Gastric reflux duodenitis, gastritis, esophagitis - symptoms, treatment, what is it, how to treat?

Reflux duodenitis gastritis is a disease characterized by the throwing of the contents of the duodenum into the gastric cavity. In most cases, this disease is diagnosed as a syndrome that accompanies most other diseases of the digestive system, such as chronic gastritis, esophagitis or peptic ulcer. And only in 30% of episodes specialists diagnosed duodenitis gastric reflux, as an independent ailment. What it is?

According to statistics, the disease can also occur periodically in 15% of absolutely healthy people during sleep or physical activity. In these cases, he does not cause any clinical symptoms. This is due to the fact that this condition does not have any negative effect on the body and the digestive system. That is, in such a clinical picture, duodenitis reflux gastritis is considered not as a disease, but as a syndrome.

Symptoms of gastric reflux duodenitis

Symptoms in this disease are few, and also strongly similar to the symptoms of other digestive disorders, such as esophagitis or gastritis. Sometimes the disease generally occurs without any particular signs, and also occurs randomly during the course of fibroadastroduodenoscopy.

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The main symptoms of duodenitis and gastral reflux are still tenderness in the epigastric region, usually spastic, they appear after a short time after eating, as well as the feeling of bloating and abdominal distension at the end of the meal. Sometimes there is also heartburn and nausea, and even belching and even vomiting bilious. Often, patients complain of a bitter taste and a yellow coating on the tongue.

Diagnosing a disease is usually not difficult for a specialist. If there is a suspicion of gastric duodenitis, patients are referred for fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Some patients also need contrast radiography of the gastric cavity, as well as of the duodenum.

Treatment of reflux duodenitis

In the first place, the treatment of patients from this ailment must be complex. In a larger number of cases, doctors can establish the cause of the reflux gastritis duodenitis. In this case, the first thing to do is first to get rid of the reasons.

Patients should change their lifestyle. As with esophagitis, they need to exclude from their lives smoking and drinking alcohol. In this case, use medicines such as caffeine, drugs for bile and even regular aspirin is only necessary with the appointment of a specialist. Patients should also control their weight, in order to prevent the development of obesity. In addition, an integral part of the treatment is adherence to a special diet.

Diet with reflux gastritis duodenitis, esophagitis should be the same as with other gastrointestinal diseases. Six-fold fractional nutrition is shown to patients. It implies a thorough shredding of food, as well as cooking only for a couple or boiling. The temperature of the food should be acceptable to the body( not cold and not hot).At the end of food for one hour, it is contraindicated to go to bed and do physical exercises. And also you can not strain your abdominal muscles.

The diet also implies the exclusion of fatty foods, as well as acute, smoking. Also you can not eat fried and salted. It is necessary to throw out from your menu citrus and sour fruits, as well as tomatoes, onions and garlic. It is also better to avoid some sour-milk products, fresh baked goods( even bread) and drinks with gas.

It is recommended to eat bran, mashed potatoes, mashed boiled cereals, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, milk, yogurt, vegetables, fruits and berries( besides sour ones).

Traditional treatment of patients suffering from reflux gastritis and duodenitis, implies the normalization of the functioning of the digestive system as a whole, as well as each of its organs. To the number of drugs that regulate the motility of the gastrointestinal tract, appoint, in most cases holinomimetiki or anticholinesterase drugs. In addition, patients are prescribed prokinetics to improve defecation.

To neutralize the effect of the contents of the duodenum on the mucous membrane of the gastric cavity, patients are prescribed proton pump inhibitors.

Other pharmaceutical preparations are prescribed for symptoms of symptoms, that is: antispasmodics to reduce pain, antacid medications to reduce heartburn, and others.

Treatment of duodenal reflux is necessary, even if the patient is not disturbed by the symptoms of the disease, and it does not cause inconvenience. This is due to the fact that gastric duodenitis can pass into a more complex form - reflux gastritis or esophagitis.

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