Syndromes of the pancreas( pancreatitis)

Pancreatic syndrome is a combination of signs characteristic of inflammatory diseases of this organ: pancreatitis, cysts, tumors, etc.

The main syndrome of pancreatic disease is pain. When the head of the gland is damaged, the patient feels severe pain from the right side of the epigastric region, if the body of the gland is affected, the pain is localized on the left. When the tail of this organ is inflamed, the pain in the left hypochondrium disturbs the patient.

Pain in pancreatitis and other pathologies of the pancreas is shingled, they extend to the left from the epigastric region to the edge of the spine, where the ribs begin, they can also be delivered to the left shoulder blade, shoulder, heart, left iliac region. Basically, such a pain appears soon after eating fatty foods. It is dull, constant or paroxysmal.

Several other symptoms are included in the syndrome of pancreatic damage. This is nausea, vomiting, increased gas formation, diarrhea. The chair is plentiful, grayish, shiny, because of significant admixtures of fat it is badly washed off.

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The general examination of the patient reveals pallor of the skin, rapid weight loss, manifestations of dehydration and lack of vitamins - fragility of the nails, decreased skin elasticity, hair loss, etc.

Acute stomach syndrome occurs with diseases and lesions of the abdominal cavity. Its main symptom is intense abdominal pain, which can cause shock, often repeated vomiting, diarrhea, or stool and gas retention. This syndrome is also characteristic of acute pancreatitis. Palpation of the abdomen is very painful, the muscles of the front wall are strained. Such symptoms require urgent hospitalization of the patient.

In pancreatic diseases, syndromes of neuropsychic disorders are also observed. They can manifest themselves both during an exacerbation, and during the latent course of the disease. So, for example, almost the only symptoms of painless, latent-flowing forms of pancreatitis are irritability, weakness, increased fatigue.

In chronic and acute pancreatitis, neuropsychiatric disorders may occur, accompanied by headache, dizziness, psychomotor agitation, mental disorder, neck stiffness, autonomic disorders, sensitivity disorder, and sometimes epileptic seizures.

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