Tuberculosis( vulgar) lupus: treatment, symptoms, diagnosis

Skin lesions, accompanied by changes in the state of the upper layer of the epidermis, lead to the manifestation of cosmetic defects and can cause pathological changes in the skin. Lupus erythematosus, otherwise known as vulgar lupus, is an infrequent lesion of the skin( predominantly of the face), which begins to show up in childhood and continues to worsen with age.early diagnosis of this disease allows you to exclude extremely negative effects on the face and keep as far as possible its attractiveness, as later stages of the disease are accompanied by significant changes and deterioration in the overall appearance of the patient.

The end result of tuberculosis lupus is the gradual melting of tissues, which is accompanied by a change in the structure of cells, a violation of their nutrition. Prolonged course of the chronic type does not provide an opportunity to completely cure the disease, but timely medical measures allow you to suspend the pathological process. In general, the manifestations of this skin lesion are revealed on the surface of the skin of the face, mainly on the cheeks, nose and forehead. However, sometimes tuberculosis and lupus are diagnosed on the mucous membranes, where treatment is even more difficult.

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Features of the disease

Since this disease is most often manifested in childhood, with sufficient attention to it is likely to stop the aggravation of the pathological process in the skin. And even in the absence of complete cure and stoppage of the current changes in the epidermis, there is a real opportunity to prevent facial skin disfigurement. The diagnosis of the disease is made during a medical examination by a dermatologist who, when analyzing external manifestations and subjective sensations of the patient, can obtain the necessary data on the current process and put the final diagnosis after the laboratory tests of the skin samples of the face.

The healing of the disease is possible, but for this it is necessary to have its early diagnosis, properly formulated adequate system of medical treatment and accompanying measures( care, nutrition, daily routine and a positive emotional background) that will stimulate the body to recovery. Maintaining the necessary level of immunity will also help to restore the skin of the face to a natural state, preserve its health and attractiveness.

Usually, lupus begins its development after suffering mechanical injuries to the facial skin, which, in the presence of a number of latent infections, give impetus to the development of this ailment. The first manifestation of the disease is the formation on the skin surface protuberances above its surface of tubercles, which have a reddish-brown hue, the upper part of which is smooth. Subsequently, the surface of the tubercles begins to peel off, the tubercles, which have the scientific name "lupomas", first represent single neoplasms, and then, as the disease progresses, merge, forming a single reddish-brown spot.

Tuberculous lupus( photo)

Classification of

Due to the medical classification currently available in medicine, it is possible to assign the identified type of skin pathology to a specific species, which enables its quick cure according to the scheme of exposure. However, it should be borne in mind that the course of the disease in different patients can vary significantly, the perception of the treatment performed by the body is also different, so that the possibility of correcting the medication effect and adhering to the recommendations of the treating physician will sooner eliminate the external manifestations of the disease. The doctor is a dermatologist and infectious disease specialist who treats the underlying and currently existing diseases in the body and prescribes the necessary treatment if they are available.

Classification of the disease includes the following types of disease, which are determined by the location of ulcerative surfaces on the skin of the face, their appearance and basic symptoms:

  • located manifestations on the skin of the face - most often are places of ulceration on the cheeks, nose and forehead parts;
  • on the mucosa - this kind of disease is detected on the mucous membranes in the mouth and nose;
  • , the disease can also be subdivided into a pityarezo variety, accompanied by pronounced peeling of the damaged surfaces, psoriatic lupus, when developing a large amount of silver-gray particles on the surface of the lupus, a serpiginous form - the formation of ulcers is accompanied by the formation of scars in places of their localization.

There is also a division of manifestations of the disease into two main types - flat and bumpy lupus.

  • With flat type, the lupons have the appearance of flat lesions that do not protrude above the surface of the skin,
  • and, with a tuberous form of formation, protrude above the skin and have a color different from healthy skin.

The listed types of the disease have pronounced manifestations, which allows to diagnose the current pathology of the facial skin quite easily and quickly.

Causes of

Especially often the skin condition under consideration occurs after mechanical trauma of the facial skin with hidden infections in the skin, which in the presence of provoking factors become the causes of tuberculous lupus erythematosus. Most often, this lesion occurs in childhood, as the person grows up, the disease progresses. Treatment requires a long and diverse, including medicamental effects and certain therapeutic therapeutic measures.

The genetic predisposition, presence of current inflammatory processes in the upper layer of the epidermis can also be the causes of this lesion.

Symptoms of tuberculous lupus

The manifestations of this disease should be considered the appearance on the surface of the skin areas with altered cells, which lose their elasticity due to the degeneration of connective tissue and the replacement of its scar tissue. When lesions of mucous membranes, the appearance on their surface of ulcers with a changed color, which may protrude somewhat above the surface.

Symptoms with further progression of the disease are as follows:

  1. The soft surface of the tubercles, which consist of the smallest rashes with the liquid present in them, first simply by touch differs from healthy skin, and then becomes more susceptible to external influences: even with a slight depression of the damaged areasthe skin surface is restored very slowly.
  2. Small ulcers appear on the site of the soft affected areas, which gradually increase in size and merge.
  3. Ulcers become horny as they mature, their surface begins to peel off.
  4. In case of damage to the mucous membranes( in particular, the nose), a necrotic process occurs in the damaged cartilage at the site of the ulcer decay, in which an opening forms during the decay of the ulcer.

At advanced stages of the disease development there is a significant lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, which are covered with ulcers with a bleeding bottom( peptic ulcer disease) and dirty gray granules inside them. The lesion spreads from the tip of the nose and the auricles, then onto the cheek and forehead.


The detection of this disease of the skin and mucous membranes is performed with the joint work of a dermatologist and infectious disease specialist who, after an external examination, an analysis of the patient's subjective sensations and a laboratory examination of skin tests, can make a final diagnosis. Often this disease is accompanied by the manifestation of cancerous process in the skin and its erysipelas, which greatly complicates the process of cure.

  • Differential diagnosis includes the exclusion on the basis of laboratory studies of such skin lesions as lupus erythematosus, DKV, tuberculoid leprosy( leprosy), actinomycosis.
  • Also used to determine the disease and its variety is the method of visual examination of the affected skin.

Treatment of

The treatment depends on the type of lesion, degree of neglect and penetration into adjacent tissues - tuberculosis lupus has the ability to penetrate into the cartilage, ligaments and bones for a long time. In this case, the treatment process is longer, accompanied by the occurrence of probable complications.

Depending on the type of disease, the dermatologist prescribes treatment, which is based on the medicinal form of the effect on the intake of specific drugs with directed action. Irradiation of affected areas with x-rays can also be prescribed.


Adult patients are treated with tubazid, the dosage of which is prescribed by the doctor and can be different for different initial data( the patient's susceptibility to the selected drug, the degree of neglect of the disease and the location of the pathological process).The duration of this potent drug is also determined by the doctor. Self-treatment for tuberculous lupus erythematosus is contraindicated because of the possibility of negative consequences, aggravation of the current process in the skin.

For infants and children

In childhood, treatment for tuberculosis of lupus should only be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, taking into account the child's age. Also apply the drug Tubazide, but the dosage in this case is reduced.

The use of streptomycin injections can also be used - in the case of a child's susceptibility to this drug. Particularly actively used for the removal of the main symptomatology is the physiotherapeutic effect, aimed at stimulating the regenerative processes in the skin.

Therapeutic method

As a therapy, the patient's nutrition is adjusted, in the diet of which the quantity of fresh and vitaminized foods that stimulate immunity for a speedy recovery should predominate. Applied methods of physiotherapy that allow you to quickly eliminate the most obvious manifestations of the disease:

  • phototherapy - is shown in the absence of a pronounced tuberculous process in the skin;
  • irradiation with X-rays, which stimulate the restoration of the epidermis.

By medicamentous method

For the treatment of pathologically altered skin areas the following preparations are used:

  • pyrogallic ointment, which removes the active stage of tissue destruction;
  • resorcin paste, the drying effect of which allows accelerating the recovery processes in damaged areas;
  • liquid nitrogen, cauterizing inflammation and necrotic tissue.

Lupons localized on the surface of the mucous membranes are cauterized with lactic acid solution.


In advanced stages of the disease, in some cases, in the absence of positive dynamics, tissue transplantation is possible, but with complete exclusion of active stages of inflammatory processes in the skin.

Folk methods

The use of traditional medicine in the detection of tuberculosis of lupus is not recommended. They can be useful in restoring the body in the final stage of treatment, speeding up the healing process of tissues and eliminating the consequences of their necrosis.

Prevention of the disease

Prophylactic measures include continuous monitoring of skin health, especially in childhood. Prevent mechanical damage to the face, at the beginning of any pathological processes in the upper layer of the epidermis to conduct adequate treatment.

Complications of

If the therapeutic effect is insufficient, there is a high risk of deterioration in the appearance of the facial skin, its disfigurement: the appearance of ulcers of scars that do not go through life, loss of intensity of the skin's elasticity, and strong spots on the skin surface can also remain.


With the timely onset of medical treatment, the probability of complete cure is 98-100%.

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