Is it possible to warm your nose when you have sinusitis?

1 How to treat the disease

In addition to medical treatment as prescribed by a doctor, you can help the body cope with sinusitis using folk methods that have been tested for years. To do this, you need to understand the features of the disease and the basic principles that must be observed on the path to cure. It is important to understand when you can warm your nose, and when it's forbidden. Physiotherapeutic procedures can be carried out in comfortable home conditions with the help of simple improvised means. Since inflammation in the nasopharynx is a serious enough phenomenon, it is necessary to consult with a specialist in order to choose the right course of therapy and effectively treat.

Depending on the degree of inflammation, the localization of the focus of infection and individual characteristics of the body, it is decided whether it is possible to warm the nose with sinusitis or sinusitis. The fact is that the thermal effect on the diseased organ can cause thrombosis of veins located close to the head.

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Heating the site of inflammation can lead to the spread of infection on the brain envelope, resulting in meningitis, dangerous to health much more than sinusitis. Heat stimulates metabolic processes, causes a rush of blood, all this contributes to creating a positive environment for infection. It is for these reasons that you yourself can not do the heating of the nose with genyantritis.

In acute form of sinusitis in a person raises the temperature, there is a headache, toothache, a lot of mucus is released from the nose, which provokes congestion. Affected by the disease of the sinuses make themselves felt aching pains and uncomfortable sensations. To relieve pain, many resort to self-heating. Although it is much more effective to resort to folk remedies for getting rid of sinusitis: they are safe and quickly help, and in combination with drug treatment they allow to quickly eliminate the disease before it goes into the chronic stage.

2 Is it possible to do warming up

? In sinusitis, one can warm the nose only at the initial stage, when the first symptoms appear, and with the acute form of the disease after the approval of the otolaryngologist. In other cases, it is better not to take risks and limit yourself to drops in the nose, cold compresses and restorative products. Warming with sinusitis is prohibited during exacerbations of chronic form and with a large accumulation of purulent masses in the nasal sinus.

The pharmaceutical part of the treatment consists in using a vasoconstrictive solution for the nose. Alfa-adrenomimetics can eliminate obstruction and relieve discomfort, and antibiotics fight microbes that cause inflammation and the formation of pus. A standard set of medicines will help you cope with sinusitis at different stages. Choose the medicine you need after consulting a doctor, he will offer a choice of several names of a similar action.

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In cases of complications of sinusitis, a small surgical operation is necessary, during which punctures are made in the area of ​​damaged sinuses to deliver the antibiotic directly to the source of the microbial pathogen environment. Inflammation in the nasal sinuses can not by itself pass, this should not be counted, as in the case of a common rhinitis or runny nose.

Most often, sinusitis occurs after improper treatment or ignoring the symptoms of rhinitis, so it is advisable to visit the otolaryngologist more often and try to cure even a common runny nose to the end. With a sinusitis in a chronic stage it is difficult to fight, it is not always possible to help even a long medication, and only surgical washing remains.


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Warm sinusitis with salt is recommended at the final stage of treatment of chronic forms, when the inflammation is almost completely eliminated, and the mucosa is restored. To prepare a warm compress, take a large sea salt, burn it in a frying pan, wrap it in tissue, apply to the nose area on each side for 5 minutes, until the salt cools. A similar effect has a warming procedure with a warm boiled chicken egg. Warming is allowed at the beginning of sinusitis: when the inflammation has not yet developed into an active stage, then the thermal effect is able to damp it. The blue lamp during sinusitis helps as a physiotherapeutic method of treatment.

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3 When the procedure benefits the

The maxillary sinuses are allowed to warm up during the recovery period after intensive treatment, at this time the vessels are healthy and able to withstand thermal shock without the possibility of damage.

Doctors as a preventive medicine advise to make steam baths for the nose. To do this, prepare the herbal composition, heat in a saucepan to 80 ° C and breathe under the towel these useful fumes. Suitable chamomile, lemon balm, mint, calendula and pharmacy herbal preparations. A popular method is steam inhalation with potatoes.

In sinusitis, you need to carefully treat bath procedures, as this is the same thermal effect on the nasopharynx, which can adversely affect the health status during illness. During the recovery period, doctors recommend visiting the sauna and sauna with essential oil of eucalyptus and menthol. A few drops can be added to a bucket of water or a bath broom. The therapeutic effect of these essential oils is associated with antibacterial properties that are useful in diseases of the nasopharynx.

Because of the heat capacity, the infection spreads faster, therefore, in acute sinusitis with severe congestion, purulent deposits and pain in the nasal sinuses, heating is prohibited. Do not help bacteria reproduce and harm healthy cells. This leads to edema, meningitis and brain abscess. If you engage in self-medication and warm with the help of a warmer nasal sinuses with the beginning of an infectious disease, you can get an otitis media of the middle ear, vascular damage and periostitis.

How to determine if heat can be applied to the nose? If the runny nose lasts longer than a week, and if there are pain in the nasal area, you need to see a doctor and do not do the steam heating yourself. At elevated body temperatures, discontinue thermal procedures without instructions from the physician. When supercooling without consequences in the form of temperature or acute pain in the throat, you can warm your nose with salt, a warm water bottle or a blue lamp in the physiotherapy room.

4 Useful advice

Do not get carried away with heating, even if it is authorized by a doctor. The maximum period that is possible for this procedure is one week. The procedure should not exceed 5 minutes, so as not to injure the mucous membrane and blood vessels. The heating element can not be heated to high temperatures, so as not to burn the delicate skin on the face.

If discharge procedures from the nose become more frequent and painful sensations increase, you should immediately consult a doctor. Diseases of the nasopharynx are dangerous for their consequences for the brain, so treatment should be approached with skill. It is better to prefer home treatment to the physiotherapy room and the help of qualified specialists.

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