Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis, folk remedies

For atherosclerosis is characterized by a gradual deposition of plaques on the inside of the vessels. It is generally believed that this process affects the entire body, but sometimes the localization of deposits can be strictly defined. Thus, atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta centers in the epigastric region, but is in no way inferior to the danger of consequences to other types of such a disease.

Features of the disease

The disease is difficult enough to recognize yourself, especially at the initial stages of its development. After all, the deposition of cholesterol is almost imperceptible. When a person is already beginning to worry about the first symptoms, atherosclerosis is already developed and requires immediate intervention. Therefore, doctors are always advised not to neglect routine check-ups to monitor the condition of their vessels.

Pathology usually develops in people whose vessels are already starting to thin out.

  • The lower age threshold of the disease is 40 years. Sometimes, with the accumulation of negative factors, atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta also occurs at a younger age.
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  • In women, the disease occurs between 55 years and older.

Forms of

Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta is divided according to the course of the disease:

  1. Preclinical period. The absence of clinical manifestations is typical. Moreover, at this stage, sometimes even with the help of instrumental research it is not possible to diagnose pathology. Even lipids are at a normal level. The only indicators that are able to indicate an increased risk of further development of atherosclerosis are the fractions of beta-lipoproteins, as well as hypercholesterolemia. Even with this form of the disease must be constantly observed. Timely prevention reduces the likelihood of its occurrence. Latency clinical period. As before, the symptomatology is not felt by a person, but changes in the state of the aorta are already fixed in instrumental ways. Lipid metabolism is disturbed, but no other signs appear.
  2. The period of non-specific symptoms. All disorders that arise affect different areas. Often there is an ischemia. Many manifestations of people are confused with hypertension. To distinguish atherosclerosis in this case is capable only of a specialist, but after instrumental research. At this stage, the first infarctions in different organs are already beginning to occur.
  3. Chronic arterial occlusion. There are all kinds of disorders in the area of ​​the vessel, especially ischemic. Diagnosis is not complicated in any way, since the process of fibrotic changes begins in the organs.

The causes of

The appearance of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta is influenced by the following factors:

  • low physical activity,
  • heredity,
  • persistent stress,
  • weak immunity,
  • diabetes,
  • infection or intoxication,
  • obesity,
  • smoking.

Symptoms of

When developing atherosclerosis in the vessels of the abdominal cavity, the symptoms may be:

  1. impotence,
  2. problems with leg sensitivity,
  3. abdominal pain,
  4. lameness,
  5. pallor,
  6. appearance of gangrene,
  7. infertility( in men).

Sometimes a long period of the disease occurs without any special symptoms, and it is found only after the detection of abdominal ischemia, which causes.

  • Atherosclerosis affecting the abdominal aorta has a large proportion of symptoms affecting the epigastric region. Also, because of the change in the work of the intestine, weight decreases.
  • If most of the plaques focus on the bifurcation of the aorta, then the most extensive clinical picture is observed in the lower extremities. This is associated with worsening circulation in the pelvic organs, as well as legs. If calcification is localized in the place of bifurcation, then characteristic puffiness, pain appears.

If you start the course of the atherosclerotic process, you can soon expect the appearance of necrotic foci. Next, the diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta will be considered.


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The opinion of doctors. .. & gt; & gt;


A number of studies are required to identify atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta. Among the instrumental techniques are:

  • rheoencephalography,
  • ECG,
  • angiography,
  • ultrasound,
  • fluorogram,
  • triplex or duplex scanning.

All these techniques allow you to determine how well the nutrition of organs in this area is carried out. At a primary reception as collect an anamnesis, spend visual inspection. Usually after this, blood is also given. If atherosclerosis develops, then the appearance of high cholesterol is characteristic.

If one is suspected of developing a disease, then other diagnostic methods are used, among them:

  1. sphygmogram,
  2. ballistic cardiogram,
  3. electrocardiogram,
  4. pulse wave velocity.

Next we will tell you about the treatment of atherosclerosis of the aorta( vessels) of the abdominal cavity, departments.

Treatment of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta


A complex approach is absolutely necessary for treatment. Much importance is given to maintaining a diet with a mandatory reduction in fat in the diet. It is also forbidden to eat any foods that can adversely affect the condition of blood vessels and heart. Thanks to a special diet, you can not just lower cholesterol, but also avoid further disease progression. With excess weight, the food must be changed necessarily.

With therapy, it is important to combat bad habits. But the same effect should be applied to diseases that provoke many problems in the cardiovascular sphere. Such pathologies include diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other diseases.


Drug therapy occupies a special place in the treatment of the disease. For the treatment, several drugs of different groups are selected at once:

  • bile acid sequesters,
  • fibrates,
  • disaggregants,
  • nicotinic acid and other B-group vitamins,
  • statins,
  • diuretics,
  • calcium antagonists.

Often used also as ascorbic, as it has good antioxidant properties. All the described drugs allow to normalize lipid metabolism, promote vasodilation and dilution of already formed plaques.


Surgical intervention is required only in the most difficult situations, although it usually turns out to be done only by medication. The operation is usually conducted through an open method. By means of intervention, those parts of the aorta that have been most severely damaged, as well as severely affected by sediments, are removed. Subsequently, the site of the blood flow is restored with the help of special prostheses.

Surgical operation is required in cases where there is a direct threat of obstruction of blood vessels and, as a result, death. Atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta is also subject to treatment by folk remedies, which we will discuss further.

Folk Methods

Treatment with the help of folk remedies can be done only after the permission of the doctor and in no case to the detriment of drug therapy. One should always remember what such arbitrariness can lead to a person.

  • Particular preference is given to those medicinal herbs that are capable of lowering the level of cholesterol. For example, this effect can be achieved if you take decoctions or tinctures from barley, garlic, flaxseed, milk thistle.
  • To pay attention it is necessary as on the prescriptions, helping to thin out a blood and to struggle with depression of a BP.This effect can be achieved with the regular use of broths from mistletoe, ashberry, hawthorn, strawberry leaves.

Prevention of

Prophylactic methods are simple enough and include the same measures as with any other form of atherosclerosis. First, it is the maintenance of the proper level of physical activity, getting rid of bad habits, especially smoking, including food. Even the elderly are important to perform at least a minimum set of physical exercises from the category of exercise therapy.

Diet and nutrition

How important it is for a person with this disease to timely adjust their meals, the above has already been said. All kinds of sweets, confectionery fats, pastries, fatty foods are subject to exclusion. The purpose of the diet is to limit the amount of fat consumed. But they are still useful and needed for the body, so they are replaced by plant species.

With excess weight, they also trim a certain amount of carbohydrates, review their frequency, methods of preparation. Most preferable is the fractional method of constructing a diet with observance of all rules of a balanced diet.

Complications of

If this type of atherosclerosis is not detected in a timely manner, complications can seriously worsen the general condition of the patient. The process of dying of the intestinal loops may begin, which leads to the appearance of peritonitis. The onset of thrombosis accelerates the spread of inflammation and necrosis.

One of the most common complications for atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta is renal failure. Different parts of the body gradually die, which leads to the appearance of pathology.

The main types of complications occur in stages:

  • Ischemic( first) stage of .There is lameness, pain in the abdomen, sometimes there are attacks of angina. Lack of blood is periodic, so in this case there are fewer complications.
  • Thromboseptic .The process turns into a chronic, so at this stage, most of the complications occur. Most of them develop due to thrombosis. Most often there is gangrene of the foot, stroke, heart attack.
  • Fibrous stage is considered the last. Establish this diagnosis with a long course of the disease. The main complication at this stage is the emergence of cardiosclerosis as a result of the replacement of muscle tissue by fibrous tissue.

An aneurysm is also considered a very frequent consequence of pathology. The accumulation of sclerotic plaques in one area and its subsequent bulging thin out the vascular wall. Breaking it can happen at any time, which leads to a lethal outcome with a 90% probability.


Predicting further life is uncertain, much depends on individual factors and the course of the disease. The severity of the stage will also determine the possibility of retaining work capacity. With complex therapy, which includes not only medicines, but also lifestyle changes, the risk of mortality is significantly reduced.

The following video will address the issue of prevention of atherosclerosis of the abdominal aorta:

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