Treatment of constipation with folk remedies in adults, what to do, the best effective laxative rapid-action medicine, how to cure the intestines at home?

How to cure constipation at home using folk remedies? Probably, there is no such person among adults who at least once in his life did not ask such a question. This delicate and at the same time very serious problem can surprise anyone. Most people suffering from frequent and prolonged delays in acts of defecation know perfectly well that any laxative fast action will have only a temporary effect. What to do if you do not always resort to traditional medications? How to choose the best remedy, which in the very shortest time will release the intestines from fecal debris? In this situation, the most correct is to resort to folk recipes, thanks to which people from ancient times, without problems, were cured of constipation and kept in the tone of the digestive system.

The medicines used by our great-grandfathers to stop this delicate problem are completely safe and do not cause addiction. That's why they can be used not only by adults, but also by small children. What are the advantages of popular remedies for constipation? According to the experts, as well as those who have experienced the miraculous power of herbs on their own experience, the benefits of therapeutic measures with the help of many of them:

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  • All the decoctions, oil infusions and teas are prepared on the basis of plants, without the addition of synthetic substances. This makes them completely safe for the body of any person. But only if you do not abuse them, as well as consult a specialist beforehand;
  • Folk remedies taken during constipation inside or in the form of enemas always have a rapid laxative effect;
  • With the help of phytospores it is possible to treat both atonic and spastic forms of pathology. The only thing that should be taken into account in these cases is whether the selected herbs take off spasms or accelerate peristalsis;
  • With the help of proven recipes for ages, such a delicate problem as the long-time lack of urgency for defecation in an adult is treated without any harm to the body, since all phytogens have a powerful and at the same time a mild effect on the digestive system;
  • The big plus of folk remedies for constipation is that all of them are quite easy to cook at home.

But all the same it is necessary to remember that, despite a lot of positive feedback, starting an independent reception of folk remedies against constipation without consulting a specialist is strongly discouraged. The thing is that it is not the constipation itself that should be removed, but the cause that caused it. In the event that it arose because of a serious internal disease, only the medications prescribed by the doctor will help, and not the folk remedies. In such a situation, they can only exacerbate the situation, so before deciding to treat them, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment of constipation folk remedies

Before advising one of your friends to start using a particular phytosboria, it should be understood that all plants give a different effect, as well as failures in the work of the digestive organs are of different types. In order to better understand and not make mistakes in the choice of herbal medicine, you should consider the main types of constipation and the effects of folk remedies:

  • Charges that will be used for spastic forms of intestinal pathology, usually caused by poisoning by chemicals or alcohol, should have a sedative, carminative, laxativeand spasmolytic action. Best in this case will suit collections of such herbs as peppermint, tansy flowers, flax seeds, wormwood herb and others. Of these, folk remedies are prepared in the form of broths for ingestion, which can quickly help get rid of the symptoms that accompany constipation;
  • Folk remedies for the treatment of atonic constipation in adults caused by disturbances in diet and lifestyle are prepared from those plants that effectively stimulate the motor ability of the digestive organs, which quickly activates peristalsis and facilitates the release of hardened feces. They must also have a laxative effect. In the treatment of this form of constipation, folk remedies prepared from clover, burdock root, fennel and melissa will help;
  • In the case of a chronic neurogenic form of pathology, from long delays in the stool, decoctions that include peppermint, valerian and motherwort will help to get rid of the stool.

Decoctions and infusions with these ingredients are very easy to prepare at home. They are taken at night, since the validity is approximately 12 hours. A great plus of folk remedies for treating constipation prepared from these herbs is that they are palatable unlike medicinal laxatives, and they will be enjoyed even by the most capricious child. On the basis of these herbs, you can also make oil enemas, which for therapeutic purposes are given to patients with chronic stool lings at night.

How to prepare folk remedies against constipation?

Before starting phytotherapy, it is necessary not only to consult a specialist about the type of a history of an anamnesis and acceptable in this case traditional medicine for constipation, but also to adopt the following important rules that must be observed when preparing medications at home:

  • Vegetable raw materials are brewed only in glass or enameled containers;
  • To prepare a medicinal decoction with a faster and more effective laxative effect on the intestines, it must be filtered only when hot;
  • Strict adherence to the shelf life is necessary. Alcoholic infusions of herbs retain their effectiveness for a long time at room temperature, but ointments or decoctions made at home should not be more than 3 days in the refrigerator;
  • Take with constipation should only those products prepared according to folk recipes, in the use of which there is complete certainty.

If the treatment of constipation with folk remedies from herbs is long enough, in the process it should be done a short break for 2-3 days. If you observe all the above subtleties, then constipation, which does not have a serious reason, but is caused by nutritional or neurogenic factors, it is quite possible for an adult person to be cured independently at home with the help of folk remedies.

The best folk remedies for constipation in adults

To get rid of the delicate problem of long stool delays, which it is not customary to tell even the closest people, many recipes have been used since ancient times. It is not at all necessary to immediately run to the phytoaptek for herbage to prepare a decoction and infusion. First of all, you should take a closer look at the products that are always at hand:

  • For a quick cleansing of the intestine from the stools, a folk remedy like potato juice is used. Cope with constipation with the help of it is possible due to its ability to accelerate peristalsis. Squeezed juice is diluted with water 1: 1 and drunk 3 times a day before eating 60 grams;
  • Carrot or beet juice, drunk on a glass on an empty stomach, will not be worse;
  • You can at home make microclysters from oils( olive, sunflower or linseed).Traditional medicine recommends using these funds and inside by one tablespoon at night. So they help prevent constipation;
  • Prunes have a quick laxative effect. Treatment they really like children, because this "medicine" has great taste qualities. To normalize the process of emptying enough to eat 2-3 berries;
  • One of the best folk remedies for constipation is also brine from sauerkraut. Usually enough one-time reception in the amount of half a glass. In some cases, if the defecation process does not start, treatment should be repeated after 4-5 hours;
  • A good folk remedy for constipation, which has a rapid laxative effect, is considered to be the elderberry jelly. It can be drunk for preventive purposes both for children and adults, because thanks to it not only the intestinal peristalsis is strengthened, but also its internal coating is formed, which protects the mucous from damage by solid calves.

Many patients are interested in what to do in order to prevent further symptoms of chronic constipation, which folk remedies will best help with this problem. Tasty and useful medicine used for this purpose is beet kvass. Prepare this drink is very simple. Enoughly cleaned and sliced ​​raw beets into a liter jar so that it is filled to the brim. Further, everything is filled with warm boiled water and we insist for 24 hours. You can drink prepared infusion in any quantity and at any time, constantly adding to the jar boiled water. After 2 days, the composition is changed.

Also traditional medicine recommends for preventive purposes, preventing the occurrence of constipation, daily use such a remedy as bran. They are eaten in pure form, washed down with water, or added to dishes. Their main advantage is a high content of dietary fiber, which normalizes the digestive organs and improves their microflora. Thanks to the daily reception of this folk remedy, any adult will forget about such a delicate problem as frequent constipation, forever.

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