Polyps in the intestine - the causes of formation, the appearance of polyposis, why do they appear?

Practically in 20% of elderly people polyps are found in the intestine at the examination, the reasons for their appearance have not been fully studied yet. But physicians identify several major factors that invariably accompany the described disease. It was observed that the cells of the gastrointestinal mucosa are constantly updated, if this process occurs unevenly, fleshy growths necessarily grow on the walls of the hollow organ.

Why is it important to be able to identify the causes of polyps in the intestine? As a rule, treatment helps to eliminate only the consequences. To get rid of the fleshy build-up you can in one way - remove, cut it with a scalpel or endoscope. But if not to eliminate its cause, the tumor will appear again in a year or two in the same place.

The causes of the appearance of intestinal polyps

In the development of polyps, the following factors play a big role:

  1. Often close relatives on the paternal line most often reveal polyposis of the intestine, its causes are hidden in heredity. If the anamnesis of the father and grandfather had benign growths of the colon, then their son, too, can be found a similar disease.
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  2. Malnutrition is another factor that can provoke polyps in the intestines, the reasons lie in the excessive use of fatty foods, mostly of animal origin, and in the lack of food with coarse fiber. Therefore, as a preventive measure, doctors recommend including in the daily diet whole grain bread, buckwheat, bran, raw vegetables and fruits.
  3. Frequent intake of laxative preparations containing cenoids also lead to the formation of polyps in the intestine, this is associated with chronic constipation, they cause constant irritation of the mucosa and its inflammation.
  4. Bowel disease is the next reason for the onset of polyposis. Almost always the growth of fleshy growths is accompanied by ulcerative colitis. This disease is accompanied by the formation of ulcers, which are mainly located on the walls of the intestinal mucosa. The next disease is Crohn's disease. It is characterized by the fact that the inflammatory lesion captures any part of the stomach or part of the large intestine.
  5. Prolonged smoking can also cause illness.
  6. The next factor is hypodynamia. A sedentary lifestyle affects the work of the gastrointestinal tract and provokes the formation of benign neoplasms.
  7. The biggest risk group is men over 50 years old. It is they who most often have polyps in the intestine, the reasons lie in the totality of all of the above factors.

Knowing why polyps appear in the intestine, you can try to change your lifestyle and eliminate the most common causes of fleshy growths. How to do it?

It is important to follow the rules of healthy eating, for the sake of health, you need to give up fatty foods, from fast food, carbonated sweet drinks and coffee. It is necessary to include daily in your diet fresh vegetables and fruits, granular groats, sour-milk products. After 45 years it is useful to visit the gastroenterologist and proctologist once a year, undergo an endoscopic examination. When polyps are found, it is better to immediately remove them surgically, and then additionally in the treatment to use traditional medicine. They will avoid relapse. If there are prerequisites for the occurrence of polyposis( poor heredity, for example) it is important to try to abandon bad habits( alcohol and smoking).

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