Hyperacid gastroduodenitis

When is a diagnosis of hyperacid gastroduodenitis? Then, when the inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa occurs due to a high level of hydrochloric acid. To provoke excessive production of gastric juice can be different reasons. Most often this is due to the defeat of mucous bacteria Helicobacter pylori. To provoke the disease can stress, excessive alcohol consumption, malnutrition, food allergies, endocrine disruptions, liver and pancreas diseases.

How does hyperacid gastroduodenitis manifest itself? The most characteristic sign is a severe heartburn, which occurs very often immediately after eating. It causes a burning sensation in the chest area, pain in the epigastric region. Often the patient is tormented by an acidic eructation, he complains of a constant feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, a strong flatulence, a violation of sleep, the appearance of headaches and a decrease in appetite. During an acute attack, palpitations increase, pressure falls, and a nausea rises to the throat, which causes vomiting.

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But the most important symptom of hyperacid gastroduodenitis is high pH.What are they dangerous? The stomach itself produces digestive juice, it includes peptides and hydrochloric acid. They are needed for protein digestion. The danger is that the walls of the stomach also consist of protein, and if the concentration of hydrochloric acid is exceeded, it easily destroys the cells of the upper shell of the stomach - its mucosa. There is inflammation, in chronic stages it is easily transferred to the intestine. So there is a hyperacid gastroduodenitis.

It is possible to diagnose the disease with the help of fibro-esophagogastroscopy. It shows reddening of the mucosa, severe puffiness, vasodilation and filling with blood, folds become hypertrophied.

Features of treatment of hyperacid gastroduodenitis

Hyperacid gastroduodenitis is treated only with complex therapy. The patient is advised:

  • Accept the pastel regime.
  • Adhere to a therapeutic diet.
  • Use the optimal scheme of drug treatment, made up taking into account the causes of pathology.
  • Do not ignore methods of physiotherapy.
  • Pay attention to the effective means of traditional medicine.

In the future, to prevent relapse, it is necessary to completely change its gastronomic habits and take all possible preventive measures to prevent the re-inflammation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract.

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