Chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage - symptoms hr.phases, medical history, treatment and diet

If the patient is diagnosed with inflammation that affects the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, which has both acute phase and remission, a chronic gastroduodenitis is diagnosed, the exacerbation of the disease is accompanied by a whole bouquet of characteristic symptoms, treatment is complex. The choice of the scheme depends on the type of pathology. How?- Let's understand together.

When carrying out an endoscopic examination, the surface chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage shows focal or diffuse changes in the walls of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Clearly visible hyperemia, puffiness of varying intensity. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain. If in the process of remission it is noisy, chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage gives rise to a severe cutting pain in the epigastric and pyloroduodenal areas.
  2. Adult patients with severe discomfort, and children become sluggish.
  3. After eating, the patient suffers from constant nausea, only vomiting brings relief.
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  5. The mouth becomes very dry.
  6. Sometimes, chronic gastroduodenitis in the acute stage provokes an increase in blood pressure.
  7. If the patient has high acidity, there is necessarily a sour eructation and heartburn after flour, sour, fried and salted.
  8. Intestinal motility is disturbed, so the chair changes toward constipation.
  9. The sides of the tongue are covered with a white coating on which traces of teeth remain.

Erosive chronic gastroduodenitis in the exacerbation stage of

Similar symptoms accompany almost all types of chronic gastroduodenitis, exacerbation of erosive pathology is accompanied by additional signs. Pain syndrome occurs immediately after the appearance of gravity in the abdomen and passes after the patient sits on a strict diet. Erosive gastroduodenitis is often accompanied by a deficiency of the cardiac sphincter, so the eructation becomes acidic.

The patient's skin becomes pale, the person loses appetite, in children this type of disease provokes anemia, so it is advisable to include foods and foods rich in proteins and iron in the diet. But the main feature of this type of disease is the discoordination of the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the treatment of this pathology is aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease and its most characteristic symptoms.

Exacerbation of atrophic chronic gastroduodenitis

If atrophic cartilage developsgastroduodenitis, he has the following symptoms:

  • Pain is not acute, but aching, occurs in the epigastric region and gives to the right side.
  • The eructation is not acidic, only the air leaves the larynx, after which the smell of the rotten egg remains in the mouth.
  • There is appetite, but it is weakly expressed, the patient gradually loses weight, so the diet is made taking into account a set of especially nutritious elements.
  • In breaks between food in the stomach and in the bowels there is a gurgling and a strong rumbling.
  • The chair alternates, the patient appears then constipation, then diarrhea.
  • The main distinguishing features - the emergence of symptoms of endogenous intoxication, such as emotional instability, fatigue and headaches, treatment in this case can not be postponed. Otherwise, there is a risk of involvement in the pathological process of organs located nearby( pancreas, endocrine glands, liver).

Chronic gastroduodenitis with high acidity in the exacerbation phase of

This is a special form of the disease, in which endoscopy shows the lesion of the antral and fundus of the stomach, as well as pronounced hyperplastic changes. Excessive production of hydrochloric acid provokes reflux and often leads to the development of peptic ulcer. In order not to miss the moment, it is necessary to know the symptoms that accompany chronic gastroduodenitis in the stage of exacerbation.

  • Pain in the epigastric zone occurs not after eating, but on an empty stomach. By force, it bears a piercing character, pain occurs in the left hypochondrium, it disappears.
  • Because of severe pain, the patient often refuses to eat.
  • But if the patient is hungry for a long time, he has a strong vomiting, so you need to learn to eat often and in small portions. Breaks between meals should be made minimal.
  • The chair changes toward constipation.

If an increased acidity is diagnosed, the treatment is aimed at suppressing the secretory function.

Children have a slightly different medical history, chronic gastroduodenitis and its aggravation is more pronounced. The most intense manifestation of intoxication and pain. And this must be taken into account when drawing up a treatment regimen. It is important to understand that most often in the younger age the described disease is accompanied by other pathologies. In 80% of chronic gastroduodenitis occurs against the background of exacerbation of pancreatitis or biliary dyskinesia, so there may be other, uncharacteristic symptoms for the disease described. If proper treatment is prescribed, the duration of remission can be increased.

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