Wine at a gastritis, whether it is possible to drink red dry?

What kind of wine can I eat with gastritis? This issue requires a lot of clarification, since this alcoholic drink has many useful properties, but it also has contraindications. Use it is recommended with extreme caution and a certain dosage. Many gastroenterologists insist that when gastritis should be completely abandoned the intake of alcoholic beverages, because they contain ethyl alcohol, which is not absorbed in the stomach, and resorption occurs in the intestine. After a significant consumption of alcoholic beverages may exacerbate the chronic form of gastritis. The most dangerous is the reception of such an alcoholic beverage, which is able to increase the secretory function of the stomach and reduce the motor skills of the esophagus. These include many wines, berry and fruit tinctures containing amber and maleic acid.

The insignificant intake of alcoholic beverages can speed up the emptying of the stomach, and an increased intake can stop this process and lower the bowel motility. You can make dry red wine with gastritis in a moderate amount!

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Drinking wine with gastritis does not always adversely affect a patient's health. This alcoholic beverage has a bactericidal effect and has a destructive effect on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. With its application, changes in the intestine are possible, but they appear after a certain amount of time, which is necessary to restore correct and rational digestion.

Harm of wine with gastritis

The main complaint of gastritis patients is the appearance of heartburn, namely wine and stimulates this process due to polyphenolic antioxidants, which negatively affect the work of the stomach. Excessive use of it develops varicose veins of the esophagus, and with gastritis such a factor can cause bleeding. It should be noted that the use of red and white wine in certain doses prevents the occurrence of gastrointestinal infections. With unbalanced consumption of alcoholic beverages, the glands produced by the gastric juice begin to function vigorously. As a result, the level of hydrochloric acid can rise and the production of gastromucoprotein is suspended. This factor provokes the appearance of reflux, which in the future can lead to the appearance of gastritis, characterized by high acidity. In this case, the walls of the stomach become inflamed, their thickening occurs and the patient suffers from heartburn and vomiting.

Red wine with gastritis

Dry red wine has a bactericidal, antiseptic, soothing effect on the human body. You can use such a drink from many varieties of grapes, but only in small quantities, for the improvement and improvement of the digestive tract. The main evaluation is its naturalness and quality!

It is rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid, iron, manganese, iodine and potassium, as well as antioxidants and amino acids that are so necessary in the treatment of gastritis.

You can drink wine with gastritis, but you should use some cautions:

  • should not be used on an empty stomach;
  • should not drink sparkling and fortified varieties, since the former contain carbon dioxide, and the latter contain a high content of alcohol;
  • alcoholic beverage from dark grape varieties increases gas formation, so it is recommended that they be discarded.

Red wine, used with moderate gastritis, relieve acute attacks and inflammations, relieve heartburn, normalize the digestion process, and also cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Therefore, their use will be most optimal.

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