How to quickly remove an attack and cure a severe headache during pregnancy

2 Migraine

Pains in the early stages of pregnancy usually arise due to the fact that the woman's body is rebuilt to a new regime. And in the third trimester - due to the depletion of the body of women on demolitions. This is because the baby is growing and his need for useful substances is increasing.

To get rid of the disease, first of all you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Causes of pain:

  1. High blood pressure. Sometimes hypertension occurs in the last trimester. The main reason is that the volume of circulating blood increases. If you have a genetic predisposition to hypertension, prevention can be done from the very beginning of the child's expectation. To increase the pressure lead to kidney disease. You should constantly take tests to monitor this issue. In this case, to treat such an ailment, a medic may prescribe drugs to lower the pressure. Although, in order to avoid negative effects on the child, mothers are recommended to rest more often. And, of course, to exclude the factors that increase the pressure:
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  • physical activity;
  • emotional excitement;
  • wrong power supply.
  1. Hormonal changes. The body of a woman during pregnancy changes hormones( their quality, quantity), which strongly affect the nervous system. Therefore, pain in the early stages of pregnancy, while there is adaptation of the body, occurs almost every day. To be treated in this case, in principle, not necessarily. If a woman is persecuted with severe headaches, the doctor should prescribe medications to remove them, since the difficult mental and emotional state of the future mother can negatively affect the fetus.
  1. Low blood pressure. This condition is explained by the fact that in the body of the future mother progesterone predominates over other hormones. It relaxes the cells of the muscles of the whole organism, including the walls of the vessels. The result of the expansion of the latter is hypotension. The brain lacks air, and this explains the disease in pregnant women. Treatment can be prescribed only by a doctor( these can be tablets, which include caffeine).To increase the pressure, you can drink a cup of coffee, of course, if it is not contraindicated.
  2. Gestosis. This is not a side effect, but complication of pregnancy. It occurs as a result of spasm of blood vessels and increase of pressure. In addition, he has symptoms:
  • edema;
  • is a protein in the urine.

Late toxicosis accompanies:

  • hemicranium;
  • glare before the eyes;
  • loss of consciousness.

Gestosis requires immediate hospitalization and monitoring of a future mother in the hospital.

  1. Extra weight gain. Obesity during pregnancy promotes an increase in the level of blood pressure, and this, as already explained earlier, is the cause of the poor state.
  2. "Hungry" hemicranium. The lack of useful substances( glucose) in the blood causes this unpleasant symptom. Therefore, future mothers should eat several times a day, but in small portions.
  3. Inflammation of chronic diseases. During the period of bearing the child, the load on the ridge increases, the osteochondrosis may become aggravated, which will provoke a migraine. In this case, the treatment should appoint a neurologist.
  4. Stress. While waiting for a child, the weaker sex is very sensitive to stress, fear and aggression. Even a small conflict can lead to hemicrania. The doctor should prescribe a sedative if stress provokes this unpleasant symptom.
  5. Difficult work. You can slightly adjust the lifestyle if the migraine occurs due to:


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  • of mental overstrain;
  • long-term work;
  • strong voltage on the eye( working on the computer).

In that case, it's enough just to rest a bit, so that the symptom recedes.

  1. New diseases. Hemikraniya accompanies such ailments:
  • kidney disease( pyelonephritis);
  • meningitis( inflammation of the membranes of the brain);
  • encephalitis( inflammation of the brain);
  • sinusitis( inflammation of the sinuses of the nose);
  • eye disease( glaucoma).
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Migraine in these diseases is characterized by its intensity and does not decrease, even if you take the medicine. In this case, the therapist will help.

  1. Weather. Changes in weather conditions affect not only pregnant women, but also find their response in the body of any person.

This ailment during the waiting of the baby is due to:

  • high / low blood pressure;
  • changes climatic zones during travel.

1 Reasons for concern

Future motherhood is a welcome event in the life of every woman. Her whole world begins to concentrate on the little spark of life that already exists. Do not forget that the waiting period for the baby for a young mother is a serious test.

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The future mum should accept nausea, drowsiness, increased irritation, and also with pain in the head. This ailment can be a news of an interesting situation, the beginning of which the carrier does not suspect.

This unpleasant symptom is not always a serious reason for experiencing, because very often it is just a reaction to changes in the body of a future mother.

Hemikrania while waiting for the baby can be:

  • primary( without the presence of the underlying disease);
  • secondary( as a sign of some kind of disease).

Each of us knows: you can get rid of this unpleasant symptom only by taking medications. But in this case, first of all, we must think about how this will affect the health of the future baby.

3 First aid

The first thing you need to remember a woman in anticipation of a child - to engage in self-treatment categorically impossible. Almost all medicines from hemicrania can disrupt the normal development of the fetus, and sometimes even lead to an intrauterine pathology that is incompatible with life. This is possible in the early stages of fetal formation.

In the second trimester, medications can disrupt the functionality of the fetal organs or even cause labor before the term. How to relieve a headache, tell your local gynecologist.

The easiest way to get rid of migraines is to slowly drink two glasses of water. Also recommend to wash your hair. Light, massaging movements are able to relax the vessels and relieve tension.

It is good to help with a migraine foot massage, it's better if someone from the home does it to you. As a massage oil, you can use "Zvezdochka" balm.

At the first symptoms of migraine you need to lie down and rest a little, at least about half an hour. Almost in all cases it helps. To treat a headache during pregnancy can be decoctions of medicinal herbs.

It should be remembered that not only medications are contraindicated in the period of gestation of the baby, but also many herbs.

If you have a "hungry" migraine from it you can get rid of by drinking tea or eating something sweet.

If the headache during pregnancy is increasing and it is already impossible to tolerate, you can take one No-shpa tablet. This drug will relieve the vasospasm and relax the muscle tissue. Treatment of headache during pregnancy is possible with child paracetamol, which is safe for both the woman and the fetus.

Helps migraine with low pressure Panadol Extra. The composition of the drug includes caffeine, which can complicate the symptoms of hypertensive or hypotonic disease.

Future moms need to remember! In order to treat this unpleasant ailment, it is necessary to establish its cause. After all, treatment is not the withdrawal of symptoms with painkillers, but the removal of the cause that caused the ailment!

If the cause is high blood pressure, then taking medications should be taken from hypertension. When diseases of the spine need to rest more often and engage in physical education. To the doctor to address necessarily. Only he can explain, than to treat a headache.

4 When should I go to the doctor?

Regardless of the cause of migraine, you must notify your gynecologist about the frequency of headaches. If necessary, he will recommend contacting a therapist or a neurologist.

In the following cases, you should always seek medical help:

  1. Headache during pregnancy is permanent.
  2. The disease is present even in the morning after an overnight rest.
  3. It is constantly felt in the same place.
  4. Headache during pregnancy is accompanied by other symptoms. You became ill:
  • to see;
  • to hear;
  • to speak;
  • feel.
  1. You noticed that you have low or high blood pressure.

5 Folk remedies

  1. Food. Take food often. The choice is better to stop on food, which contains complex carbohydrates( various cereals).Since migraine is possible when blood sugar is lowered, pregnant women are recommended to maintain a constant glucose level.
  2. Walking in the open air. If the future mother is in a room that is rarely ventilated, it can cause unpleasant sensations in the head.

In rooms where there are countless people, you need to choose a place closer to the door so that you can go outside and breathe at any time. Walk more often. Fresh air will not only help get rid of the disease, but also improve blood circulation. Do not forget to ventilate the shelter, especially in winter, when the heating is turned on. You can buy a humidifier.

  1. Home remedies. Hemikraniya while waiting for the baby arises even in those women who eat right, do not get nervous, walk in the fresh air. In such cases, you can try to apply the following methods of removing an unpleasant symptom:
  • head massage;if you have frequent migraines, you can turn to a professional masseur, in other cases, you can help and close people: you need to lie down, relax and massage that part of the head where it hurts;
  • cleansing of the sinuses of the nose;this applies to those cases if you have been in a poorly ventilated building for a long time;
  • relaxation: at least half an hour lie down in a well-ventilated and dark room.
  1. Compresses. You can try to apply a cold or warm compress to your forehead.
  2. Contrast shower. Cold water narrows the blood vessels. If you take a shower at a time when the symptoms have not started, you can just wash with cold water.
  3. Less nervous. As they say, calmness and only calm! It is necessary to find out the cause of permanent stresses and try to remove it.
  4. Sleep. Sleep to future mothers are recommended at least nine hours a day.

6 Prevention

Proper balanced diet, strong sleep and long rest are the three main components of the prevention of all diseases.

They will reduce the likelihood of migraine. Better yet, if at the planning stage of the child you pass tests to check your health, and in case of any problems get rid of them.

If a migraine has begun, do not panic. This will only make you worse. Better relax. Do not talk about friends and acquaintances about the disease. Trust your doctor.

Health to you and your child!

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