Coronary heart disease( GLC, CBC): pathogenesis, symptoms, treatment, prognosis, signs, diagnosis

Coronary heart disease( GLC) is a disease that is caused by seals and narrowing of the coronary arteries. Simply put, diseases arise because the blood to the heart muscle comes in a much smaller volume. The background disease for GLC can be considered coronary atherosclerosis.

Features of the ailment

All kinds of fatty and calcium plaque deposits lead to atherosclerosis, thus preventing oxygen from reaching the heart muscle. People are most susceptible to an ailment "for 45".That is why it is important to take vitamins, not to allow stress, to eat rationally. Also, many doctors had previously believed that this was a more "male" disease, but now they came to the conclusion that it simply appears in ladies later than in the male sex.

On what classification is subject to coronary heart disease of the vessels( arteries), read below.

For more information about coronary heart disease, the following video will be provided:

Classification of

It is commonly believed that coronary heart disease includes:

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  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Pathological heart rhythms;
  • Sudden coronary death;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Heart failure.

Causes of

The formation of plaques is promoted by a mass of causes, but not all of them necessarily will result in the KBS.Nevertheless, as soon as there is a combination of several such causes, the risk of the disease increases. Most often, its factors include:

  • Elevated blood pressure;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Elevated cholesterol;
  • Harmful habits, especially smoking;
  • Obesity of different degrees;
  • Frequent stress;
  • A sedentary lifestyle.

Besides this there are also "human factors":


For prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, our readers advise the drug "NORMALIFE".This is a natural remedy that affects the cause of the disease, completely preventing the risk of getting a heart attack or stroke. NORMALIFE has no contraindications and begins to act within a few hours after its use. The effectiveness and safety of the drug has been repeatedly proven by clinical studies and long-term therapeutic experience.

The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;

  • Age( achievement 45 years);
  • Heredity;
  • Sexuality( controversial factor).

Symptoms of coronary heart disease

If it is a latent form of a disease, when there are no symptoms of the problem, then this condition can last for several years, and even decades. The development of the KBC begins even in adolescence with a combination of circumstances and the presence of risk factors.

The main symptom of GLC can be considered pain, a feeling of tightness in the chest during a stress, as well as chronic pain in the "motor", which are manifested even under weak physical loads. For example, when a person bends to zip up a boot, or slowly rises up the stairs, he can feel pain with a kick in the left arm and jaw, it becomes difficult for him to breathe.

Also the ailment can be accompanied by such signs:

  • shortness of breath;
  • sweating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • nausea;
  • fear and panic.


To begin with, the attending physician thoroughly studies the patient's medical history, carefully examining complaints and data on family predisposition. Then goes on to the following types of diagnostics:

  • Electrocardiography, as well as ECG with the load
  • Echocardiography, that is, ultrasound of the heart;Scintigramma of the heart muscle.

Heart catheterization is also possible.

Next we will tell you about what treatment requires coronary heart disease.

Treatment of

There are no means of treating CHD, but its control is quite possible, if you lead a healthy lifestyle and take some medications.

Therapeutic method

  • First of all, the doctor prescribes the patient to forget about bad habits, because smoking plays one of the main roles in the development of the disease.
  • Patients with overweight are shown special diets and rational nutrition - everything must be done to make the weight come back to normal.
  • Also, the doctor will advise on how to correct high cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

Thus, therapeutic treatment is reduced to eliminating the negative impact of risk factors.

Drug method

Having dealt with the risk factors, it is necessary to begin to combat the symptoms of KSC and to aim at improving blood flow. Therefore, the patient can be assigned:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid to reduce the agglutination of blood cells;
  • Calcium antagonists for activating bioenergetic processes, enhancing the processes of cellular metabolism, reducing pressure;
  • Nitroglycerin and similar preparations needed to dilate the lumens in the vessels;
  • Lovastatin, provastatin and the like to lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • Blockers of beta-adrenergic receptors, which will help reduce the need for blood in oxygen.

Operation and other therapies

  • If the first two methods of treatment are ineffective, the doctor can refer the patient to a coronary bypass surgery. The essence of such interference is that for the blood flow to the place of lack of oxygen in the heart another way is created( not through the arterial narrowing zone).To make this way, special shunts are used, created from fragments of other arteries and veins of a person. The mechanism is the following: such an artery from another place is connected by one end to the aorta, and the second - to the coronary artery. Most often for such manipulations, the internal thoracic artery is used.
  • As an alternative to such surgery, transluminal percutaneous coronary( "balloon") angioplasty is also used. There is such a mechanism: a coronary artery in the area of ​​the affected area is placed in a deflated air balloon, after which it is inflated, thereby destroying the plaque. As a result, the correct blood flow is restored.


The first rule of prevention: quit smoking! It is smoking that most often leads to such undesirable consequences as coronary heart disease.

  • A proper daily routine will help not only self-discipline, but also the good health of all organs;
  • Potential physical exercise, for example, long walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, etc.
  • A balanced diet based on a reduction in cholesterol-containing foods and increased consumption of fruits and vegetables is also necessary;
  • And do not forget to take vitamins, as well as such important "heart minerals" as:
    • Potassium, which not only regulates water balance in our body, but also normalizes the heart rhythm, helps to remove toxins and lowers blood pressure;
    • Magnesium, which is responsible for the proper functioning of most organs.

Complications of

  • Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries can cause vascular dementia, as well as stroke.
  • When a plaque ruptures, a blood clot forms that interferes with the normal movement of blood through the artery, and this is fraught with a heart attack and, accordingly, death of the heart muscle.
  • Sudden coronary death can also occur as a result of this ailment.
  • The rhythm of
  • is also possible. The probability of weakness of the heart muscle is high.


If you follow the advice of a doctor and take time to take preventive measures, then there is a high probability of preventing KBC.If it leads to a heart attack or sudden coronary death, then the likelihood of death is too high.

Even if the infarction does not become a fatal diagnosis in coronary artery disease, after it coronary heart disease will progress more rapidly. Also, patients with CHD more often than others fall into the hospital with a stroke and ailments that have arisen against a blockage of arteries.

Even more useful information on the issue of coronary heart disease is contained in this video:

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