Achilles gastritis: symptoms

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Problems with the stomach can have different nature and character. Someone suffers from acid reflux with increased acidity, and for some systematically tormenting flatulence, a feeling of bubbling in the stomach is the norm of life. Often people get used to such symptoms and do not treat them in any way or prescribe medications themselves, by sight, sensing one of the types of gastritis. It is not necessary to jest with an achillistic joke. It is better to see a doctor right away.

Achilles gastritis and its causes

Disease refers to chronic forms in which the level of pepsin and hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is reduced to zero.

As a rule, they are more likely to suffer from older people, by virtue of:

  • age-related hormonal changes;
  • problems with the liver, its ducts, gall bladder, atrophic changes in the glandular structure of the stomach;
  • frequent stress, nervous tension;
  • non-compliance with dietary norms, its scarcity and impoverishment;
  • oncological processes;
  • is initially reduced in acidity.
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Achilles gastritis has a long sluggish character with periodic alternation of exacerbation and its attenuation.

Symptoms of Achilles Gastritis

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that it can not manifest itself for a long time, especially if there is a good restorative function of such organs as the liver, pancreas, intestine. But the body's own resource can not be eternal, and someday the moment will come that it will start to fail. This problem becomes apparent in people of retirement age. Although, sometimes it appears up to 50 years. That's when patients can complain about such symptoms, characteristic of Achilles gastritis.

  1. Belching even after a small meal, accompanied by the smell of a foul-smelling egg. It can be observed in the intervals between meals.
  2. Feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea. If the portion of food was sufficiently voluminous and varied, then manifestations of dull aching pain and even vomiting are possible. Usually they begin to feel such symptoms several hours after they have eaten.
  3. When it comes to gastroduodenitis associated with Achilles gastritis, the pain syndrome can be much more vivid. Unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  4. Frequent inflammation of the tongue and gums caused by insufficient absorption of nutrients from food.
  5. A greatly reduced appetite or its complete absence is also an uncomfortable companion of the disease of an achillous gastritis. At the same time, patients say that after eating a spoon of food they feel like they have overeaten, and they are swollen like a balloon.
  6. Alternating constipation and diarrhea, a constant sensation of fermentation in the intestines, which are caused by dysbiosis. It, in turn, develops due to poor digestibility of food, intolerance to dairy products.

Achilles gastritis is fraught with the development of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, anemia may appear, hair will fall out and nails will often break due to lack of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, it is better to go to a doctor to consult one of the listed symptoms.

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