Methods of coding from drugs: psychotherapeutic, physiotherapeutic, medicamentous

Addiction is a scourge of our society. Thousands of families in Russia from a serious illness of native people. It is extremely difficult to help drug addicts, even their burning desire to get rid of addiction can not always play a leading role in the recovery process. Nevertheless, there are methods of getting rid of drug addiction, giving the result. Let's talk about coding.

What is the coding for addiction?

Coding from drug addiction, as well as in the case of alcoholism, is a set of measures for drug and psychological effects on the patient's body in order to establish a ban on taking psychoactive drugs.

Coding from drugs involves such manipulations, as a result of which the addict will cease to experience an internal craving for the altered state of consciousness, the state of euphoria as a result of taking the drug does not come and, as a consequence, the sense of using intoxicating substances disappears.

Therefore, despite any taboos imposed by narcologists, most addicts return to life under high in the first weeks after the procedure.

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On this basis, the family of a drug dependent person should understand that only the burning desire of the patient himself, along with coding and an excellent rehabilitation program, can help their strayed relative return to a sober life.

On the video about what the coding is:


The procedure of psychotherapeutic coding is carried out practically in every narcological center. It is available to many in the financial plan, but its effectiveness is questioned by experienced doctors-narcologists.

The essence of the method is as follows: the narcomaniac with the help of special verbal installations is inspired by aversion to the reception of any psychoactive substances, an indication is given of a sober way of life. The patient at this time is under hypnosis or in a state of trance. As a rule, one session can not do without, and how many visits it will take - the psychotherapist decides after the first conversation with the patient.

How effective this method of coding against drugs depends on the degree of suggestibility of the patient, his ignorance of the physiology of the person and the professionalism of the doctor who conducts the sessions.

Before starting the procedure, a so-called suggestibility test is made by the addict to determine how patient is compliant with any settings given during the session. If such a test is negative, further psychotherapeutic work with this patient does not make any sense. It is preferable to use other coding techniques.

Before coding, it is necessary to refrain from using drugs for two weeks. For patients with drug addiction this is quite a long time, so this method is not suitable for all drug addicts.

Set for sobriety with the help of psychotherapy lasts about a year, after which the procedure must be repeated. After using this technique, a drug addict must necessarily be placed in a rehabilitation center.


A fairly new kind of coding based on the impact on the nervous system of a drug addict using hardware techniques. Specialists who offer such methods argue that drug addicts completely lose their attraction to stupefying consciousness.

There are several types of physiotherapeutic coding:

  1. Laser coding. It is the effect of a medical laser on biologically active points on the hands and head of a person. Powerful laser radiation, affecting the brain regions responsible for the formation of cravings for drugs, helps to relieve the craving for drugs and the development of aversion to the action of psychoactive substances. The method is quite young and not time-tested.
  2. Electroconvulsive therapy. A technique that combines hardware and psychotherapeutic coding. Its essence lies in the following - to the patient is connected the apparatus, which supplies the electric discharge. Simultaneously with the discharge, the expert gives several phrases related to narcotization. The strength of the discharge increases from session to session. Thus, in the patient's mind, the connection between the concepts of mortal danger and narcotics is strengthened. The methodology is necessarily reinforced by the work of psychologists and psychoanalysts.
  3. Hardware encoding. The methods of magnetic therapy, heat exposure, etc. are suggested. All such procedures are based on the patient's fear of fear of eating or disgust before the state of drug intoxication.

Contraindications to the use of physiotherapeutic coding are many: oncological diseases, diabetes, mental disorders, high blood pressure. Abstinence from drug use is mandatory for a week.


The most common method, which is used by most drug addicts. The procedure consists in the introduction into the patient's body of special substances that block the effect of the drug or contribute to a significant deterioration of well-being during use.

The main condition for such drug treatment is a sober lifestyle for several days. To control the sobriety and complete cleansing of the body from drugs, the patient is previously subjected to special detoxification procedures.

At the first stage, the patient is interviewed, during which the degree of dependence of the patient on drugs is determined. This is necessary in order to determine the drug effective for the patient and the necessary dosage.

Preparations for encoding are tablets or capsules for ligation. The main active substance is naloxone. The drug refers to opioid receptor antagonists, that is, a substance that displaces heroin from the receptors responsible for getting euphoria from eating. With the constant use of tablets containing naloxone, the patient will not be able to feel the former buzz after another dose of the drug. Thus, the whole sense of drug use is lost and over time the craving for them is weakened.

Preparations for implantation have a similar effect, but are more reliable than tablets, since the patient has no way of avoiding the action of the medication because of its continuous action on the body. For filing, mostly drugs such as Naltrexone and Prodetoxone are used.

Treatment of drug addiction by coding with ampoules is carried out as follows:

  • patient signs consent to the coding;
  • the place of sewing is processed and anesthetized with the help of a prick;
  • is incision;
  • , an implant with a drug is inserted under the skin.

After some time after the procedure, the addict can go home.

Specialists consider medical coding to be the most effective way to quit dangerous dependence. However, and here there are pitfalls. Only by physical refusal of drugs can not do. A drug addict needs a long rehabilitation to learn how to enjoy life without drugs. Many patients after the expiration of the drug again return to drugs, or begin to look for other methods of intoxication - alcohol, other toxic substances, smoking. Addiction is a problem not only of physical dependence on intoxicating substances, it is an impossibility to live a sober life due to some deep psychological problems. To identify these problems and solve them is a huge step towards sobriety, so treatment of drug addicts should be carried out in a complex - detoxification and restoration of health, coding and complex of psychotherapeutic measures give, as a rule, the best effect in comparison with coding alone.

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