Modern preparations with antibiotics and moisturizing sprays for the treatment of sinusitis

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1 The medicinal properties of the drug

The advantage of this drug is that when it is used in humans, there are no problems with the liver, intestines, pancreas and other organs, both from the administration of drugs in the form of drops or tablets. Thanks to the manual spray and a smooth distribution of the drug on the mucous membrane, the patient who uses the spray gets a good result.

To save a nose from a genyantritis the vasoconstrictive sprays will help, as this kind of preparations considerably reduces symptoms of a stuffy nose and well drains its mucous membrane. Very well reduces edema, breathing through the nose comes back to normal. Use of such drugs is recommended no more than 1 week, since any organism will soon get used to such an effect, and after that a good effect disappears, being replaced by even more blocked nasal passages. Such sprays are strictly forbidden to pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Vibrozil includes a whole complex of necessary drugs, based on phenylephrine. Spray is recommended for children from 6 years of age. In order to get a good result, 1 injection into both nares is sufficient throughout the treatment. There are practically no side effects if you do not use the drug for more than 1 week.

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Tysin is an effective agent, based on xylometazoline. A significant improvement from the spray appears a few minutes after application and lasts about 6-8 hours. The drug is recommended for children from 6 years. He has a number of side effects: severe headache, hyperemia, burning of the mucous membrane. Thanks to Tizin aerosol, you can completely get rid of nasal obstruction and feel much better.

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2 Aerosols for hydrating the nose

This type of spray perfectly moisturizes the mucous membrane, cleans the nasal sinuses well and removes allergens. Such drugs do not have any contraindications, they can be used from birth, since they include only a specially prepared saline solution.

Morenazal is an excellent nose spray based on seawater. It contains diluting and cleaning properties, and in addition, this drug has no side effects and contraindications.

Saline in its composition includes salt water. This medicine can be used from birth. This product very well moisturizes the nasal mucosa. It also has no side effects.

Sprays-mucolytics from sinusitis - a kind of aerosols, which makes it possible not only to dilute the viscous mucus in the nose, but also to extract it qualitatively from the sinuses.

Sinufort is a preparation for the qualitative treatment of diseases of this kind. The components of the aerosol include the vegetative basis and after they get on the mucous membrane, they quickly liquefy the mucus. In addition to all this, the state of the nasopharynx returns to normal, the edema decreases significantly.

This kind of nose spray can be used for children from 12 years old. On average, the course of treatment is from 6 to 14 days. This drug has a number of side effects: pain in the nasal passages, redness on the face and severe tearing. Such a drug can not be used by pregnant women, patients with hypertension, allergies, with cystic and polyposis sinusitis.

Rinoflumacil contains acetylcysteine ​​and tuamine heptane sulfate. The drug significantly reduces swelling and flushing. It is recommended to use children only from the age of 6.This spray also has a number of side effects: heart palpitations, dryness of the mucosa and allergies. Not recommended for pregnant women and allergy sufferers. Dosage should be prescribed strictly by the attending physician, who prescribes several injections per day for 1 week.


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3 Corticosteroids

This type of spray significantly reduces inflammation, but can only be used for a short time and only for the purpose of a specialist. If we take for comparison systemic corticosteroids of a broad spectrum of action in tablets, then this hormonal liquid does not have strong side effects, since it is used topically. It is effective with significant nasal obstruction and several types of sinusitis.

Baconase is a nasal spray based on an intranasal corticosteroid from the adrenal cortex. Has anti-allergic and decongestant properties. Use the drug is necessary only under the instruction and under the supervision of a specialist. The advantage of this tool is that it can be used for a long time. Of the side effects are allergic reactions, bleeding from the nose, as well as perforation of the septum of the nose. It is allowed to apply to pregnant women and children from the age of 6, but it is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

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Nasonex is an aerosol for the nose, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties, and contains the hormone of the adrenal cortex. Prevents the development of various infections, and when injected does not enter the blood. Can be used for children from 2 years and pregnant women. The effect is noticeable after 1 day after use. The specialist prescribes the dosage of the drug, the course of rehabilitation from 6 to 12 days. Nazonex has a number of side effects, such as frequent headache, burning and exacerbation of pharyngitis. It is not recommended to use it for children under 2 years old, people with nose injuries and tuberculosis patients of any stage.

4 Inhalation preparations

Local antibiotic sprays are an excellent alternative to broad-spectrum antimicrobial drugs in tablets.

Bioparox is an inhalant, which is based on fusangin, which has a strong bacteriostatic effect on many pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use not only through the nose, but also through the mouth, can be used for children from 3 years. The main course of treatment should not exceed 1 week. Dosage is prescribed exclusively by a specialist, mainly 1-2 doses of the drug 3 times a day.

There are several side effects, such as redness of the eyes, burning or dryness of the mucous membranes, allergic reactions, nausea. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock is possible. Under the strict supervision of a doctor, this drug is prescribed for pregnant women, but it is contraindicated for allergic people and children under 3 years old.

Thanks to Isofra, the nose in sinusitis will not be blocked, because the drug is based on the use of Framicetin. It, in turn, has a pronounced antimicrobial activity, but does not enter the bloodstream at all. The course of use of the drug should be prescribed only by the attending physician, who prescribes 1 injection in both nares 3 times a day.

Treatment should be done for 10 days. This spray is not recommended for children under 1 year and people who have an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. Also, this drug has side effects - a systemic symptomatic allergy.

To date, sprays for the nose with genyantritis - this is the best medicine. They are diverse.

Sprays greatly facilitate the course of the disease, but only some of them really eliminate the cause of such problems with the nose.

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