Otosclerosis: causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention

According to statistics, about 1% of people suffer from otosclerosis, with 80% of patients being women. Manifestations of the disease most often occur in 20-35 years. Pathology begins with the defeat of one ear and gradually progresses. To cope with the problem, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Otosclerosis classification of microbes

Otosclerosis is a bilateral focal process that is localized in the bone labyrinth of the ear. It is characterized by fixation of auditory ossicles or defeat of the ear's nervous system. According to the ICD-10, this disease is coded under the code H80 "Otoskleroz".

Causes of

The exact causes of the development of the disease are still unknown. Since otosclerosis is often observed in close relatives, scientists suspect a hereditary predisposition to the disease. According to medical research, approximately 40% of patients have genetic changes.

The mechanism of the appearance of the disease can be associated with such conditions:

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  • infectious diseases - for example, measles;
  • hormonal disorders during pregnancy or menopause;
  • endocrine pathology.

In the risk zone are people who have:

  • Paget's disease;
  • chronic middle ear pathologies;
  • anomalies of ear structure;
  • long stay in a noisy environment;
  • increased psychological or physical activity.

The photo depicts the area of ​​the ear damage with otosclerosis

Symptoms, diagnostic methods

At the early stage of development otosclerosis usually proceeds asymptomatically. In this case, foci of osteogenesis appear, but sound perception remains normal. Sometimes pathology has a rapid development. However, in most cases, from the onset of the onset of the disease to the onset of the first signs, 2-3 years pass.

Otosclerosis is usually accompanied by noise in the ears. In this case, hearing impairment is detected exclusively during the performance of audiometry. As the disease progresses, the following symptoms appear:

  1. Hearing loss is gradually increasing. It initially affects extremely low frequencies and is one-sided. Gradually, hearing loss extends to high frequencies. In this case, the second ear is also involved in the process.
  2. This occurs a couple of years after the onset of the first manifestations. At the same time, hearing is steadily deteriorating. Improvements with such a diagnosis can not be. However, complete deafness does not occur - a person may experience a maximum of a third degree of the disease.
  3. Until the decrease in hearing loss, the patient has tinnitus. It is associated with the defeat of blood vessels and the violation of metabolic processes in the cochlea. As a rule, this symptom is not expressed. Dizziness due to lesion of the labyrinth. This symptom occurs very rarely and quickly disappears.
  4. Ear pain usually accompanies the rapid growth of bone tissue. This symptom is bursting in nature and affects the mastoid process. Often after an attack, hearing is reduced.

An otolaryngologist may suspect otosclerosis due to symptoms. To make a more accurate diagnosis, a specialist must perform otoscopy and other studies.

Additional diagnostic studies include the following:

  • audiometry;
  • assessment of sensitivity to ultrasound;
  • radiography and magnetic resonance imaging of the skull;
  • assessment of decreased mobility of auditory ossicles;
  • analysis of the vestibular properties of the ear.

In some situations, it may be necessary to consult a narrow specialist. The patient may be referred to a vestibulologist or otoneurologist. It is important to differentiate otosclerosis with other lesions of the auditory organs - otitis media, neuritis of the auditory nerve, cholesteatoma.

Species, forms

Otosclerosis is classified according to different criteria. Depending on the peculiarities of the abnormal process, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  1. Fenestral otosclerosis - foci of pathology are in the area of ​​the windows of the labyrinth. In this case, only the sound-conducting function of the ear is disturbed. This is the most favorable form of the disease, as surgical intervention helps to fully restore the hearing.
  2. Cochlear otosclerosis - foci of abnormal changes are located outside the windows of the labyrinth. They are associated with the defeat of the bone capsule and are accompanied by a violation of the sound-conducting function. Performing the operation does not allow full recovery of the hearing.
  3. Mixed otosclerosis - in this case, there is a decrease in function and perception. At the same time, the transmission of sounds through the inner ear is disrupted. As a result of adequate treatment, it is possible to restore hearing to bone conduction.

Depending on the rate of progression of the disease, the following forms are distinguished:

  • transient is observed in 11% of cases;
  • slow - diagnosed in 68% of patients;
  • spasmodic - typical for 21% of patients.

There are two main stages in the development of the disease:

  • is an esoteric one - considered active;
  • sclerotic - has an inactive nature.

Softening and sclerosing of bone tissue is considered a single process. It is characterized by a wavy flow, in which the stages periodically change.

How to treat

In most cases, surgical treatment of pathology is performed. Thanks to the operation, you can significantly improve hearing. However, in some cases conservative therapy is also indicated.


At the initial stage of the disease conservative methods of treatment are used to prevent sensorineural hearing loss. Usually they use preparations of phosphorus, bromine and iodine. The doctor can prescribe a 2% solution of sodium nitrite.

It is prescribed in the form of injections, which need to be introduced into the region of the mastoid process. Usually this procedure is done every 2 days for 1.5 months. The course of therapy can be carried out every 3 months.

In addition, a doctor may prescribe a xyliphosphamide or fosamax. In parallel, the use of calcium and vitamin D. The course of treatment can last 3-6 months, and it is repeated every year. At this time, it is necessary to control the hearing.

What is otosclerosis and how to treat it, see in our video:

Folk remedies

It is impossible to completely cure otosclerosis with folk methods. But they are often used to eliminate certain symptoms of the disease:

  1. According to reviews to cope with the noise in the ears, a decoction prepared from twigs with a blue-black blotch helps. To make this product, 100 g of raw materials should be mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat. The volume of the liquid should be halved. The strained means need to be injected into the ears - 3 drops each.
  2. To make beet drops, you need to weld 1 small root. After that, grind it with a grater and squeeze the juice. The received means to enter into ears - on 3-4 drops. Strengthen the effect of using such a composition will help the consumption of juice of cranberries or beets.
  3. An excellent remedy for getting rid of noise in the ears is dill. For this, the plant must be crushed and mixed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Close the lid and leave for an hour. The strained means to use on 100 ml for a quarter of an hour up to meal.


Most often people with this diagnosis perform stapedoplasty. In this case, full or partial prosthesis of the stapled bone is carried out. This operation is done on each ear separately. Between interventions must pass a minimum of 6 months.

The prosthesis can be made of human cartilage or bone tissue. Also used titanium, ceramic or Teflon means. Stapedoplasty provides 100% guarantees, as it does not help stop osteogenesis.

Another option for treatment is the mobilization of the stapes. During surgery, the stapes are released from bone and cartilaginous fissures that interfere with its movement. In some cases, perform a fenestration of the labyrinth. In this case, a new window is made in the wall of the vestibule of the labyrinth.

Implant implant for the treatment of otosclerosis


Because the causes of the onset of the disease are unknown, it is impossible to prevent its development. To prevent the disease from progressing, experts advise to adhere to such recommendations:

  • systematically undergo examination at the ENT;
  • for any manifestations of hearing loss consult a specialist;
  • eliminate stressful situations;
  • to avoid physical and emotional stress;
  • walk more often on the street;
  • avoid staying in noisy rooms;
  • to exclude bad habits - consumption of alcohol, smoking.

Otosclerosis is a serious disease that can lead to a significant worsening of hearing. To stop the progression of the disease, it is very important to turn to an otolaryngologist in time to choose effective therapy.

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