External hemorrhoids, external hemorrhoids, how does the initial stage( degree) look, if it has come out, how many passes?

In our time, people have to face diseases that affect various organs. One of the common ailments that occur in both women and men is hemorrhoids. This disease is understood as a pathological change in the size of the hemorrhoidal node.

Cavernous formations are located near the anus. When a disease occurs, the venous plexus falls out of the rectum. Such a hemorrhoids is called external. How does it look you can see in the photo. It is best to contact a medical institution after manifesting the first signs of ailment. Unfortunately, the bulk of the population is embarrassed by a disease such as external hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids quickly enough passes to the following stage. A rapid complication is associated with the following reasons:

  • Large body weight;
  • Excessive absorption of hot, hot and fatty foods;
  • Low physical activity;
  • Constant tension of abdominal muscles. It occurs in athletes and movers;
  • Constant constipation;
  • Pregnancy. The future child is able to exert pressure on the pelvic organs;
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  • Infection;
  • Violation of blood flow in the veins.

Another reason that can affect the appearance of a large outer cavernous sac is considered to be hereditary predisposition.

It is best if the external hemorrhoids are diagnosed at the initial stage. It is for this reason, it is necessary to monitor all changes occurring in the body. Despite the fact that the symptomatology is initially not pronounced, the ailment can be seen at an early stage.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

This disease is chronic. Between remissions and exacerbations a fairly long period of time can pass. Best after the first manifestation of the disease, go to the hospital.

The patient should be aware that the manifestations of external hemorrhoids differ depending on the stage of the ailment. At the initial degree of external hemorrhoids, the following changes appear:

  • At the time of bowel movement, the patient experiences discomfort;
  • Most often, the ailment is accompanied by burning and itching. At the first degree of the disease, these symptoms are manifested when passing fecal masses through the anus;
  • Slight outward emergence of hemorrhoids;
  • In rare cases, there is a weak pain syndrome.

When the second stage of external hemorrhoids comes, patients may notice:

  • Falling of cavernous plexuses. After the act of defecation they return to their place;
  • Pain becomes more prominent;
  • Burning and itching continue after an act of defecation for an hour;
  • In some cases, blood streaks can be seen in feces.

With the third degree of external hemorrhoidal formations, the patient exhibits such changes as:

  • An inflammatory process appears;
  • Anus area swells;
  • The dropped hemorrhoids have to be replaced independently;
  • Burning and itching appear without good reason;
  • If there are ruptured cavernous plexuses, bleeding occurs. The blood stops on its own.

If the venous formations do not pass a month, the 4th stage of the disease develops. In this case, the patient may notice the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding appears without good reasons;
  • The cavernous plexus can not be inserted without the help of specialists;
  • Pain syndrome is so severe that it is difficult to sustain;
  • The patient has a fear of an act of defecation.

When hemorrhoidal formations of the last stage appear, it is necessary to visit the nearest hospital as soon as possible.

How to identify external hemorrhoids?

After going to the hospital, the patient is referred to the proctologist. First, the doctor must record the patient's complaints in order to make an anamnesis. After this, a visual or palpation examination is necessary. Most often this is enough to determine the outer cavernous node.

Sometimes, the disease can trigger the emergence of exacerbations. In this case, it is necessary to identify by means of instrumental diagnostics an external hemorrhoids, which has code I84 according to ICD-10.

The main diagnostic methods are:

  • Anoscopy. Such a study allows you to study the rectum at a depth of 12 centimeters. In addition to cavernous plexuses, a specialist may notice cracks;
  • Recto-manoscopy. The study is carried out with the help of a sigmoidoscope. The depth of the examination can reach 25 centimeters;
  • Colonoscopy. This study allows you to examine the walls of the rectum at a depth of 35 centimeters.

Thanks to these methods, it is possible to detect not only the external, but also the mixed hemorrhoids.

At the last stage of external hemorrhoids, the patient can take additional tests of blood and urine, as well as make ultrasound and a cardiogram. This is necessary in order for the patient to be admitted to surgery.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids

If not to aggravate the situation, with external hemorrhoids the nodes will be lost on their own. Unfortunately, there is a high probability that an exacerbation may occur. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended that after treatment for the symptoms of the external hemorrhoidal node begin treatment.

Treatment of external hemorrhoids depends on the degree of the disease. First, the doctor will perform an examination, after which he will diagnose. To treat the initial stage of cavernous sacs use:

  • Tablets;
  • Ointments;
  • Suppositories;
  • In case of complications, surgical intervention is necessary;
  • Cavernous formations of the initial stage can also be treated with folk recipes.

The main drugs for fighting the disease include:

  • Detraleks;
  • Litovit-B;
  • Hemoroidin;
  • Pilex;
  • Ginkor Fort.

Medical preparations prescribed for strong outer cavernous sacs should be used strictly with the prescription. For a quick recovery, it is recommended to combine tablets with ointments and suppositories. It is best to use:

  • Aurobin;
  • Proctosyl;
  • Released;
  • Hepatrombin G.

Any medicines for the treatment of external venous nodes should be aimed at eliminating pain syndrome, edema, inflammation, bleeding and the cavernous sacs themselves.

Traditional medicine against external hemorrhoids

When external hemorrhoids of an initial degree appear, patients can take advantage of folk recipes. It is best to use sedentary baths with a similar ailment. For the preparation of such a bath it is necessary: ​​

  • It is best to use warm water;
  • In the water, add medicinal herbs or herbal decoctions;
  • For efficiency, you can add a little honey or propolis;
  • Get into the bath for 15 minutes;
  • The procedure should be performed before bedtime.

If the external cavernous sac strongly hurts, many patients do not know what to do in a similar situation. It is best to use the ointments prepared by them:

  • Onion juice;
  • Birch Resin;
  • Propolis.

For the removal of acute pain and swelling with the appearance of hemorrhoidal formations from the outside, you can use lotions. The length of their preparation, use a bandage and pieces of carrots, clay and beets.

If external hemorrhoids do not pass and complications appear, you should consult a doctor.

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Most of the women are looking forward to the birth of their future child with impatience and trembling. Unfortunately, pregnancy is a predisposing factor to the appearance of external hemorrhoids. This is due to the fact that the baby is putting pressure on the pelvic area.

Pressure causes severe constipation in the patient. Feces injure cavernous formations, and a woman has bleeding. Complexity of treatment of hemorrhoids appeared on the outside, is that during pregnancy it is forbidden to use medicines.

At the first symptoms of an illness, it is necessary: ​​

  • Categorically avoid lifting weights;
  • Do not forget about the rules of personal hygiene;
  • Perform curative gymnastics;
  • Use suppositories and ointments;
  • Use cooling lotion.

It is important for women to know what an outer cavernous sac looks like, in order to get rid of it in time. When the first manifestations of the disease appear, it is necessary to contact the women's consultation as soon as possible.

Prevention of external hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, in some cases, one has to resort to surgical intervention. During the operation, the surgeon removes the thrombosed node. When there are predisposing factors, he can climb out again.

In order not to face the re-occurrence of the disease, it is necessary to change your lifestyle. For this it follows:

  • It is necessary to refrain from eating fatty and spicy food. Otherwise, the blood flow will increase in the pelvic organs;
  • Take walks. Especially it concerns office employees. If this is not done, appear a small external hemorrhoids, which will gradually develop;
  • Take cool baths to increase the tone of the anus;
  • Take vein-taking drugs. Any medicines can be purchased only after consultation with the doctor;
  • Perform charging, which helps to eliminate the signs of external initial hemorrhoids;
  • Athletes are not recommended overvoltage. After the treatment of external formations that have not passed for a long time, it is necessary to gradually load your body.

In order not to appear external signs of hemorrhoids, it is enough to follow the above rules. At the first manifestations, urgently, you should go to the hospital.

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