Increased appetite for gastritis

Gastritis refers to a stomach disease associated with a malfunctioning of its mucous layer. There are many varieties of this disease. They all have similarities: burning in the sternum, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, bloating and problems with stools. But the increased appetite almost does not occur. Rather, his absence is lawful.

How many patients are surprised when they notice their irrepressible desire to overeat. Increased appetite for gastritis is puzzling. Patients are looking for information on the Internet and find only a misunderstanding. However, such a food deviation is not an oddity, but a norm. This is quite an ordinary symptom for gastritis with high acidity. The feeling of a constant sense of hunger signals serious disturbances in the metabolism.

Gastritis with high acidity is not an accurate diagnosis, but a combination of several varieties of the disease according to this feature. In this case, in the case, for example, of an exacerbation that occurs against the background of severe lesions of the stomach, the appetite naturally decreases. But with a superficial type of disease, eating reduces acidity, which in turn causes severe bouts of hunger. You want to eat the more, the more you eat. Increased appetite can not be satisfied with the usual diet.

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It should be noted that the superficial gastritis is quite simple in curing. This is the first step on the way to the chronic stage. The lesions of the stomach are not so significant, the deep tissues and duodenum are not yet affected by pathological changes. Initially, this type of disease was not even considered independent, but due to a rapid transition to more complex species without treatment, it was singled out as a separate group. The reason for this rapid transformation is in the increased appetite, which causes long episodes of overeating. Today, this nutritional abnormality is the most common cause of the appearance of serious forms of the disease.

Please note that not always problems with the stomach arise due to an incorrect lifestyle. Of course, bad habits, lack of a healthy diet and a measured lifestyle lead to the appearance of the disease. However, gastritis can also be provoked by the infection caused by the presence of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Many previously healthy people initially struggle with their own symptoms. They consider them a mere accidental malfunction. While patients with willpower and folk recipes try to cure an increased appetite, the disease progresses. If you suspect a gastritis, do not waste precious time and go to the doctor immediately. Curing the surface stage is the easiest. Do not wait until there are chronic problems.

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