Smoking anasha: effect, harm to the body, signs of consumption, the development of dependence

The term "anasha" is the spoken name of one of the most popular drugs in the world - marijuana. This word came into use relatively recently, in the Soviet era - when the import of a drug from Central Asia in the USSR sharply intensified in the 1970s. In 1986, a famous novel by Ch. Aitmatov "Plakh" was released - and anasha became a full-fledged synonym for marijuana in both literature and journalism.

Anasha story

Anasha, weed, dope, hashish, marijuana are all common names of a drug that is obtained from cannabis. An ancient plant, known as a medicine, raw material for clothes, paper, ropes and shoes, "became famous" and as the strongest psychotropic drug. Blame everything - psychoactive substances cannabinoids. The most powerful is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol( THC).

Appearance, method of production and composition of hemp drugs vary significantly. Marijuana and anasha are a smoking mixture of leaflets and stems from the top of the plant. Hashish is a pressed cannabis resin from pollen.

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The homeland of Anashi is Central Asia, but traces of the drug were found even before neighboring states - in ancient Egyptian tombs, in excavations in Siberia. In India, it was considered a sacred grass, in China it was used as a medicine - from pain, intestinal disorders, nervous ailments.

In Europe, too, early on became acquainted with marijuana - back in ancient times. Then the Old World experienced a constant change of attitude to cannabis - it was considered a wonderful medicine, it was forbidden, and in the 19th century, people of art were actively using marijuana - Baudelaire, Balzac, Dumas and others.

Since then, the controversy about marijuana has not stopped, some countries and regions are trying to resolve it as a light drug, but in Russia selling and storing any dose of anash is a serious criminal offense.

The reasons that hemp, once a popular drug, turned into a drug, are very simple. First, despite the "ease", the abuse of marijuana causes health disorders and mental dependence. And secondly, smoking anasha often leads to addiction to more serious drugs. And it's much more difficult to cope with such dependence.

Effect of

The act of anasha lasts usually from 2 to 4 hours. It all depends on the variety( how high is the percentage of THC in the herb), the dose, and also from the related substances. If a person tries to intensify the action of marijuana, for example, alcohol, the effect can be stretched to 8-10 hours. But the symptoms and consequences of such a combination can be unpredictable and dangerous( aggression, panic attacks, etc.).

Clearly answer the question as to how the influence of anasha is not possible - each person has an individual reaction to this ancient drug. But conditionally, there are three stages.

The first sensation of smoking comes in 10-30 minutes. At first the person does not feel any changes, then comes a pleasant relaxation, mild drowsiness, a feeling of peace and joy. The feelings begin to escalate - the colors become brighter, the sounds louder, etc.

The second stage lasts from 1 to 4 hours. The euphoria rises sharply, the person is very sociable, loves everyone, and is friendly to everyone. Every word causes endless laughter, every little thing can seem incredibly important for discussion. Feelings are exacerbated to the limit - a certain gluttony after a smoked "kosyachka" is explained by the fact that the food seems incredibly tasty.

The gradual exit from a state of intoxication begins. There is no strong euphoria, memory dips( short-term) may appear, whole pieces fall out of consciousness. For example, a person may "hover" at the window for an hour, thinking that it costs so only a couple of minutes. After sobering, there is a feeling of peace and tranquility.

The effect on the body

The influence on the organism of the "shoal" with anasha is explained primarily by the presence in it of THC - the most powerful of all hemp bouquets of psychoactive substances that can cause hallucinations. Getting into the body, cannabinoids instantly find special cannabinoid cellular receptors - CB1 and CB2.

CB1 are concentrated in the spinal and brain:

  • hippocampus( responsible for emotions and short-term memory);
  • cortex;
  • cerebellum;
  • subcortical nodes;
  • striped body.

Area of ​​"habitat" of CB2 receptors - peripheral organs and tissues;

  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • ovaries;
  • testes, etc.

Such a wide spread of "marijuana" receptors provides a diverse action of the drug on the body. On the physical side, this is the redness of the eye proteins, increased blood pressure, dry mouth, increased metabolism and a strong appetite. On the psychological side, this is universal joy, love for all of humanity, increased perception, failures in memory, etc.

THC and its decay products can linger in fat cells, in hair and circulate in the blood, respectively, to answer exactly how much it keeps in the blood. Like other toxins, the substance is excreted in the urine.

In different cells tetrahydrocannabinol is delayed in different ways:

  • from the blood of THC is excreted most rapidly, after 12-24 hours;
  • in the urine psychoactive substance lasts up to 3 weeks - depends on dose and level of THC in the drug;
  • the leader in preserving THC is the hair, they keep traces of the drug for up to 3 months and longer.

On the video about the effect of THC on the body:

Symptoms and signs of consumption of

The signs of anasha consumption are most clearly manifested in the first hours after a smoked kosyachka. These symptoms are important to know to all people in whose families children grow up, although a man of any age can become a drug-addict.

The main signs of marijuana intoxication are:

  • dilated pupils;
  • red eyes;
  • hyperactivity;
  • the person repeats actions for associates: someone has smiled - homeric laughter begins, has become sad - can cry;
  • excessive appetite;
  • sharp change of mood - kindness and attention can alternate with attacks of aggression.

If after anasha dose has already passed more than 6-10 hours, notice the signs of smoking is very difficult. In this case, it is important to pay attention to regular strangeness in behavior. If a child or a close person periodically starts sweeping away everything from the refrigerator( especially sweet), dwells in a dreamy-calm state or suffers from attacks of fear, this may indicate the beginning of marijuana dependence. Delayed speech, a strange glass look are also frequent signals of anasha enthusiasm.

Harm and consequences

Scientists have been arguing about the harm from the anasha, throughout the XX century, this debate is not stopping now. At all times hemp performed the role of universal medicine, and supporters of this herbal therapy assure that marijuana also causes minimal harm to the body. Allegedly, all the harmful effects evaporate along with the last effect from the tightening, and the dependence is very weak.

Opponents of marijuana recognize that with rare use, it can be relatively safe. But consider - with prolonged use anasha is capable of causing terrible harm to the body.

Many of the promised horrors for the body have not been confirmed, but the proven consequences are very serious:

  • respiratory system disorders( from cough and dyspnea to emphysema);
  • increased risk of throat infections;
  • attenuation of short-term memory;
  • development of psychosis( if there is a predisposition);
  • lowering of intelligence;
  • temporary infertility in men;
  • unpredictable effect on the fetus when smoking pregnant women( hyperactivity, learning disabilities, difficulties with socialization, etc.).

If a person smokes cigarettes at the same time as anasha, the risk of developing malignant tumors increases at times.

Dependence development

Physiological dependence on marijuana is quite rare, some experts say that it does not happen at all. However, studies have proven that such dependence on anasha develops in 10-20% of cases.

Dependence on the anasha is very slow, in 3 stages:

  1. Lasts 2-5 years. At this time, there is no physical dependence, a person smokes very rarely, the sensations are unusually bright each time. But if the dose is increased, psychological dependence begins.
  2. Is 5-10 years old. Psychological dependence is stronger - the effect of anasha lasts only a few hours, without a hemp dose, the addict is irritable and uncool.
  3. At this stage, physiological dependence on THC develops. Without grass, a person is already not light, he can not concentrate, learn and work. This stage can last until the end of life.

The greatest danger of anasha is the development of tolerance for THC.When the "jamb" no longer causes a habitual effect, a person can switch from a lung to a heavy drug if he does not turn in time to the narcologist and therapist and not quit smoking anasha.

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