In a nursing mother, dysbacteriosis after childbirth( caesarean section)

Often, a violation of the intestinal microflora occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth. There are no special differences from simple dysbacteriosis, however, the violation of microflora in women has some peculiarities. It is worth considering the problem of the emergence of dysbiosis in a nursing mother.

The causes of dysbiosis in a nursing mother are very different. They can be standard, for example, pathological processes in the digestive tract, or predominantly female. To the last type of the reasons of occurrence of a dysbacteriosis after sorts it is possible to carry various diets. This applies not only to losing weight, but due to the availability of information, on the Internet you can find a large number of recipes, supposedly improving breast milk, so that the child receives more vitamins and nutrients. It is fair to say that not all diets are wrong, you can meet and really good.

Another reason may be parasites that got into the body during labor or through the use of low-quality products. In addition, the dysbiosis in a nursing mother may be caused by intestinal infection, which for a long time did not manifest itself, but soon became aggravated.

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Separately it is necessary to consider a dysbacteriosis after cesarean section. In this case, it is quite possible for them to be ill due to the fact that the infection was introduced into the body, which began to spread along the gastrointestinal tract. Not infrequently after such births, medicinal agents are prescribed, which negatively affect the balance of microorganisms in the intestinal cavity.

Symptoms and treatment of a dysbiosis in a nursing mother

Symptomatic of a dysbacteriosis in a nursing mother is reduced to the appearance of constipation or diarrhea, and also to their alternation. Common signs of intoxication appear: dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, increased body temperature. A frequent occurrence is the escort of dysbiosis in a nursing mother with painful sensations in the abdominal region and false desires for an act of defecation. Patients complain of a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine and frequent urination.

Given the fact that dysbiosis in a nursing mother is not an independent pathological process, but is a consequence of other disorders, the original causes should be eliminated.

For the treatment of intestinal microflora disorders, nursing mothers use prebiotics, for example, lactuose, thanks to which a good development of natural bacteria begins. They have a laxative effect, so they are an excellent solution if a violation of the microflora after a caesarean section is followed by constipation.

The use of drugs that contain bifido- and lactobacilli is permitted. In some cases, bacteriophages can be used to suppress pathogenic intestinal microflora in a nursing mother.

However, not all experts agree on the application of these funds. There is an opinion that bacteriophages do not have the opportunity to reach the cavity of the large intestine, and are destroyed under the influence of gastric juice, fermentative substances of the pancreas and bile. So their effectiveness, if a cesarean section has been performed, is a controversial issue.

It is worth noting, when conducting cesarean section, a special course of therapy is prescribed, which includes a regimen for the treatment of dysbacteriosis.

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