Chronic and acute pulmonary heart: diagnosis and treatment, symptoms, signs

The situation arises as a result of lung lesions. It should not run respiratory diseases, timely treatment and lead a lifestyle without bad habits.

Such actions will contribute to the preservation of heart health. And if the illness has happened, then it is necessary to see a doctor as soon as possible. Note that this disease, as well as pulmonary hypertension and embolism, refers to the ailments of the small circle of blood circulation.

Features of the disease

Deformation of the right ventricle of the heart: its enlargement, expansion associated with lung problems. This situation is due to the fact that all kinds of obstacles created in the small circle of blood circulation increase the resistance in the vessels, and consequently, the blood pressure.

It is transmitted to the right heart and expands the walls of the ventricle.

Degrees and Classification of Pulmonary Heart

The disease in terms of the speed of development has two varieties.

  1. Chronic form - the pathological process has been developing for several years. Arterial hypertension is formed gradually and causes undesirable changes in the right ventricle. The course of the disease in this form has two stages.
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    • Compensated - gradual deformation of the right ventricle under the action of increasing pressure in a small circle.
    • Decompensated - when, as a result of the progression of the compensated stage processes, right ventricular failure occurs.
  2. Acute form - the dynamics of the development of pathology provides for a relatively rapid development of the process from a small number of days to several minutes. The vessels that passed the blood to the lungs, for various reasons, narrowed their diameter to such an extent that they created appreciable resistance to the blood flow, which led to a pathological change in the right ventricle. Provoke an acute condition can pneumonia in severe form, blocking the pulmonary artery of the heart with a thrombus.

The pathology is classified according to the causative factor into three types:

  • thoracodiaphragmatic - it is caused by deformation of the chest,
  • bronchopulmonary - defeat by bronchopulmonary disease,
  • vascular - the disease is caused by diseases of the walls of blood vessels.

About the causes of the development of acute and chronic pulmonary heart read in the next section.

For more information about what a pulmonary heart syndrome is, the expert will tell in the following video:


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Causes of

A diagnosis such as a pulmonary heart is not a direct disease of this organ. Pathology is the consequence of problems in the lungs. Violations of this nature can trigger such causes:

  1. vascular disease:
    • vascular wall pathology,
    • vascular deformation due to tumor processes,
    • blood clots in major vessels and their branches;
  2. chest is restricted in movements:
    • polio,
    • kyphosis,
    • scoliosis,
    • and others;
  3. bronchial and pulmonary diseases:
    • emphysema,
    • sarcoidosis,
    • bronchitis,
    • asthma,
    • and others.

Next we will tell you about the signs of pulmonary heart syndrome.

Symptoms of

The acute form manifests itself through signs that occur instantaneously:

  • sharp dyspnea,
  • cyanosis of the skin,
  • psychomotor agitation,
  • sudden chest pain,
  • cervical veins become swollen,
  • liver pain,
  • tachycardia,
  • pressure drops, collapse may occur;
  • there is a ripple in the abdomen,
  • if there is blockage of the artery, then there may be a shock with a subsequent fatal outcome.

If the chronic form passes to the stage of decompensation, then the symptoms will appear:

  • heart pain,
  • heart palpitations,
  • dyspnea, which manifests itself more strongly:
    • in lying position,
    • when physical activity occurs,
    • in the cold;
  • appears bluish cover,
  • enlargement of the liver,
  • cervical veins become swollen,
  • decline of strength,
  • swelling of the lower extremities.

On the treatment and diagnosis of chronic and acute pulmonary heart, read on.


A number of diagnostic measures are carried out to detect the pulmonary heart:

  • ECG
  • The lung is being tested for its main function - respiratory. This check is carried out through the observation of breathing.
  • Radionuclide ventriculography - a device is introduced into the vein, which is capable of recording impulses. They are decrypted by computer. Among the information obtained is contractility of the myocardium and the state of the wall of the myocardium.
  • Echinopplercardiography is an echo sounding method that allows you to see the work of the heart and get information about the features of the blood flow.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - this method allows you to obtain detailed information about soft tissues.
  • Right ventricular catheterization - examination of the condition of the heart by inserting a catheter through the veins.
  • A blood test to see the hematocrit. This study provides information on the ratio of the volume that the blood cells make to the volume of blood.

To determine which disorders in the lungs initiate heart disease, conduct a survey of this area:

  • bronchoscopy,
  • blood tests,
  • it is possible to conduct pulmonary tissue biopsy,
  • X-ray,
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of

The pulmonary heart care is prescribed by a specialist with the aim of completely removing or at least reducing the manifestation of the disease that provoked the problem. It is necessary to improve blood circulation in the lungs, to overcome as much as possible the processes that cause hypertension of the lung.


Oxygenotherapy - the patient receives a procedure in which he breathes a gas mixture enriched in oxygen. The specialist can give advice to supplement this action with special breathing to promote ventilation of the lungs.

It is recommended:

  • to avoid low temperatures,
  • not to be in places with polluted air,
  • to quit smoking.


The course of treatment often involves taking medications in accordance with a problem in the lungs.
These can be:

  • blood flow improving agents,
  • diuretics designed to relieve puffiness,
  • antibiotics if the inflammatory process is caused by infection;
  • blood thinning agents;
  • use calcium antagonists,
  • medications that improve cardiac contractility;
  • mucolytic drugs if there is a need to withdraw phlegm.

If the blood test showed increased viscosity, and this is related to the number of red blood cells, then it is possible to administer bleeding.


  • If the disease is neglected and the therapeutic methods do not help, the way out can be in the form of an operative intervention. If a thrombus overlaps the pulmonary artery, then a procedure is performed to remove it.
  • It may happen that the patient's condition does not leave any other way, except organ transplant. Since the diseased organ is the heart, it is necessary to replace it.
  • If you do not remove the cause that initiates the disease - the pathology in the lung, then the heart transplant will be in vain. Practicing together with the heart to make a replacement and easy.

Such an event is difficult, because it is not easy to find a donor. And if it does, the world practice shows that on average, as a result of such an operation, life is prolonged for five years.

Other methods of

  • Thrombosis, if the indications are allowed to be removed by a minimally invasive method. This is the application of a probe to a jam in a vessel of special substances that can dissolve it.
  • If the disease caused shock, then resuscitation is required. After this, measures are taken to remove the thrombus from the artery.

Prevention of the disease

What is subject to a person in relation to how to warn against a pulmonary heart disease - without delaying to stop the destruction of health by smoking. This harmful habit is capable of provoking in the lungs all the prerequisites to create all kinds of obstacles in the vessels for free blood flow, which initiates pathological changes in the heart.

Complications of

The disease, which is called the pulmonary heart, can cause undesirable effects:

  • liver cirrhosis,
  • under stress a person may lack oxygen,
  • the appearance of edema,
  • possible syncope,
  • venous insufficiency of peripheral vessels,
  • fatal outcome.


The disease causes a number of reasons. The prognosis depends on how it is possible to eliminate the main causes or at least to stop the progression of the pathological process that initiates the pulmonary heart.

The chronic form of the disease with timely treatment is promising. If the stage of decompensation has come, the patient usually lives for several years. The acute form of the disease gives less optimism. And finally, we will give some recommendations in case you are disturbed by a pulmonary heart.


  • It is necessary to take care of the condition of the lungs.
  • If there is a disease, on time to treat.
  • Avoid stagnant phenomena, give the body the best possible load.
  • Practice has shown the benefit of long-term oxygen treatment.
  • Do not go to the highlands so as not to cause an exacerbation of the pathology.
  • Check the acid-base balance and correct it if necessary.
  • Do not expose yourself to a stressful situation.
  • Avoid excessive very fatigue loads.
  • Do not catch cold and avoid accidental infection with diseases such as influenza.
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