Treatment of colitis by folk methods - mummies, chaga, oats, oak bark, Valdai clay, potato juice, roots of watermelon

Colitis is accompanied by sharp painful symptoms in the abdominal area, flatulence, diarrhea and constipation. Like traditional, treatment of colitis with folk methods is aimed at eliminating the root cause, because of which the disease began to develop. As a rule, a strict diet is prescribed in parallel.

In folk methods of treating colitis there are a large number of recipes. Alternative medicine is already recognized by the official community. It is worth considering options for non-traditional folk methods.

Mumio in colitis

Mumiyo is used to treat colitis, and it is always possible to achieve a positive reaction, since the drug has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps in the healing of wounds and ulcers.

The use of mumiyo is permitted by rectal and oral administration. The best result will be achieved with a combination of data from traditional methods of treatment. For oral administration in 250 ml of warm water, 0.5 g of the drug is diluted and drunk once. It is required to wash down with water and honey. It is taken before bedtime for 10 days.

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For rectal administration of mummies in colitis, 1% solution is prepared and injected after defecation several times a day into the rectal cavity. Consistently carried out 10 procedures.

Chaga in colitis

Chaga is one of the varieties of fungi. It is an absolutely harmless and safe natural remedy for treatment. Take it in parallel with other infusions and broths.

To prevent colitis attacks of acute and chronic form, you can use such folk methods for treatment. This requires taking about 20 minutes before eating food, mushroom infusion with mint. To cook it is required: 2 tablespoons of mint field and 1 tablespoon chaga poured 750 ml cups of boiling water. Insisting lasts about 30 minutes.

To ease the symptoms of the disease, a decoction of a mixture of rhizomes of the tinder, gray alder, nettle roots and mustache must be used. For 4 tablespoons, 1500 ml of cold water are poured, and it is insisted for more than 8 hours, and then boiled for at least 10 minutes and filtered.

Such folk methods of treatment for colitis are very effective, especially in chronic and nonspecific ulcerative form.

Oats in colitis

Oat in colitis is a very effective folk method. So, with diarrhea, this remedy will help: 2 tablespoons of oats are poured with 250 ml of warm water, cooked with low heat until it thickens. It is taken in a warm form for 1/2 cup several times a day before eating.

Another popular method for treatment is the following: 2500-3000 ml of boiled water is poured into 100 g of oat flakes, with continuous stirring, brought to a boil. Brewed 40 minutes with low heat, with periodic stirring. The boiled porridge is wiped through a sieve, salt and butter are added.

Oak bark with colitis

In the popular treatment of colitis, the bark of oak has found a very wide application. It contains a large number of tannins, pectins, antioxidants. It has a good effect on the destruction of microbes, can enhance immunity and eliminate inflammation. Such folk methods for treatment are opposed to putrefactive processes.

To prepare a medicinal broth, 25-30 g of oak bark are filled with 250 ml of water. The mixture is boiled in a water bath for approximately 30 minutes. It's getting cold. Raw material is wrung out and removed. The boiled water is added, so that the volume of the liquid is commensurable with the glass. Such a decoction for treatment can be stored for a maximum of 2 days.

If internal bleeding occurs in the intestinal cavity, the decoction from the oak bark in colitis should be prescribed by a specialist.

Treatment of colitis with Valdai clay

Clay has long been considered not only a quality building material, but also an excellent medicinal product. Treatment of it provides an opportunity to kill bacteria, absorb liquid and gaseous toxins, odors, gases. In addition, its use helps kill pathogens. Treatment of colitis Valdai clay has long been used in this disease of the gastrointestinal tract.

For treatment, clay is selected without sand, friable, which is warmed by sunlight, near the water source, where there are no industrial plants and settlements nearby. It is worth noting that in the preparation of the drug for treatment should be mixed only with a wooden spoon or a stick.

Valdai clay is capable of exerting a strong antibacterial and antitumoral effect. In addition, it has cleansing and enveloping properties, which is so required in the treatment of the disease by folk methods. It normalizes the metabolism, making it a highly effective natural remedy.

When colitis is recommended, treatment with this folk method for adults in the amount of 20-30 g at a time, but not more than 100 grams per day.

Roots of watermelon from colitis

The roots of watermelon have found a successful application in the treatment of colitis, since they contain a large number of acids and salts of natural origin. They are able to lower the temperature regime of the body and stimulate the body's immunity. Due to the fact that fiber is contained, the roots of watermelon are used as a folk method when eliminating constipation.

Potato juice for colitis

To help alleviate and eliminate symptoms of the disease with the help of potato juice, some rules must be followed, otherwise, burns or poisoning can be caused. Potato juice is used as a folk method for the treatment of colitis and preventive procedures. Due to its uniqueness, the possibility of external and internal treatment is provided.

When using such a folk method, you are given such properties as: anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, restorative and easy diuretic.

In any case, before taking home medications or using folk methods, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

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