What to smear of chickenpox in children - 6 options

Most parents have to learn about all the charms of chickenpox when their babies are still very young. Statistics indicate that the main audience of this disease is children 3-6 years old. This is good, because in an adult age chickenpox is much heavier and can have a number of complications.

With chickenpox, the main discomfort that accompanies the disease is severe itching and burning, so the child has a desire to comb the blisters. As a rule, when infecting this infectious disease, pediatricians prescribe antihistamines, as well as agents for external use.

In this article we'll talk about how and how to smear chickenpox so that it does not itch, except for green, how this disease is treated and diagnosed, and also about many other features of it.

Why use chickenpox?

Eruptions on the skin of a child infected with chickenpox - the first sign of the onset of the disease. In the initial stage, it appears on the face, in the form of single red tubercles, they look like ordinary acne, then pours out on the trunk, limbs, on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals.

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Only the plantar surfaces of the feet and palms remain intact. Over time, the tubercles become vesicles, and the vesicles, after drying, are covered with crusts. All this time, the child is pestering with a strong itch: he continually scratches the skin, opening the vials and tearing up the crusts formed in their place.

If you do not pre-warn the scratching, the restoration of the skin will be prolonged, and there will be unsightly scars on the place of the rash. That is why the treatment of such a disease as chickenpox should be directed, first of all, to relieving the itching and skin care of a sick child.

How to smear chickenpox?

The most popular "method of treatment" for this disease is green. By this means, parents smear every "pimple" of chickenpox until the crusts fall off, naively believing that the green helps to cope with the disease. In fact, the "brilliant green" has only an antibacterial effect, counteracting the spread and destruction of microbes. That is, it is not absolutely necessary to paint a child with greenery - there are more effective means to protect against infection.

Let's look at what is better at home to grease rashes with chickenpox in children, besides zelenki:

  1. Solution of furacilin .If chickenpox affects the mucous membrane of the mouth or the child's genitalia, you can rinse your mouth or treat the rash with a solution of furacilin. In addition to furacilin, boric acid and hydrogen peroxide can be used for the same purposes.
  2. Salicylic alcohol - according to many pediatricians, it is an inexpensive remedy that does not leave traces on the skin of the baby, it is suitable for treating the rashes even better than traditional greens;
  3. Calamine is a lotion that has a complex effect. It destroys microbes and bacteria, relieves itching and cools, thereby significantly improving the condition of the baby.
  4. rivanol solution rub the pockmarks twice a day .It has a characteristic yellow color, hence the name. The skin after application becomes a yellow shade, but it is easily washed off with soap. But rivanol is not sold in all pharmacies, and it is not always easy to find it.
  5. Tea tree oil .A very effective and safe remedy that does not cauterize the skin and does not cause allergies.
  6. Acyclovir .A known antiherpetic agent is available as an ointment and can be used to treat rashes with chicken pox. Unlike all other drugs, "Acyclovir" has an antiviral effect and can fight not only the consequences, but also the cause of the pathology. Prevents the spread of infection, reducing the duration of the disease. Recommended for use in infants older than two years.
  7. If rashes appear on mucous membranes, should not be lubricated with greens or other similar products under any circumstances! You can wash them with a solution of furatsilina or infusion of herbs, for example, a string or chamomile.

In any case, on whatever means from chickenpox you have not stopped the choice, you must first consult with your doctor - about the advisability of using a particular drug, as well as the dosage. This is especially important when it comes to children.


Many identify the effect of iodine, but doctors categorically do not advise to apply iodine to the pimples, because it not only does not bring any benefit, but it can also cause severe itching and burning of the affected areas, which will aggravate the situation.

How many days do I have to chop the chickenpox?

It is not necessary to abuse medicinal products. If the rash is applied too often, the skin may become dry, which is very undesirable when chickenpox is used.

One or two procedures per day will be enough. Already seven days after the appearance of the first pimple the baby becomes non-contagious, but it is better to continue to rinse the remaining rashes.

General rules for the treatment of

When the first rashes occur during infection with chickenpox, it is necessary to smear the pimples with an antiseptic. Having treated at least once a rash on the body, the antibacterial agent will immediately have a drying effect, eliminating the itching and burning of the skin. For example, green and fukortsin are clearly visible on the body, so adults can easily notice the appearance of new rashes and immediately treat them.

In general, parents are recommended to the following rules :

  1. Providing the child with bed rest for at least seven days;
  2. Lubricate daily skin rashes on the skin with a green, potassium permanganate or other therapeutic agent that can have an anti-inflammatory effect, as directed by the doctor.
  3. To prevent dehydration of the body, the child needs to consume a lot of fluids;
  4. Observe a diet that includes sour-milk products, mashed vegetables and fruits;
  5. Regularly change the clothes of the child and bedding, while clothing should be worn with a long sleeve to limit the possibility of unnecessary scratching of the rashes;
  6. Provide cooler air in the room, as increased air temperature promotes increased itching;
  7. If the child has fever, then use antipyretic drugs( for example, nurofen for children).The child should not be given aspirin, since its use in chicken pox can have a detrimental effect on the liver.

Following these simple recommendations, you can easily avoid complications and achieve a reduction in the rash in a short time. After all, in addition to therapeutic procedures, the condition of the baby is influenced by competent care and care.

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