What are the dangerous polyps in the stomach?

All the basic processes of food processing occur in the stomach, consisting of the external, muscle and inner layers. In some cases, uncontrolled proliferation of cells begins in the inner layer. Such outgrowths on the surface of the mucosa, called polyps, in appearance resemble a fungus on the stem or flat, and with greater distribution become similar to the inflorescence of broccoli cabbage.

As a rule, the bulk of these neoplasms is benign and does not pose a threat to the human body. The more dangerous polyps in the stomach, so this is because with the adenomatous type the probability of overgrowth of the expanded cells of the gastric mucosa in malignant formation is much increased. Especially dangerous polyps in the stomach, having a wide base, which penetrates deep into the mucous membrane and greatly increases the risk of malignant formation.

Clinical manifestations of adenomatous type of disease at an early stage are absent and can manifest:

  • in discomfort after eating;
  • slight nausea;
  • heartburn.
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At the same time, the appetite disappears, the person experiences weakness. With the further development of the disease, the mucosa appears, internal bleeding occurs, accompanied by severe cutting pains in the stomach. Specifically, the diagnosis can be established by contacting the gastroenterologist with the first symptoms of a disturbance in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

The greatest danger for the development of gastric cancer is the proliferation of epithelial cells, larger than two centimeters in size. The transformation of benign formations into malignant ones, of course, constitutes the greatest danger. However, for the human body, the danger of polyps in the stomach also lies in a large number of them, when they expand and occupy a large area. In this case ulcers develop, the permeability of the gastrointestinal tract is impaired.

For example, about eight percent of stomach cancer initially has the appearance of a polyp. There are cases when even small polyps later become cancer cells. As centers of change in the structure of the body cells, polyps are always dangerous as a signal to further mutations. Considering whether the stomach polyp is dangerous, the answer will be positive. To avoid degeneration, if polyps have already appeared, it is better to get rid of them immediately.

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