Best drugs and drops to effectively reduce eye pressure

2 How to lower the pressure inside the eyes

It is necessary to the oculist and choose the appropriate medications if the following symptoms appear:

  • redness of the eyes;
  • subjective sensation of raspiraniya in the eyeball;
  • corneal opacity;
  • frequent headaches;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • sensitivity to bright light;
  • decreased visual acuity.

The curvature of the eyeball is regulated by the muscles of the eye and the pressure of the fluid from the inside. The ophthalmologist measures pressure in 2 ways:

  • under suspensions hangs weights( the Maklakov method);
  • without anesthesia is affected by an air stream( pneumotonometry).

According to Maklakov, the normal pressure is in the range of 15 to 26 mm Hg, according to pneumotonometry - from 10 to 21;Art. Exceeding these indicators indicates the onset of glaucoma. Without qualified medical care, glaucoma provokes damage to the optic nerve and blindness. Reduction of pressure is achieved with:

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  • laser or surgical operation;
  • drops from eye pressure, which increase the outflow of intraocular fluid;
  • drops, reducing the production of intraocular fluid;
  • droplets, which simultaneously reduce production, and stimulate the outflow of intraocular fluid.

The operation is designated as an extreme measure of care in the event that conservative treatment does not give results within six months. The patient requires a responsible attitude to the recommendations of the attending physician, the only way to stop the development of glaucoma.

Eye drops contain active ingredients:

  • beta blockers;
  • cholinomimetics;
  • prostaglandin or latanoprost.

Each group of drugs has its advantages and contraindications. On sale there are more than 40 different solutions for the normalization of pressure, but the list of the main active substances is limited to several names. An ophthalmologist can choose the most suitable option. The most popular drugs in each group of drops:

  1. Beta-blockers. Timolol and similar agents with timolol content. Medications from this group are aimed at reducing the production of intraocular fluid and reducing its volume. These drugs have a feature - they reduce the pressure, even if it is initially normal. Therefore, strict monitoring by the doctor is required, which corrects the duration of the course. Other eye drops from the same group, Betoptik, delay the production of liquid, but do not lead to a decrease in the already existing volume, so they act more slowly. In addition, beta-blockers include Arutimol, Ocupress, Okumed, Kumol.
  2. To stimulate the excretion of liquid eye drops with latanoprost are used, for example, Travatan and Xalatan. Their appointment is justified with increased ophthalmotonus and open-angle glaucoma, ophthalmic hypertension. Due to the outflow of fluid between the lens and the cornea, the rate of development of glaucoma decreases.
  3. Cholinomimetics narrow the pupil and stimulate the flow of the aqueous humor. Example - eye drops Pilocarpine. This powerful agent reduces IOP by 15-20 percent for a period of 4 to 8 hours, it acts 20-30 minutes after instillation.
  4. Combined tools contain several components at once, which allows you to get a positive result faster. For example, Fotil contains both timolol and pilocarpine, and Kosopt - timolol and trusopt.


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If, during the use of medicines, severe burning occurs, redness increases, swelling or itching occurs, the eye should be washed and a doctor should be consulted. Allergic reactions and side effects from eye drops are a rare occurrence. You need to buy medication in the pharmacy and always check the expiration date. It is important to understand that the drops can not be treated with drops alone. In order to stop the development of glaucoma, normalize IOP and restore good eyesight, you need to do gymnastics for the eyes every day. Recommendations of ophthalmologists that help to improve the condition:

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  1. For the duration of treatment, limit the time of focusing the eye at close range. This means that working at a computer, reading a book or watching TV should not take more than 4 hours a day, with interruptions every hour.
  2. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease, which led to an increased IOP.
  3. For the duration of treatment, the weight can not be raised more than 10 kg, otherwise damage to the optic nerve is possible.
  4. Sleep should be on a high and dense cushion, so that the head is above the level of the trunk.
  5. To reduce pressure, a non-alcoholic diet is needed. The content of salt in food should be limited. People with high IOP can not drink a lot of coffee, strong tea, energy drinks.

Elevated eye pressure should be constantly monitored. The use of drops is permissible from 2 to 10 times a day, depending on the preparation. All agents that reduce IOP are potent, dosage is not recommended. If, over time, the positive effect of the remedy weakens, it is necessary to tell the attending physician about this. Use such drops from eye pressure, like Vizin, on an ongoing basis is not only useless, but also harmful.

1 Diseases leading to high intraocular pressure

To cause drops from eye pressure to cause a steady improvement in well-being, one must also work with the cause of the disorder. Eye pressure is increased for the following reasons:

  • chronic eye strain;
  • high blood pressure, hypertension;
  • diffuse toxic goiter, hyperthyroidism and other diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • Ivashchenko-Cushing syndrome;
  • acute renal failure;
  • heart failure;
  • neurological diseases;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • malignant and benign tumors;
  • consequences of eye trauma;
  • ARVI and other infectious diseases;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • long-term use of steroid agents;
  • is an inflammatory process that is located in the eyeball, in the shells of the eye or in the immediate vicinity of the eye.

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Eye drops can cause an improvement and mask the symptom of a serious disease, so if you suspect a high blood pressure, you first need to go through the diagnosis from the oculist, and only then get a medicine in the pharmacy. Without eliminating the prerequisites of the disorder, increased eye pressure leads to glaucoma. Glaucoma turns an acute pressure increase into a chronic one, which is treatable exclusively by surgical methods.

3 How to instill a medicine?

The procedure is very simple, the main condition is clean hands. To put the infection in the sore eye is easy, but getting conjunctivitis in addition to the existing disorders is quite unpleasant. How to drip eye drops:

  • take a steady standing or sitting position, toss up the head;
  • gently grab the lower eyelid with your fingers, pull forward 1-3 mm;
  • apply on the inner part of the eyelids eye drops from the vial with a dispenser or pipette;
  • not touch the tip of the vial or eyedropper pipette;
  • close the eye.

Normally, a slight burning sensation and a small discharge of tear fluid are possible. A strong reaction should not be. All eye drops should be stored in a dark cool place and protected from children. If the instructions say that you need to put the drug in the refrigerator for storage, for your own comfort before using it is necessary to warm the bottle with drops in hands. A very cold liquid causes excessive lacrimation, which will remove a lot of medicine from the eye. Some drugs have a cumulative effect, while others, on the contrary, are weaker with time. If there are atypical sensations, you need to ask a doctor. For the prevention of resistance, drugs are changed every 1-2 years.

How often to visit an ophthalmologist with increased IOP:

  • during an acute period of the disease - 1 every 2-3 weeks;
  • when it was possible to achieve remission - 1 time in 2-3 months;
  • if they achieved a sustainable positive result - 1 time in 1 year;
  • in an emergency situation - as soon as possible.

Timely visit to the doctor will help in time to change the dosage of drops or brand of the drug.

4 Emergency medical care

Sometimes the disease develops faster than the treatment begins to benefit. With an acute attack of glaucoma of the closed type, you need to call an ambulance and agree to hospitalization. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing sight. IOP at exacerbation rises to 40-60 mm Hg, the dosage of drops does not make sense, therefore doctors use other drugs to reduce eye pressure:

  1. A solution of 1% of Pilocarpine is injected every 15 minutes for 1 drop;if the decrease in eye pressure does not occur, 1 drop every 30 minutes for 2 hours. The course of pilocarpine continues with a reduced dosage for 3 to 7 days.
  2. If there is no response to Pilocarpin, it is immediately withdrawn and another remedy from the same group is selected.
  3. Used Timolol - 0.5% solution of 1 drop twice a day.
  4. Assign tablets of acetylozamide, or solution of Dorsamed, or suspension of Brinzolamide.
  5. Intravenously administered diuretics, glycine or intramuscularly furosemide.
  6. In an emergency, if you can not achieve a reduction in IOP to save eyesight, a combination of Aminazine, Dimedrol and Promedol is used. These drugs urgently reduce blood pressure, and also lead to a decrease in IOP.

The aggravation of glaucoma occurs against the background of violation of the regime of work and rest and a rapid increase in IOP.

To protect yourself from such consequences, it is necessary to treat the treatment responsibly, use exactly the eye drops recommended by the doctor, and be sure to give your eyes rest.

5 Other

In most cases, high IOP is caused by either hypertension or trauma to the eye. Treatment of hypertension is performed by a cardiologist. In itself, high blood pressure has very adverse effects, so follow the diet and prescription of the doctor for everyone who wants to feel good and live a long time. If the patient successfully treats hypertension, in order to maintain normal IOP, only the appointment of one combined agent, for example, Fotila, will be required. If hypertension is not treated, you will need to use more potent drugs to correct IOP, for example, Pilocarpine.

What can be done to slow the process of vision loss:

  • do gymnastics for the eyes according to the method of Bates;
  • to buy ophthalmological glasses, to choose the most suitable variant will help the ophthalmologist;
  • impose cool compresses on the eyes;
  • give the eyes time to recover after working at close range;
  • in time to treat any infectious diseases, conjunctivitis.

If conservative ways to reduce eye pressure do not work for 6 months, the patient is recommended surgical or laser correction. To balance the pressure in the posterior and anterior chamber of the eye, a small aperture in the iris is made with a laser. Operations to eliminate glaucoma have 25% recurrence. This is a high figure, so it is best to leave surgical treatment for an emergency. With an integrated approach( charging, diet, eye drops) it will be possible to stop the development of the disease.

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