Drugs for diarrhea, for the treatment of diarrhea in adults, against indigestion, best and effective against liquid stools

Such a nuisance as diarrhea can happen to anyone. Developing a person's liquid stool brings to his life a lot of problems, significantly violating its quality. If the appearance of watery feces did not occur due to any serious illness, but because of neurogenic factors, light food poisoning, antibiotic intake or such a non-dangerous cause, you can do without calling a doctor, and pick up preparations for diarrhea yourself. Treatment of indigestion in adults usually does not cause special problems, since the best medicines against this disease can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription. The list of effective means is large enough, therefore, it is necessary to understand in more detail what preparations for the treatment of diarrhea may be required. All tablets used for the therapy of diarrhea are divided into 3 classes:

  • Enterosorbents. They are designed for the binding and excretion of the products of vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as viruses and bacteria that cause indigestion. The best in this group of drugs for diarrhea are Regidron, Smecta, Carbactin, Polysorb and Activated Carbon;
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  • Probiotics, a group of agents used to restore the natural intestinal microflora, disrupted during intestinal infections or dysbiosis. This includes such effective medicines as Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, RioFlora, Hilak-Forte and Lineks;
  • The list of preparations for diarrhea, which have antimicrobial effect and is aimed at slowing down of peristalsis, is also wide. Effective therapy for loose stools in adult patients and in children is due to the fact that when these funds are taken, the passage of fecal masses through the intestine increases, the peristalsis slows down and the number of urges to defecate decreases. In the list of drugs against diarrhea, the best are Ftalazol, Lopeiumum, Furazolidon, Imodium and many others. These drugs against diarrhea have long earned the trust of patients.

There are necessary for diarrhea and iron preparations. Diarrhea, flowing with blood, always contributes to the development of anemia in the patient. Although these funds are not directed directly at stopping diarrhea, they replenish the lost iron, thereby facilitating its general condition. These pills are recommended in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, caused by the appearance of a stool with a lot of bloody impurities. But it should be remembered that therapy with these drugs of the consequences of the syndrome should be carried out only according to the appointment of a specialist.

The best drugs for diarrhea

There is no one universal tool that helps everyone without exception. Due to the fact that each person is individual, the pathology tablets for each patient require certain. In order to find the right medicine it is necessary to try many drugs used against the development of diarrhea. But still in this multiple category of funds for diarrhea there are several medicinal forms recognized by the majority of people suffering from frequent dysfunction of the intestine. The greatest number of positive responses in the treatment of indigestion in an adult patient are deserved by the following:

  • The drug for diarrhea Bifikol dry is a dried mass of E. coli and live bifidobacteria. This agent against diarrhea normalizes the intestinal microflora and has an antimicrobial effect. It is used in colitis, acute dysentery and dysbiosis;
  • Many people in the treatment of stomach upset praise and such a tool used against the appearance of watery bowel movements, as Bifiform. The action of this drug against diarrhea is aimed at normalizing the quantitative and qualitative composition of the intestinal microflora;
  • Also very good reviews deserved and such antidiarrhoeal remedy, as gastrolit, normalizing in the digestive tract electrolyte balance. It is intended for oral rehydration with severe dehydration. In the early stages of the disease, this drug against diarrhea prevents the occurrence of electrolyte disorders and acidosis, especially when diarrhea is prone to a baby;
  • No less effective remedy for such dysfunction of the intestine is Imodium, which is known to many as the Ledium. This drug is most beneficial in the treatment of diarrhea caused in adults by exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, travel syndrome or IBS.Imodium quickly relieves diarrhea by increasing the density of fecal matter and suppressing intestinal peristalsis;
  • Also a very powerful tool used to treat a stomach disorder is Intetriks. This chemical is able to destroy the majority of intestinal parasites and microbes, in that it applies from lamblia and amoeba. The drug Intetriks is able to help out with diarrhea caused by almost any intestinal infection, especially during overseas trips. Also, this drug is used for chronic diarrhea caused by dysbiosis;
  • But the most popular remedy against intestinal dysfunction of almost any origin is Smecta. The universality of this drug against diarrhea was experienced by most patients. To treat diarrhea, this remedy is prescribed even to the newborn, because it is a non-chemical and absolutely safe remedy. Diosmectite, an active ingredient Smecta is a natural raw material, a kind of clay that contains many substances that can absorb toxins that have appeared in intestinal infections.

In the case when the patient does not have any serious chronic diseases, the listed diarrhea drugs can quite well and without causing any side effects of diarrhea to cope with this unpleasant sign.

Treatment of diarrhea with

In most cases, strong drugs may not be necessary for the treatment of diarrhea. He will go on his own for several days and will not force him to see a doctor. However, this functional disorder can cause dehydration, so it is necessary to drink plenty of water during it, it is best to do this very often and in small sips.

You should also remember that after getting rid of diarrhea, you need to let the body get stronger. To do this, you need to "sit" for a couple of days on gruel, light soups and croutons, and only then return to normal diet.

Drugs for diarrhea, recommended by a specialist or selected independently, must be taken by prescribed courses, without deviating from the rules specified in the annotation of the desired remedy. Also, after the last episode of watery feces, you should stay at home for at least 2 days to prevent infection of others.

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