Can there be constipation from Maltoffer in infants( in children breastfed)?

Recently, very often in infants, there is a developmental disorder, like anemia. When pediatricians make such a diagnosis, complex treatment is needed, including a special diet and the prescription of iron-containing preparations, among which one of the best is Maltofer. Constipation, which occurs in children from his admission - this is often a side effect, accompanied by a change in the color of the stool. Therefore, it is not uncommon for young parents who are faced with this problem in developing a child about how best to give an iron-containing drug to babies, at what intervals and in what doses to avoid the occurrence of side effects?

Due to the fact that constipation from Maltoffer in the baby can be quite often, when it occurs, first consult with the district pediatrician about the possibility of replacing this drug with its analogue, which does not cause the child to have stool disorders. Or to introduce into the therapeutic technique performed with the help of this medicine, those drugs that relieve unpleasant symptoms. Most often in the case when the children from Constantinople are constipated, they are prescribed Dufalac or other laxatives, etc. In most children, this iron-containing preparation does not cause any reactions of the body. It all depends on the individual intolerance of the child components included in it.

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It is not uncommon for parents to question whether Maltofer can be constipated and how to avoid it. It is pointless to abolish completely the drug, since it is very effective in combating the iron deficiency that is always present in infants of the first year of life. If it is not possible to replace Maltofer with an analogue that does not cause constipation, mothers of children who are breastfeeding should review their diet, including those products that have a lax effect. It is best to include in the woman's food a sufficient amount of prunes and sour milk. They very well normalize the stool and are completely safe for the baby.

In the event that the child is on artificial feeding and during the treatment with Maltofer he started constipation, the pediatrician may recommend the replacement of the mixture with one in which there are laxative elements. Also for babies after half a year, receiving complementary foods, first of all you should introduce in the diet not cereals, but vegetable and fruit purees, containing a large amount of plant fiber, normalizing the stool.

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