Metagonome: causative agent, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, prophylaxis

Often the presence of intestinal parasites is confused with various gastrointestinal diseases. The lack of an accurate diagnosis significantly delays the treatment process. This promotes the spread of helminthiases through the small intestine and worsening of the general condition of a person.

One of the most dangerous and unpleasant is metagonimosis - a parasite-helminthiasis, belonging to the group of trematodes. This helminthiasis parasitizes especially in the small intestine, passing through it all life cycles.

Infection with a parasite is accompanied by a corresponding symptomatology. In most cases, a person observes disorders of a dyspeptic nature - an intestinal disorder, abdominal pain, nausea.

Metagonimosis presents a real danger to human health, as it affects the intestinal mucosa, at times increasing sensitivity to various allergens and the products of the life of the parasite.


Metagonimus yokogawai is the causative agent of metagonism. This is a special kind of parasitic flatworm. It belongs to the class of dysgenic flukes.

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Pathogenesis of

In the case of helminth infection of this species, the department of the small intestine begins to suffer. So, the main negative impact is on its mucous membranes and tissues.

During the migration period, helminthiases build passages in them, which leads to the appearance of an inflammatory process. On the surface of the mucous membranes, erosions can also form, resulting from the introduction and exit of the larvae, adults to the surface of the organ.

In very rare cases, the distribution of eggs of worms to other tissues and organs is observed. In this case, the patient is diagnosed with a granulomatous reaction.

Route of infection

In all cases, metanigonosis infection occurs due to a person's negligence and non-observance of food hygiene. So, you can get infected with a parasite in such cases:

  • the use of raw fish, in which metagonimosis developed;
  • improper handling of fish;
  • consumption of fish products;
  • accidental ingress of contaminated fish scales with water.

More than 40 varieties of carp and salmon species can carry this parasite. Thus, a person becomes infected with an invasive fish that has been eaten. Most often the product is transported from the Far East.


Metagonimosis pathogen refers to a variety of biogelmint. Thus, it practically does not differ from other representatives of flukes. Its life cycle assumes the existence of two hosts - intermediate and permanent.

Metagonimosis is most prevalent in the Southeast and East Asian countries. Helminthiasis is also found in Russia - in the Far East and in the Amur River basin.

Source of infestation - infected animals( cats, dogs), people. Together with the feces they all allocate helminth eggs to the environment. The larva emerging from the egg penetrates into the body of the mollusk. There the process of formation of the individual is completed. Thus, the larva develops into cercariae.

Cercariae subsequently enter the water, where they find themselves the next intermediate host, the fish. Penetrating into their body, the parasite is transformed and occurs in the stage of metacercaria.

Having reached its final form, the helminth gets into the mucous membrane of the final host( man, animal), where it reaches sexual maturity within 2 weeks and begins active strokes. Having reached maturity, the helminths exit into the lumen of the intestine.

Symptoms of Metanonymosis

At the initial stage, helminthiases cause an allergic reaction in humans. Often the patient can confuse this phenomenon with food allergy, trying to suppress unpleasant symptoms with antihistamines in the future.

In the future metagonimosis begins to be accompanied by such signs:

  • rash on the body;
  • increased body temperature;
  • chills and fever;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • is an intestinal disorder.

Strong helminthic invasion can develop dehydration with the parallel appearance of muscle cramps. From the additional symptoms it is worth highlighting:

  • boiling;
  • rumbling in the abdomen;
  • bloat;
  • increased gas production;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • arrhythmia;
  • low blood pressure;
  • feeling of weakness.

Diagnosis of

Diagnostics of metanigonosis involves a thorough examination. So, the doctor is obliged to conduct not only the collection of anamnesis, but also to carry out research of a number of clinical analyzes.

So, the patient passes the obligatory coprologic analysis. The main importance is the discovery of helminth eggs in human feces.

After receiving the results, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. For children and adults, therapy is selected individually, taking into account all the characteristics of the state of health and the current disease.

It is inadmissible to self-medicate and apply folk methods of treatment. This will lead to deterioration of the human condition, as well as to an even greater helminthic invasion.

Treatment of

The parasite gets rid of by using special antiparasitic drugs. They allow you to effectively immobilize, kill and remove the helminth from the body.

The most commonly used tools include:

Naftamone An effective tool that allows you to quickly and reliably get rid of metagonism and not only. Before use, the contents of the sachet should be dissolved in warmed sugar syrup. Drink the medicine in the morning on an empty stomach. After this, you can not eat for an hour.
Piratele Classic remedy against helminths. The drug is taken once, taking into account the weight and age of the patient. Before use, the tablet should be thoroughly chewed or crushed. The patient may experience side effects in the form of vomiting, nausea, dizziness and hallucinations.
Praziquantel Therapy is performed once with the drug. So, the pill is washed down with a small amount of water. Possible occurrence of undesirable consequences in the form of headaches, allergic reactions, abdominal pain.

Metagonimosis is also treated by taking an extract of a male fern. This drug can be used to treat adults and children. However, in the case of using this method, the repeated procedure will need to be carried out 2 weeks later.

An hour after the intake of the male fern, it is necessary to take a salt laxative to facilitate the release of parasites from the body.


With timely care and properly prescribed treatment, recovery occurs in the shortest possible time. It is unacceptable to self-medicate by the patient.

In some cases, patients mistakenly begin to treat intestinal disorders instead of helminthic invasion. Such manipulations are completely unacceptable.

Prevention of

Metagnonimosis enters the human body through food, namely through the use of raw or under-treated river and sea fish.

In order to protect yourself from infection with this parasite, it is necessary to heat the fish in a careful manner, not allowing the presence of wet areas.

It is also necessary to remember that helminth can get into a person from various fish-eating fish and mammals. Therefore, their meat should also be roasted or cooked until ready.

Special care should be taken when cleaning fish and when preparing it, as the parasite can be even in the scales. So, standard hygiene measures can significantly protect you.

If you have the first suspicious symptoms, you should immediately contact a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

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