What causes pain in the groin in men: right, left

In the groin area, that is, at the abdominal abdominal abdomen, there is an inguinal canal with large blood vessels and hip nerves.

In men in this area there is a seminal cord, in women there is a round uterine ligament. In the case of a hernia in the inguinal canal, intestinal loops may also descend to the same area.

Pain in the groin in men can occur for many reasons, and one should take seriously its symptoms, since such feelings are a sign of malfunctions with internal organs. The localization of pain in the groin may be due to the transmission of it from a source of disease located elsewhere in the body.

Pain in the groin may be a symptom of the urinary tract. It is necessary to diagnose and identify possible problems immediately after the onset of pain of any kind.

Causes of pain in the groin in men

Pain sensations in the groin in men can occur for many reasons. Symptoms of the pain that occurs should be taken very seriously, as they indicate a malfunction in the functioning of the internal organs. Pain in the groin in men can appear both on the right and on the left, its localization depends on the source of the disease, which can be found in another part of the body, but be given in the groin area.

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Why can it arise? Consider the most common cases:

  1. Inguinal hernia. A reasonably probable reason for the fact that a man has pain in the inguinal region and if the hernia is formed on the left side, then the pain, which is logical, will be in this part of the inguinal region. One of the most obvious signs of inguinal hernia is, in addition to pain in the appropriate place, swelling in this area, and this symptom most clearly manifests itself when a man is in an upright position, that is, stands.
  2. Cyst of the spermatic cord .It occurs mainly in men aged 35 years and older, at a younger age this pathology is a rare occurrence. It is manifested by the appearance in the area of ​​the scrotum of a round, elastic soft swelling, usually painless. Aching in the groin to the left appears only when the cyst, increasing, reaches a large size and begins to squeeze the nearby nerves and blood vessels.
  3. Pain in the testicles, supplemented with aching pain in the groin may be a sign of a common disease, like prostatitis. In different periods of life it is diagnosed in 60% of men. In this case, there are also rezi when urinating, erectile dysfunction.
  4. Orchitis .The main symptom of this disease is severe pain in the groin and testicles, which becomes stronger during movement and walking. There is reddening and swelling of the scrotum, sometimes nausea, vomiting, headache, general weakness, the body temperature can rise.
  5. Vesiculitis - an inflammation of seminal vesicles. Depending on the course of the disease, pain may vary. The acute form is characterized by severe pain, covering the inguinal region, the lower abdomen and the perineum. Can spread to the lower back and the sacrum. In the chronic form of the disease, patients experience painful, aching pains that extend to the inguinal region, perineum, and also the lower back.
  6. Varicocele. It manifests itself as such signs as periodic dull, drawing pains in the groin area on the left, while pain can often "give" away from the painful hearth side. The clinical manifestation of pathology can sometimes be limited only by a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the groin.
  7. Infectious diseases of the pelvic organs .Pain in the groin in men can be associated with infection with infections that are sexually transmitted and cause the development of serious diseases( gonorrhea, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia and others.).With the course of these pathologies, the pain is acute, supplemented by fever and chills.
  8. The cause of recurring painful sensations on the right side can be renal colic .Usually, the pain in the groin to the right appears suddenly, sharply giving in the side, leg and waist. The acute pain that appears can be caused by a kidney stone located low in the duct. The duration of the attack can be as long as several minutes. The center of pain, when pulled in the groin, can be in the lower back and be given to the hypochondrium, the area of ​​the bladder.
  9. Pain in the groin in men can give in the right side. In this case, the symptoms may indicate the presence of appendicitis. If you feel that you have a tingling in your right side, then you need to see a doctor immediately. Painful feelings in this case may increase gradually. They begin in the epigastric part and then descend to the bottom of the abdomen. It is worth noting that when walking, pain can be intensified and given to the intestinal region.
  10. The appearance of pain in the groin may be associated with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, in which the roots of nerves going to the inguinal area are infringed. In this case, the pain is also felt in the affected part of the spine and gives to the upper internal surface of the thigh. With lumbar osteochondrosis, it is possible to squeeze the femoral-genital or other nerves of the lumbar plexus, which is fraught with a significant violation of sexual function, difficulty in defecation and urination.

If any of the symptoms appear, specialist advice is needed, as the disease is much easier to treat in its initial stage. And remember that self-medication can cause serious complications.

Diagnosis of the causes of pain in the groin in men

The diagnostic process always begins with a questionnaire of a patient or so-called anamnesis collection, during which the doctor finds out the patient's complaints, determines their character, receives general biographical information, as well as necessary information about the development of the existing disease.

In the presence of pain syndrome in the groin area, a specialist usually reveals the following aspects of :

  • conditions in which pains occur;
  • beginning of pain( for example, acute or gradual development of pain);
  • character of pain( for example, stitching, pulsating, dull, aching, compressive);
  • duration of pain( eg, quickly subsiding or lasting several hours or days);
  • localization and irradiation( reflection) of pain( location of any soreness);
  • intensity of pain( eg, mild, moderate or severe intensity);
  • presence of factors that relieve pain( for example, a certain position of the patient);
  • presence of factors provoking or aggravating pain in the groin( eg, physical activity, ejaculation);
  • the presence of concomitant symptoms( eg, painful urination, fever, rashes on the external genitalia).

So, if you have pain in the groin area, you should immediately visit a doctor. The sooner the problem is established, the less its consequences and the faster the treatment. In solving such problems can help: urologist, surgeon, neurologist, oncologist. After the examination, if necessary, follow-up consultation with other specialists.

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