Food poisoning during pregnancy and breastfeeding, what to do: treatment, consequences

Most often, urgent help is being used today due to food poisoning. And these are only considered cases when the poisoning was severe, and how many patients do not go to medical institutions, coping with poisoning on their own.

This behavior is quite understandable if an ordinary person has poisoned, but if it concerns a pregnant woman, then the danger is threatened not only by the injured person, but also by the baby, so in such situations self-medication is unacceptable.

Sources and types of

Foods not only feed on people, they are simply adored by all kinds of bacteria and germs. They happily populate and multiply in food, producing a huge amount of toxic substances. The sources of food poisoning are most often:

  • Salmonella. These pathogens usually live in raw eggs and dishes, in which they are added. The main cause of infection is insufficient heat treatment. Salmonella can affect all digestive parts from the stomach to the large intestine.
  • Staphylococci. This is the most common culprit of food poisoning, including and in pregnant women. The causative agent is activated when the requirements for storage of products are violated. Poisoning occurs due to the use of milk from a cow sick with mastitis, in violation of sanitary and hygienic rules for cooking.
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  • Clostridium and Proteus. These pathogens prefer to settle in fish and meat products, sausages and canned foods, as well as in milk. A clear example of such poisoning is botulism.

Most often pregnant women face poisoning with dairy products, meat, sausages, fish or creams in confectionery. In the summer poisoning with watermelons often occurs. Under the influence of summer heat in the mature berry begins active fermentation, in which bacterial colonies are rapidly multiplying.

Any poisoning is dangerous when carried out. In the case of watermelons, it is bacterial, when intoxication occurs due to spoilage of the product, and non-microbial, when pregnant get poisoned due to the presence in the berries of nitrates, which fertilize plants for early maturation.

It is also common to be pregnant with fish, which obstetricians strongly recommend to eat when bearing. With the use of smoked, salted or dried fish, and especially Chinese fish delicacies( sushi, etc.), there is a great risk of salmonella or botulism.

These types of poisoning are dangerous for pregnancy. Therefore, when bearing, you must be extremely picky to the choice of foods for your diet.

Symptoms of

The manifestations of food intoxication in pregnant women have much in common with banal toxicosis, which often prevents the timely diagnosis of poisoning.

  • The pregnant woman first notes the appearance of nausea, which is soon followed by vomiting;
  • Cramps, soreness, and colic occur in the stomach;
  • Dyspeptic symptoms such as flatulence and bloating, the appearance of burp with the smell of rotten eggs are activated;
  • Then a diarrhea joins the clinical picture.

As an additional symptom it is possible to note the appearance of chills and hyperthermia, general ailments accompanied by dizziness and fainting, pressure drop, sometimes migraines. In general, clinical manifestations are due to the degree of severity of poisoning.

If the food intoxication at the beginning of pregnancy is mild, then women sometimes take it for an early toxicosis. In this case, the clinical picture is usually erased, there may be no characteristic signs like belching, diarrhea, hyperthermia or vomiting. BP indices usually have normal values.

In contrast to intoxication, toxicosis usually worries in the mornings, it may be characteristic nausea at the sight of any food or on certain smells. In this case, there are no diarrhea and no hyperthermia in pregnant women.

In the case of poisoning, the state of malaise is stable and long-lasting, the symptoms appear sharply and vividly, and within a few hours they are only intensified and supplemented with new manifestations.

Consequences of food poisoning in pregnancy

Usually the probable complications of food poisoning are manifested even during pregnancy, but they can disturb a woman even long after pregnancy and delivery, and the baby too.

  1. In the early stages of , severe food intoxications are fraught with spontaneous interruptions, growth retardation and fetal development or fetal hypoxia, as well as a frozen pregnancy, etc.
  2. With food intoxication in the late term , premature labor, placental insufficiency, dangerous for the baby,as well as all sorts of pathologies in development that are manifested by inadequate development and growth of the fetus, their inconsistency with the real terms of gestation.

Food poisoning is also dangerous for the most pregnant woman. Particularly severe intoxication of fetus and mother causes fungal poisoning.

They can cause botulism, which is characterized by conditions such as paralysis of respiratory organs, necrotic lesions in the intestinal structures. These conditions are deadly and end up lethal in a third of cases.

Danger and circulatory disorders, kidney failure or pneumonia, an infectious-toxic shock condition, which requires emergency care. Even emetic reactions and diarrhea are dangerous because they cause dehydration, fraught with blood clotting and thrombosis, a deficiency of minerals and trace elements, a decrease in circulating blood, etc.

If it is timely to detect food poisoning and take measures to eliminate toxins from the body until they spreadon the body, then severe consequences can be avoided.

Treatment of an ailment

With mild food poisoning in the early stages, it is necessary to drink plenty of water and take sorbents such as activated carbon or Smecta.

If the toxic effect was easy, also on the second day the condition will improve significantly, but in additional measures it will not be necessary.

With an average or severe degree of food intoxication, the action algorithm will be as follows:

  • First you need to call an ambulance, and before her arrival to drink coal - 10 kg of body weight take 1 tablet;
  • The doctor, if necessary, will prescribe the rinsing of the gastric cavity, while monitoring the vital signs of the fetus and the blood pressure of the mother;
  • With the preventive purpose of spontaneous miscarriage, the introduction of Magnesia is shown;
  • If a woman bursts uncontrollably, then dehydration develops rapidly. To eliminate it, it is necessary to replenish liquid losses by drinking juices and drinking water, saline solutions, etc.
  • In very rare, severe cases, patients are prescribed antibiotic therapy.

Additional treatment measures are adjustments in the diet of a pregnant woman. Under the ban fall spices and fatty foods, spicy and salty, sauces and fried, ready-made snacks, etc. You can eat steamed chicken cutlets, cottage cheese and vegetarian soups, porridges on the water and vegetables.

This is necessary for the prevention of fetal oxygen starvation. Required bed rest, diet and complete emotional rest. Pi compliance with all recommendations and appointments are favorable.

When breastfeeding

No less dangerous food poisoning during lactation. Breastfeeding or not depends on the severity of intoxication, as well as the health of the mother herself.

If severe poisoning requires urgent hospitalization, so further breastfeeding becomes impossible. In such a situation, in order to avoid the loss of milk and the cessation of lactation, the mother needs to express milk every three hours. Then, after recovery, you can safely resume the practice of breastfeeding.

If food intoxication was found to be easy and there is no need for hospitalization, then the issue of GV is solved even easier. Continue to feed the baby as before.

Usually, light food poisoning affects only the digestive system, penetration of pathogens into milk is hardly possible. In such situations it is necessary to pay special attention to personal hygiene, since poisoning provokers can get to the surface of the hands, and from there - into the baby's body.

Some restrictions are introduced in the treatment of such conditions in nursing mothers, since most chemicals are able to penetrate into breast milk, which will adversely affect the condition of the crumbs. Therefore, the appointment of drugs should be handled only by a specialist.

To begin with, the woman needs to rinse the stomach and perform enemization to purify the intestine. To reduce the absorption of toxic components, adsorbents( activated carbon, Smecta, Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc.) are assigned. To replenish the fluid, nursing mothers need to drink plenty of water, you can take Regidron, alkaline non-carbonated mineral water, glucose solution, etc. Drink often, but little by little.

A sparing diet is also necessary, with the exclusion of organic acids and fiber, which are irritating to the digestive tract. In case of severe diarrhea, a rice decoction or a bird's cherry infusion will help.

With painful sensations in the abdomen, it is also better to use gentle herbal decoctions, since the intake of antispasmodics during lactation is very limited.

In order to avoid food poisoning when the child is nursing or feeding the mother, it is necessary to take the most critical attitude to the dishes and foods used, because during these periods of life she, apart from herself, is responsible for the life and health of one more person.

Video about what to do with food poisoning:

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