Hyperplastic gastroduodenitis

What is hyperplastic gastroduodenitis? This disease, in which the mucosa of the stomach and duodenum is covered with benign growths. Pathology can occur almost asymptomatically, but as the progression, the characteristic signs, nevertheless, appear. The patient most often complains of pain in the epigastric region, discomfort after eating, severe flatulence, rotten aftertaste after eructation, heartburn after eating.

The pain is permanent aching. They do not always arise, but only after the violation of the principles of proper nutrition. To provoke a painful syndrome can:

  • Spicy food, hot or very cold food, fatty fried foods, and excessive consumption of alcohol.
  • Any products that have an irritant effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Severity and intensity of symptoms depends on the level of acidity. The higher it is, the more noticeable the signs. Doctors, answering the question, what is dangerous for hyperplastic gastroduodenitis, pay attention to the fact that benign formations can grow into malignant ones, therefore patients are under constant control and more often than others they undergo a full diagnosis.

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Diagnosis and treatment of hyperplastic gastroduodenitis

Hyperplastic gastroduodenitis is diagnosed only with fibroadastroduodenoscopy. It clearly shows how intensively the growth of benign neoplasm occurs. During this procedure, the gastroenterologist has the opportunity to perform a biopsy of the affected areas and completely eliminate the risk of oncology.

Is it possible to treat hyperplastic gastroduodenitis? At the initial stage the disease is completely cured, the chronic stages can also be successfully treated, maximally prolonging remissions. The choice of medication depends on the degree of mucosal damage and the level of acidity of gastric juice.

If it is increased, preparations that suppress the production of hydrochloric acid are included in the scheme of treatment of hyperplastic gastroduodenitis. If the acidity is lowered - stimulating the production of acid. In addition, pills are prescribed, whose action helps activate the protective and regenerating properties of the mucosa, as well as medications that can restore motor-evacuation functions of the intestine.

In addition, the patient is recommended to adhere to a therapeutic diet and completely revise their gastronomic habits. It is necessary to learn to eat often( 5-6 times a day), in small portions, cook food for steaming or bake in the oven, use low-fat meat and ruffles, and subject them before cooking to mechanical processing( grind).With proper treatment, hyperplastic gastroduodenitis ceases to bother. If you continue to adhere to the rules of proper nutrition, to give up drinking alcohol and smoking, it is not difficult to achieve complete recovery of the mucosa and recovery.

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