Types of chronic pancreatitis pancreatitis

The First International Conference, which was successfully held in the French town of Marseille in 1963, assembled pancreatologists just to create a single classification and determine the types of pancreatitis. The results of her work were successful. Based on the characteristics of the degree of pancreatic damage, the conference participants identified 5 main types of the disease:

  • Acute
  • recurrent acute( with it pancreatic cancellation is allowed)
  • chronic
  • obstructive( accompanied by the presence of structures, stones, frequent occlusion and enlargement in the ductal gland system)
  • calcifying( complications in the form of calcinates that form in places where there were small pancreonecrosis)

This classification lasted 20 years and only 1983 has undergone a few changes, which were again made in Marseille, but already at the II International Symposium, designed to solve the problems of this disease. During the symposium, non-obstructive and obstructive pancreatitis was isolated. This graduation allowed doctors to choose different methods when prescribing a course of treatment.

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Five years later, the doctors returned to the problem of determining the types of pancreatitis. The Congress of Gastroenterologists in Rome, which met in 1988, once again exposed the problem and demanded its consideration. A year later, a modern classification of the disease was adopted, which is presented below.


This form of the disease is the most frequent. It is caused mainly by the excessive use of all kinds of alcoholic beverages. Among the total number of patients, this disease affects about half of patients, in different periods the number can reach 90%.The result of the disease is the defeat of the pancreas, a change in the structure and inflammation of minor ducts. In them, corks appear, the concentration of lithostatin decreases. All this leads to the formation of stones.


This type of pancreatitis is much less common than the previous one. Its manifestation is the narrowing or partial damage of the main pancreatic duct. In more severe cases, it spreads to the nearest branches that are nearby. Develops as a result of numerous injuries, cholelithiasis, birth defects, all kinds of tumors, alcohol consumption. With timely surgical treatment is virtually curable.


This type of disease is also called "parenchymal-fibrous".It fixes the atrophy of the parenchyma of the pancreas. It is very rare. Inflammatory changes lead to serious complications. Among them you can find phlebothrombosis, spleen infarction, thrombophlebitis.

Pancreatic fibrosis

Most often, RV fibrosis occurs as an exceptional complication of chronic pancreatitis. Carrying out ultrasound, there is a loss of a significant part of the parenchyma. With the development of cystic fibrosis, the work of exocrine glands is disrupted. The consequence of the disease is an abnormal condensation of the pancreatic secretion.

This Marseilles-Roman classification made it possible to conduct more correct treatment, highlighting the main directions in the development of the disease.

However, often the correct diagnosis can be made only immediately after surgery. Therefore, in addition to these types of pancreatitis, nutritionists conduct their classification according to the severity of the disease, according to clinical signs, ethnology and the course.

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