The more dangerous the uterine myoma is of large size: can it develop into cancer, the consequences if not treated

Myoma of the uterus is considered to be hormone-dependent benign tumor-like nodes, formed from the smooth muscle fibers of the walls of the uterine body.

The main difference of myomatous nodes from other neoplasms is the ability to regress independently, the presence of hormone-dependent factor and benign origin.

Pathology "prefers" patients of 30-45-year-old age group and is found in about a third of patients of this age.

About the

Disease Myometrial uterine nodes form in the myometral layer in the form of single or multiple nodes of different sizes.

Usually in the uterine body there are several differently-sized nodes at the same time.

If they differ in localization, then the nodular fibroids are diagnosed.

The tumor can be located in different uterine layers, sometimes the formation can be located even in the abdominal cavity.

In general, the uterine myoma is divided according to the principle of location on:

  • Inter-connective( or intraligamentary) - when the node is localized between the uterine ligaments;
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  • Subperitoneal( or subserous) - the nodes are localized under the mucous uterine tissues located on the outside of the organ, in the low-tidal space or the abdominal cavity;
  • Intermuscular( or intramural, interstitial, intramuscular, etc.) - when the node is localized inside the myometral layer;
  • Submucous( or submucous) - when nodal neoplasms are located under the mucous tissues from the side of the body cavity.

In single cases uterine fibroids have a diffuse character, when the node is absent, and the tumor itself grows inside the muscle tissues. Regardless of the type of myoma, all such formations are characterized by the same etiology.

In addition, the causes of fibroid may include:

  • Genetically determined features of the organism;
  • Many abortions and frequent use of IUDs;
  • Pathological processes in the endometrium, leading to the growth of this layer;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Inflammation and infection of the female genital area;
  • Obesity, diabetes and other endocrine disorders;
  • Hypodinamy;
  • No orgasms;
  • Presence of any chronic foci in organic structures.

Uterine myomatous nodes can form and develop secretly, then the pathology can be detected only by accidental gynecological examination.

The most characteristic myomatic manifestations are:

  1. Menstrual changes. Monthly discharges last longer than usual and become more abundant, accompanied by pronounced soreness. Begin to disturb and intermenstrual bloody discharge, which also cause pain;
  2. Pain symptomatology. As already mentioned, pain can occur before menstruation, during or during intermenstrual periods. The character of soreness is individual and can be pulling, cutting, grasping, etc. Most often the pain is localized in the uterine region, simultaneously irradiating into the lower back, the suprapubic region, lower limbs, etc.;
  3. Often, myoma is accompanied by difficulties in terms of conception;
  4. If the tumor reaches large parameters, then the stomach of the patient acquires significantly increased volumes;
  5. When compressing the effect on nearby structures, a woman starts to worry about constant constipation, a disorder of urination, such as frequent or painful.

In general, the clinical picture of myomatous processes is individual and not always characterized by the presence of all of the above manifestations.

What is the danger of the uterine myoma for life?

Myomoneous tumors can carry a danger to the life of a woman, but not in themselves, but their complications.

It is possible to reduce the likelihood of such complications by regularly undergoing gynecological examinations.

Rebirth in cancer

Perhaps the most dangerous consequence of myoma is its malignancy, in other words, malignancy.

This issue raises a lot of controversy among specialists, since cancers, unlike myoma, arise from epithelial cell structures.

However, according to statistics, every thousandth case of such a disease is characterized by the degeneration of fibroids.

The fact is that untreated myomoneous tumor is fully capable of maligning. It contributes to this low immune status of the patient and other factors.

As long as the body has enough strength to resist the malignant division of cellular structures, there will be no cancer, but if the immunity is severely depressed, then the likelihood of malignant oncology multiplies. In general, the degeneration is observed in 1-2% of patients with myomatous nodes.

Bleeding and anemia

Since myomatous tumors are characterized by heavy bleeding, if they are not prevented, anemia will soon occur on an iron deficiency.

Against the background of this complication, the patient develops characteristic symptoms:

  • Pale, sometimes even yellowness of the skin;
  • Persistent dizziness, especially with a sharp rise;
  • Propensity to fainting;
  • Severe weakness in conjunction with chronic fatigue;
  • The patient is worried about shortness of breath;
  • Headaches and migraine pains are often worried;
  • The lady becomes scattered, unassembled, it is difficult to concentrate on any work.

To detect the presence of anemic changes, a laboratory blood test will help.

Tumor necrosis of tissues

Typically, tumor necrosis of tissues occurs due to impaired blood circulation.

This can happen with severe physical strain, during pregnancy or during aggressive sexual intercourse.

In the presence of torsion, a woman literally twists from cramping pain resembling acute appendicitis. There is hyperthermia, chills, signs of nausea, etc. It also requires immediate surgical removal.

Compression of adjacent organs

If miomial formations acquire sufficiently large parameters, they begin to press on adjacent structures.

With compression on the rectum, the patient is tormented by constant constipation, pain in the intestine, hemorrhoids may occur.

If, however, the pressure is on the urinary system, the patient will have rez when urinating, frequent calls. With severe pressure, stagnation of the urine leading to urolithiasis can develop.

In addition, continuous exposure to education on the urinary system can trigger kidney pathologies.

Hazard in pregnancy

If, in the presence of a mild process, the patient managed to become pregnant, the period of gestation is usually complicated by a mass of problems.

From the first day of pregnancy there is a constant threat of miscarriage. There is a high probability of abnormalities in utero-placental blood circulation, etc.

With the localization of the myomoneous growth in the lower part of the uterus, problems with natural delivery may arise, because the knot will prevent the expulsion of the child. Among the possible dangers of fibroids in pregnancy, specialists also call placental abruption, which leads to an acute hypoxic condition in the fetus.

Torsion of the foot

Some of the myomoneous tumors have a characteristic feature in the structural structure - they are located on a unique leg, through which, in fact, they receive the necessary nutrition.

If there is a twisting of this channel, the tumor will cease to be fed and its tissues will die off. Such processes cause pronounced soreness.

Against the background of necrotic myomatic processes, inflammatory lesions of abdominal tissues can develop, and necrotic lesions can easily move to other internal organs, disrupting their functions. Such a complication requires immediate operational elimination.

What are the sizes of the myomas tumor?

In general, uterine fibroids are divided into:

  1. Small - no more than 20 mm( similarly to 4 weeks of pregnancy);
  2. The average is 20-60 mm( similar to the 10-11-week period);
  3. Large tumors - more than 60 mm( equated to 12-16 weeks of pregnancy).

Breast cancer of the large uterus is dangerous by compression action on closely located organic structures.

Since in the relative proximity to the uterine body are the organs of the urinary system and the intestines, then squeezing will be carried out on them. Compression of the bladder provokes frequent urinary urges, rezi during emptying, a feeling of incomplete emptying( residual urine syndrome), urine stagnation, etc.

Such violations, when they are extremely confused, lead to very disastrous consequences in the form of serious kidney pathologies.

If the pressure is applied to the rectum, then constipation is only the lesser of the evils that the large myoma causes. Education is experiencing a vein, which leads to varicose enlargement. Later, the hemorrhoidal veins swell and form nodes, in other words, develops hemorrhoids.

Combating complications of

The main way to combat complications of uterine fibroids is a timely visit to a gynecologist, which will help to detect the presence of a tumor in time and take measures for its therapy.

Practice shows that complications of myomas nodes occur mainly in patients who have started the disease and who do not follow medical prescriptions.

In addition, even with timely treatment, with miomnyh knots to a woman:

  • It is forbidden to lift weights more than 3 kg weight;
  • Strictly monitor and monitor hormonal status, avoid depressive moods and stress;
  • To exclude the possibility of pregnancy until the treatment of myomatous formations is completed;
  • It is forbidden to drink a lot of fluids before night sleep, as such actions provoke uterine swelling;
  • Forget about long sunbathing, sunbathing or sunbeds.

Observance of such recommendations to any patient will help prevent possible complications.

Video about the danger of uterine fibroids:

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