or baked vegetables are appropriate, a piece of chicken or fish, cooked only in a gentle way( cooking, baking without fat), cottage cheese.
  • For snacks, and they are absolutely necessary for patients with chronic pancreatitis, you can cook the same thing that was used for breakfast, lunch or dinner. But less volume.

But with any meal, remember that salt is the enemy of the patient. And so the food should be without salt.

What is allowed to drink in chronic pancreatitis?

Milk and products from it( yogurt, yogurt, etc.) are the main drinks. And also jelly, compotes( unsweetened), various broths from medicinal plants( mostly from rose hips).

Tea is just not strong and not sweet.

And in any case with chronic pancreatitis it is impossible to drink alcohol of any strength and not coffee. Shop juices should also be thrown out of their diet, they contain too many concentrates and sugars.

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