Products that cause constipation, which cause( contribute, give) in adults, what can not be eaten, from what foods are they?

All people who are prone to occasional long stool delays are interested in products that cause constipation. This issue worries them due to the fact that violations in the intestine not only cause a lot of unpleasant sensations, but also contribute to the emergence of strong intoxication of the body in children and adults due to stagnation and decomposition of stool, as well as the development of severe complications. Violations of the bowel movement are very dangerous, so it is necessary to understand what a person should completely exclude from the diet, and what foods to make the basis of a daily menu.

On the frequent question of patients about what products cause constipation, experts give an unambiguous answer: all those that have a direct effect on the reduction of peristalsis. People suffering from problems with defecation should completely revise their diet and diet. It is necessary to exclude foods that cause constipation and the possibility of overeating. Eat often and in very small portions. This is the only way to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Let's try to find out more precisely which products constipation occurs in adults. According to the generally accepted opinion, the list of delays caused by acts of defecation of food is quite wide. Bake bread and white bread, fatty meats, rice, potatoes and desserts can contribute to fixing stool. This is due to the fact that they contain a large number of substances that paralyze the musculature of the intestine. They can not be given not only to patients who have a history of chronic stool retention, but also to those who have it occasionally.

What products cause constipation in adults?

As this problem excites many, it is necessary to dwell on it in more detail. Only knowing what foods can not be eaten with a tendency to disrupt intestinal activity due to a slowing of peristalsis will help to avoid the appearance of a delicate problem. So what are the foods that all people are used to seeing in their diet are so insidious that they slow the intestinal peristalsis, what can cause prolonged constipation? More attention to people who are addicted to this problem, should be on such food as:

  • All dairy, including cottage cheese and yogurt. Surprisingly, they can not be given with frequent stools. The point here is that dairy products contain a lot of casein and no fiber. Frequent use of them is fraught with a slowing down of intestinal peristalsis, in connection with which there are persistent constipation;
  • The use of meat of fatty varieties can also contribute to the long absence of urge to defecate. This is especially true of pork. But not only it is dangerous in this situation. To cause prolonged and persistent constipation in an adult are capable of any meat products, if consumed in large quantities and with a side dish of pasta or rice. In the event that a person does not present a lunch or dinner without meat, it should be given in small quantities and only in boiled or baked form. It is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the dish contains a sufficient amount of vegetable garnish;
  • Causes constipation, oddly enough, and some berries and fruits. To an adult who often has a disruption to the intestines, it is worth to refuse both products containing blueberries, lingonberries, bananas, dogwoods and pears, and from using them in fresh form, since they contribute to the consolidation of the stool;
  • There may also be constipation from sweet. These products cause stool delays in overuse. So that the sweet tooth that can not refuse the buns, sweets, cakes and cookies containing a large amount of fats and sugar did not cause a disruption in the intestine, they should balance the nutrition. To do this, it is necessary to include in the diet a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, rich in vegetable fiber.

Often, lovers regale asking and about whether constipation can cause constipation from sunflower. This product, prepared from seeds and sugar glaze, is recommended by many nutritionists, since sunflower itself contains a large number of useful trace elements. This contributes to the normalization of the work of many body systems. But in the case when kozinaki cook with sugar, and not with honey, as in the traditional recipe, the use of this tasty and useful, in the opinion of many, the product in large quantities can cause harm by slowing peristalsis and causing persistent constipation. Despite all the useful properties, there are they should be in limited quantities. This is especially true for adults who are prone to fatigue and frequent stools.

Constipation after overeating

Long-term constipation may be caused by foods consumed in excessive amounts. Almost everyone faced such a big post-holiday problem, when as a result of long feasts the urge to defecate disappears, and discomfort in the abdomen appears. This is due to the fact that the intestine can not cope with the large amount of food that has got into it. As a result, the digestive organs slow down, and rotting processes occur. Everybody knows about this peculiarity of the organism, therefore, in order to prevent its occurrence, it should be prepared in advance.

During the feast, use fatty and acute products that cause constipation, should be in small amounts and necessarily together with vegetable salads that are rich in plant fiber.

It is impossible to eat while eating and always sit in one place. In breaks it is recommended to move more. This will contribute to the activation of the bowel, and foods eaten in large quantities can not cause constipation.

In the same case, when the situation got out of control and the person still ate, to cope with the problem before it causes significant harm to the body and breaks the quality of life, it is possible. It is enough to let the victim eat the boiled and boiled dried fruits of dried apricots and figs, and, most importantly, drink their decoction. This manipulation will help to cope with the problem and caused by the use of a large number of products, constipation will quickly stop.

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