Sample menu for a week of diet with gastroduodenitis

Compliance with diets with gastroduodenitis is not only a specialized method of nutrition, but often, the only treatment option. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of drugs that help to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but if you do not make at least an approximate menu for a week, it is unlikely they will be able to show a good effect.

It is worth remembering that with gastroduodenitis, lists with clearly defined, possible, and which can not eat foods are of particular importance. It is no less strict to observe the diet and the proper way of cooking.

Menu preparation for gastroduodenitis

As they say, little by little and often. This expression is right. So, you should eat about every 4-5 hours, while not eating a lot of food. So, the portion should be about 250 grams.

Fractional menu is the best option to please your body, however, consider the fact that the time intervals should be moderate: not large and not small.

Menu for a week of diet with gastroduodenitis involves cooking not only vegetable but also meat dishes. This method uses baking, cooking, and steam.

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An important feature is the consistency of food. So, the menu with gastroduodenitis involves the use not of crumbly, but boiled porridge, and meat should be consumed in the form of meatballs or cutlets. Do not neglect the fact that the food you eat should be at room temperature, otherwise you can just injure your stomach.

Sample menu for the week with gastroduodenitis

Below is an approximate diet menu for the week for patients.

On Monday for breakfast, you can use a few meat bits, which are prepared by steam, one plate of mashed potatoes, down with a glass of tea. For the second breakfast will be enough jelly. Lunch should be more dense with a diet for gastroduodenitis: a portion of rice soup, stuffed pudding from boiled meat, and a glass of compote of apples. Snack can consist of a few crackers and a glass of dog rose broth. For dinner it is necessary to limit the portion of a soufflé of cottage cheese, milk buckwheat porridge and jelly. If desired, you can drink a glass of milk for the night.

On Tuesday, an approximate menu for the week with a diet for gastroduodenitis does not change much. For breakfast, you can serve manna porridge, and at lunch a bowl of pearl soup with meat cutlets. Snack can be left the same, but for dinner, eat 1 soft-boiled egg and 200 grams of rice pudding.

On Wednesday, breakfast remains unchanged: porridge, tea. However, you can add an egg soft-boiled. But for lunch it would be good to eat 1 baked apple with a glass of milk. In the afternoon everything is also: soup, only vegetable, and a small portion of jelly from apples. The snack is not changed again, and for dinner you can serve 200 grams of cereal from buckwheat and a glass of milk.

On Thursday an excellent breakfast with gastroduodenitis will be rice porridge with a cup of tea. Rice soup with meat cutlets and carrot puree is served for lunch. Dinner will be good if you present a plate of noodles with baked curd mass and a glass of milk.

On Friday morning, you can serve the remains of carrot puree and 1 jelly tongue. For dinner, again the soup, but now oatmeal. To him to join 2 fish little bits and a serving of orange jelly. But for dinner you can use a few chicken cutlets, a plate of pearl barley and again 150 g of carrot puree, drinking it all with a glass of jelly from non-acid berries.

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