The causes of uterine fibroids in women and its treatment

When a gynecologist detects a fibroid, a woman usually results in at least confusion or anxiety. Such a reaction is quite understandable, not every patient knows what a mioma tumor is.

Myoma is a tumor of non-oncological origin, forming on the walls of the uterine body. Pathology is usually expressed in the appearance of many nodes of different sizes, although there is also a single form of myoma.

Symptoms of the disease

Myomedies of relatively small size tend to develop secretly, and the characteristic symptoms appear when the disease comes to an advanced stage.

Some fibroids are characterized by rapid growth, which is why their symptoms are more pronounced, in comparison with other formations.

The main manifestations of the myomatous process are:

  • Appearance of bleeding between menstruation;
  • Menstruation becomes plentiful and more prolonged, and also especially painful;
  • In the uterus area, patients with myomas experience marked soreness, increasing before menstruation, during intimate communication, during defecation and urination;
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  • If the fibroid develops quite a long time and grows to a large size, then the abdomen of the patient begins to increase according to the principle of pregnancy, which is associated with an increase in the uterus;
  • Frequent difficulties with defecation due to constipation, which worries patients if the tumor presses on the rectum structures;
  • If the formation compresses the bladder, then there is an increase in the frequency of urination;
  • Abundant menstruation and bleeding between them lead to the development of anemia. The patient becomes pale, weakened, she is often disturbed by dizziness and cold sweat.

Causes of uterine fibroids in women

Myoma tumor belongs to hormone-dependent formations, therefore the etiological basis of this pathology is closely related to hormonal imbalance. Due to what myomatous processes are found in women hormoneally active, capable of pregnancy and childbirth.

Often, when the menopause occurs, the myomas formations dissolve themselves, which specialists associate with the decrease of the estrogen hormone.

The reasons for the development of myomatous processes by medicine today have not been thoroughly studied, so there are still many unresolved issues in this area.

In general, the main reasons for the formation of myomoneous tumors are:

  1. . Failures in the hormonal sphere;
  2. Hereditary factor;
  3. Associated pathologies;
  4. Unhealthy diet;
  5. Gynecological manipulations, surgeries and procedures.

Only one factor or their group can provoke the development of a myomoneous tumor. In addition, there are many associated factors that also affect the development of myoma. Each of the reasons is important, so it is worth analyzing them in more detail.

Hormonal failure

Most doctors believe that the main cause of myomoneous tumors is a violation of hormonal status.

When metabolic and productive estrogenic processes occur, hormonal regulation during certain periods of the menstrual cycle, all this leads to the formation of a tumor.

The basis of the theory is the fact that the excess level of estrogen hormone provokes the formation of various seals in the uterine muscle layer.

Under the influence of an excessive level of estrogen, the muscular cellular structures of the uterus undergo hyperplastic changes, which subsequently leads to the formation of nodes.

No less important is progesterone, which also provokes hypertrophy of the musculoskeletal structures of the uterus. Similar changes are possible when the content of progesterone is too excessive. Such changes are often caused by abnormalities in ovarian activity.

With the increase in estrogen concentration, the rate of growth of education is accelerating. This factor allows the use of hormone therapy in the treatment of myomoneous tumors, which contributes to the normalization of the hormonal status.

Unfortunately, the redundancy of estrogen does not appear, so the patients are unaware of abnormalities and malfunctions in the hormonal environment.

Improper diet

Unhealthy diet can lead to the development of a variety of pathological conditions, among which the last place is given to myomatous formations. This has a fairly simple and logical explanation.

If the woman's diet consists mainly of sweet and fatty foods, but the plant fiber is not enough, then there is a steady increase in the estrogen level. And this, as is known, provokes fibroids.

Unhealthy approach to nutrition provokes the accumulation of extra pounds, which leads to the development of obesity. And overweight refers to provoking factors of myomoneous tumors.


Hereditary genetic predisposition also plays an important role in the formation of myoma. If among the nearest older female relatives there are cases of such a disease, then the risk of developing her fibroids increases by a third. Typically, such women doctors recommend to be observed at the gynecologist every six months.

Regular gynecological examinations will allow to detect the onset of pathology in time and cure it at the initial stage. In addition, such patients are encouraged to systematically examine the hormonal background. Ladies who are not at risk, gynecological examinations are recommended to be performed annually.

Gynecological interventions

Significantly increase the risk of myoma development of all kinds of operations, therapeutic or diagnostic procedures of gynecological nature.

This category includes:

  • Conducting gynecological medical examination by a person who does not have a similar profile;
  • Delivery by cesarean;
  • Abortion;
  • Operative manipulation on the uterus;
  • Installation of an intrauterine device;
  • Scraping for diagnostic purposes;
  • Delivery with complications.

In such cases, the uterine walls are damaged, and microcracks are formed on them. The body tries to fix the problem and "repair" the damaged tissues.

As a result of such processes, a layering of muscular and connective tissue structures occurs on the damaged site, which becomes the basis for the formation of the myomatous node.

Concomitant pathology

An important factor that can provoke myomatous processes is associated pathology. They include all sorts of endocrine and metabolic disorders, blood circulation problems or stagnation of blood flow, hypertension.

Affects the development of fibroids and pathological conditions such as endometriosis or adenomyosis. These diseases are often combined with miomnymi processes.

Other causes of tumor growth

There are many secondary factors that can affect the development of myomoneous uterine tumors.

Among them are particularly distinguished:

  1. Low immune status;
  2. Abuse of hormonal contraception;
  3. Unhealthy habits;
  4. Vitamin deficiency;
  5. Absence of orgasms or their deficiency;
  6. Neglect of intimate hygiene;
  7. Insufficient sexual activity;
  8. Hypodinamy;
  9. Infectious lesions;
  10. Frequent stress;Excessive ultraviolet irradiation;
  11. Absence of pregnancies and births in women after 30 years of age.

Studies have shown that modern products contain estrogen-like components that can affect the female body in the same way as hormones.

A significant proportion of such substances are present in alcoholic beverages, especially in beer. Therefore, women are not overly addicted to this drink.

Methods for the treatment of uterine fibroids

The approach to the treatment of uterine fibroids is based on conservative or surgical techniques.

If the climacterium is already close, the myoma is small, not prone to active growth and has no significant symptoms, then medicinal treatment methods involving hormonal therapy are used.

The basis of this treatment is the taking of drugs like:

  • Combined oral contraception - when the patient is prescribed a combination of medications such as Ethinylestradiol + Norgestrel, Dezogesretil + Ethinyl estradiol.;
  • Gonadotropin-releasing homon agonists - these drugs help reduce nodes, however, after the end of their intake, the nodes are fully capable of returning to their previous size;
  • Gestagenov - this group of drugs is not popular with all specialists, some, on the contrary, strongly do not recommend taking such drugs in myomatous processes, especially Dufaston;
  • Anti-Prostagens. A popular and highly effective drug is Mifepristone, which successfully reduces the size of the nodes and their characteristic symptoms;
  • Antigonadotropins - these drugs reduce the severity of symptoms, but the size of the tumor does not affect.

If the nodes quickly grow and press on closely located organs, cause excessive unrecoverable bleeding, undergo necrotic processes or are combined with adenomyosis, then surgery is indicated.

Operations can be performed in several ways:

  1. Laparoscopic - through small punctures in the peritoneum;
  2. Hysteroscopic - using a special device inserted into the uterus through the vagina;
  3. Cavity - when surgical procedures are performed through the incision on the abdomen;
  4. Hysterectomy - when the entire uterus is removed together with the tumor.

Gradually, the technique of vascular embolization is gaining popularity, suggesting blockage of vessels supplying mime with food and blood. As a result, formation regresses and resolves.

All about uterine fibroids, its causes, consequences, diagnosis and treatment, will tell the following video:

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