Drunken alcoholism: forms, symptoms, consequences, getting out of drinking-bout at home and in the hospital

One of the terrible manifestations of alcoholism, which always leads to severe consequences, is considered to be drunkenness.

Drunken Alcoholism

Continuous intoxication, inability to be sober, thoughts of drinking and heavy intoxication - all these symptoms and there is evidence of drunken alcoholism. The condition is really very hard for the alcoholic himself, because, in addition to catastrophic health consequences, can entail social problems - dismissal, family breakdown, conflicts in the company of drinking companions.

From the medical point of view, drunken alcoholism is a characteristic manifestation of the second stage of the disease, called drug addiction. And, indeed, a drunken alcoholic is very similar to a drug addict in its essence - the same endless search for a dose of alcohol, severe withdrawal, the inability to reach intoxication with small doses of alcohol, because of what you have to get drunk "in the insole" every day.

Only the next dose of alcohol helps to remove these painful manifestations. Drunken alcoholic and in fact can not live a day without the state of alcohol intoxication, alcohol is so wedged into the metabolic processes of the body that it becomes necessary for existence.

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Drugs, as a characteristic sign of a chronic disease, begin to manifest in the second stage of the disease, and on the third - encephalopathic - are a constant companion of the alcoholic.

True and false drunkenness

Specialists distinguish between two types of drunken states - true drinking and pseudo-dust.

Symptomatic of both species is not much different, both types are inherent:

  • abstinence state;
  • strongest mental desire to drink;
  • resistance of the body to the action of ethyl alcohol.

Despite these similarities, there are certain differences in the course of these painful conditions.


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The pseudo-purse lasts for some time and usually begins spontaneously. The reason for a multi-day binge can be any provoking factor - someone's wedding, buying a big thing, long holidays and even the end of the workweek. The binge ends in a few days, usually without medical support and under the influence of external factors - you have to go to work, finances have ended, problems arise at home. Enlightenment between such bouts can last from several days to several months. Dependence on alcohol is moderate, but the dose drunk during the drinking season can be quite significant.

True drinking. An extremely dangerous form of alcoholism, in which the goal of taking alcohol is to alleviate severe abstinence. True binges for the third stage of alcoholism - a constant phenomenon. It is formed such a binge when morning opohmelenii, when the patient with a view to remove unpleasant symptoms again drinks a glass of alcoholic beverage. And after a couple of hours he drinks again. And then again, again and again. Such a vicious circle is almost impossible to break without the participation of medical workers. Abort the state of the true binge can only complete rejection of alcohol by the body. The alcoholic comes out of the binge with severe signs of withdrawal, but after a while, craving for alcohol arises again and, after drinking a few glasses, the alcoholic patient again goes into drinking.

Symptoms and consequences

Drunken state distinguishes such features as:

  • An inordinate desire to drink even when the strongest state of intoxication is reached.
  • Complete lack of control of the situation. The alcoholic in the binge has no idea what kind of alcohol he drank.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed can be simply huge, spirits of varying degrees of strength are used fractionally throughout the day.
  • The predominance of aggression and anxiety in intoxication.
  • The duration of intoxication exceeds one day.
  • Absence of appetite and normal state of physiological sleep. A condition more like forgetfulness does not give a full rest to the body and does not allow the brain to recover.
  • Strongest abstinence, which can only be removed with a regular dose of alcohol.
  • Drinking is the main idea around which the world revolves. Conversations, thoughts and desires of an alcoholic in a drunken state converge on alcohol and the desire to urgently use it.

Typical for drinking disorders are such disorders:

  • alcoholic delirium - a severe psychosis that occurs when severe alcohol poisoning;
  • convulsive seizures, characteristic of the condition of withdrawal from a drinking-bout;
  • severe liver damage - hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • cardiomyopathy - pathological changes in the cardiovascular system due to severe myocardial poisoning with toxins of ethanol, leading to cardiac arrhythmias and sudden cardiac arrest;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • pathology in the pancreas.

In addition to these severe complications, we can not fail to note the frequent poisoning by surrogates. Alcoholics, who are in a drinking state, rarely pay attention to the quality of booze, most importantly - to get drunk on alcohol. Very often such poisoning leads to death.

The terrible consequences of binge drinking include such frequent cases as suicides due to changes in the mental state of the alcoholic, cases of domestic trauma and the consequences of conflict situations, often occurring when drinking alcohol in companies.

Separately, I would like to mention the consequences of drinking alcoholism in female representatives. Severe alcohol intoxication does not pass without leaving a trace for the appearance of a woman: the face swells profusely, changes color to cyanotic-purple, hair and teeth become rare due to lack of vitamins and trace elements. Since the development of female alcoholism occurs much faster, then the drinking state of women begins much earlier than in men - after 5-10 years of malicious consumption of wine, a woman is no longer able to control the size of the drink and goes into frequent drinking-bouts. The most terrible consequence for the family is the absolute unwillingness of the mother to engage in their children, all the free time she spends on the search for alcohol and drunk oblivion.

It's scary to imagine how a child is born, which the mother regularly poisoned in the womb. On physical health and mental fitness and speech can not go!

Therefore, as soon as it becomes apparent that the woman began to abuse alcohol, it is worth taking all the measures to prevent the transition of her condition into drunken alcoholism - to give the woman any support and care, to surround her with attention and in any way to persuade to be treated for this terrible dependence.

Treatment of

It is not pleasant to observe alcoholic drinking from a loved one, especially when it comes to female alcoholism. Moreover, an alcoholic in such an altered state is able to take out of the house everything that can be sold to scrape up money for another bottle of alcoholic swill. To stop the drunken state, relatives of a sick person need to turn to specialists to provide urgent narcological help to a relative who is in alcoholic delirium.

Of course, you can wait until the booze ends on its own. The exit occurs when the patient's body is no longer able to ferment ethanol. At the same time, there are no guarantees that the alcoholic will survive the next state of drinking-bout, and the probability of relapse, after some time of a sober life, generally tends to 100%.

A sharp exit from the drunken state without drug support is fraught with the development of alcoholic psychoses, hallucinations, extremely aggressive behavior and the appearance of delirium. Therefore, before treating a binge is to go to the hospital, where the alcoholic will provide proper care and protect from drinking alcohol. Under such conditions, drinking is completely curable.

To remove the state of alcohol intoxication, the patient needs a full sleep. To this end, the doctor can be used sleeping pills - phenazepam, Relanium. To reduce the symptoms of toxic effects of ethyl alcohol, droppers with detoxification drugs( Ringer's solution, glucose with vitamins, saline solutions) will help.

The next stage in the treatment of a drunken state is the accelerated elimination of alcohol decay products from the body. To this end, the patient is prescribed diuretics. Necessarily, neuroleptics and tranquilizers are prescribed for relief of symptoms of alcoholic delirium, removal of seizures, suppression of excessive anxiety.

For the support of a weakened organism and the normalization of metabolism, vitamins B and C, beta-adrenoblockers, magnesium sulfate, panangin, vitamin E and hepatoprotectors are used.

After the withdrawal from alcoholic binge, a patient who wants to lead a sober lifestyle, it is necessary to help the narcologist and therapist to maintain the state of sobriety for a long time and adjust the mental state.

It's possible to get out of alcoholic drinking at home. It is worth to assess the severity of the alcoholic state. If there are no signs of acute psychosis and there are minor signs of withdrawal, hospitalization in the hospital can be avoided and medical support in the home can be made.

In order to remove from the drinking-bout, the patient is assigned droppers with thiamine and magnesium sulfate to soothe, restore electrolyte balance, reduce convulsive state. When the condition is of moderate severity, intramuscular injections of diazepam are used that have a strong sedative effect, anti-anxiety, hypnotics, and anticonvulsant effects. To support the cardiovascular system, propranolol is taken internally.

The patient is offered a plentiful drink with the use of special solutions - Regidron or Gastrolit.

Getting out of the state of drinking-bout is not at all a treatment for alcoholism. Actually, the same treatment can be carried out only if the patient himself wishes. Only then there are all chances to return to a full life without alcohol.

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