Diffuse otitis media: acute symptoms of the disease, treatment, causes

Diffuse otitis is one of the most common diseases of the ears. Age is not the main criterion of the disease, but most often pathology affects children and representatives of professions related to water. With the disease, the external auditory canal becomes inflamed, and purulent accumulations in the ears can also be observed.

Etiology of the disease

Otitis diffuse is characterized by the spread of inflammation in the outer part of the passage, sometimes the process passes under the skin, rarely - on the tympanic membrane.

Diffuse otitis has the same distribution between all people, but people with a narrow passage in the ear have a greater predisposition to the disease. This pathology of children is often striking, as in babies the protective mechanisms in the ears are still imperfect and not fully developed.

This type of otitis is often called the occupational disease of swimmers, divers and other people, the reason is the frequent ingress of water into the ears.

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Symptoms of

What are the symptoms of diffuse right-sided or left-sided external otitis:

  • pain sensations of varying intensity;
  • sensation of ear congestion;
  • discharge from the ear canal, they can be transparent, purulent and even with blood veins;
  • hearing loss, some patients experience sensations similar to water in the ears;
  • inner ear swelling, which prevents use of ear plugs;
  • unpleasant odor from the ear, which is caused by purulent clusters;
  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • ear inflammation, redness, sometimes increases in size;
  • appearance of red small pimples on the auditory passage, sometimes boils.

The photo shows where the water gets into the ear

Than to treat, reviews

The main treatment for diffuse otitis is a complex medication. Only with proper treatment, the reviews are positive.

Do not indulge in independent therapy, it can not only not have a positive effect, but also worsen the condition, in particular, this applies to potent agents such as antibiotics.

Drug treatment

When treating acute otitis without complications, it is enough to take medications for local use. In such cases, the doctor will prescribe ear drops or special ointments with the content of antibacterial drugs for the destruction of the infectious process and the pathogen itself.

For the removal of the external edema and itching, the patient is prescribed corticosteroids.

Drugs, the purpose of which is useful in the acute uncomplicated form of the disease Garazon, Flucinar, Triderm, Otipaks and Sofraks, Anauran, Otinum are effective.

For the elimination of pain, it is advisable to use anesthetic drugs, for example, ketones. Use medicines with the effect of eliminating inflammation and fever-reducing - Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

By the way, these drugs have analgesic effect, before their use, be sure to consult on the interaction of medications taken simultaneously.

In the treatment of severe stages of diffuse otitis, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs of systemic action - Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Oxacillin, Cefazolin, Amoxiclav and others.

If their ear escapes discharge, the patient is cleared by the external ear canal of both ears from the exudate by means of hydrogen peroxide or a solution of furacil, regardless of whether unilateral or bilateral otitis.

Antifungal medications are prescribed in cases where otitis has a fungal nature. The choice of the agent depends on the causative agent of the disease. Which medication can be prescribed by the attending physician - ketoconazole, clotrimazole, exodermil, miconazole.


The operation is performed if there is a boil. The furuncle is opened, then the patient is prescribed antibacterial preparations for topical application in the form of drops or ointments.

Folk remedies

The question of the use of folk remedies causes a huge number of disputes. Official medicine recognizes folk recipes, the effectiveness of which has been scientifically proven.

Moreover, many official preparations are of vegetable origin.

Treatment of external otitis media is possible only after consultation with a doctor. For relief of symptoms, warming, compresses from onions, aloe, tinctures of propolis and oil are used.

Please note! In no case can you use folk remedies for the infectious and inflammatory process, and also if pus accumulates in the middle ear.

What you can and can not do

The patient must be warm, avoid drafts and dress in the weather. In addition, it is recommended to eat vegetables and fruits or take vitamin complexes to increase overall immunity.

You should not visit swimming pools, saunas and baths, wash in the bathtub to get into the rain, walk without a hat in a strong cold wind.

On the treatment and prevention of otitis media in our video:

Prevention of diffuse otitis

In order to prevent otitis media, try not to comb the auricle, avoid ear trauma, water ingestion, hypothermia, colds. Observe the rules of personal hygiene - clean your ears, but very carefully, penetrating to a depth of not more than 1 centimeter from the beginning of the ear canal.

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